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artwork by Priscilla of Healing Art see more of her work at Healing Arts


When we read in the Bible about Jesus'life what are the main things we see in his 3 year ministry? We see the way he taught the poor and reached out to sinners with the Gospel. We see His kindness and love. We see His sacrifice of dying on the cross. We rejoice in His resurrection. One very important aspect of Jesus ministry was his healing of the sick. He not only healed the sick but He empowered his followers to do the same.
Here are some scriptures that speak about healing:

Exodus 15:26 Exodus 23:25-26 Psalm 103:1-5
Psalms 107:19-20 Proverbs 4:20-23 Isaiah 53:4-5
Jeremiah 1:12 Jeremiah 30:17 Matthew 8:17
Matthew 15:30-31 Matthew 18:18-19 Mark 11:23-24
Mark 16:17-18 Luke 9:2 Luke 13:16
Acts 5:16 Acts 10:38 Galatians 3:13-14
James 4:7 James 5:14-15

I will not print out all these scriptures, take a look in the Goshen verse search below. As you can see HEALING IS PART OF GOD'S PLAN FOR US, HE DESIRES OUR WELLNESS

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UPDATE 1999 God has worked more healing in my life.

What a year!! I have several healings to share. Some took place gradually, some quickly, all by the power of God.
1. I started a program similar to Neil Anderson's "Steps to Freedom" in January. If you are not familiar with it use a search engine to find his site. The benefits are amazing. As I became free in my spiritual life I gained new freedom in many physical and emotional aspects of my life. I recommend it for anyone. I have exchanged being an oversensitive, people pleaser to being confident in Christ alone and His view of me.
I have suffered from allergy related asthma for 18 years. I was very scent sensitive. Perfume, soaps, fabric softeners, any smells would set me off. I carried inhalers with me at all times. I couldn't even walk down a soap aisle without starting to wheeze and feel faint. Symphony concerts or any dressy affair where people would wear scents was impossible for me to attend. This summer I went to a healing service at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and I was healed totally. Since that day in late July I keep testing it out.. no reaction. For the first time in years I am free from this problem.

If you read my testimony on this website you will know the greatest healing I have had in my life. That is the inner healing that God gave me on the day of my salvation. On that day I was totally healed of a depressed state that the counsellor I was seeing called "Traumatic Stress Syndrome". That is a fancy name for depression brought on by a landslide of external incidents rather than the clinical depression often caused by biochemical imbalance. I saw my counsellor the day before I had this healing, I was in bad shape. Since my prayer on March 5th, 1997 I have not been in the depths of despair. In fact despite the pressures of studying at seminary with close to 80 hours a week studying I feel little or no anxiety..just peace. Not to say I haven't had my stresses but God has been my answer to every prayer.

This healing or miraculous involvement of God in my life was not the first time I saw God's intervention in my life. Although I will never be the kind of theologian or church leader I feel a kinship with the experience of John Wesley, I understand his sense of destiny, of being Divinely saved for a ministry. At the age of 9 years old, a house fire broke out in the basement of my home in the middle of the night. As we slept the smoke quietly engulfed the whole house. My mother woke up and smelled the smoke and awakened us all, the smoke was so thick that our eyes burned and we couldn't see. We crawled down the stairs and outside in the cold November with only our pajamas on and a blanket around our shoulders. The fire chief said 10 more minutes in that house and we all would have died. We were sick from smoke inhalation for many weeks after but we were alive.

I again came near to death at the time of the birth of my second child. A few days after my healthy son was born, I hemorraged, I was sent for emergency surgery to the nearest city. I was scared and prayed as my son and I were whisked by ambulance the hour long journey. While I was in surgery I lost so much blood that I went into shock. My heart stopped and an additional surgical team was called in. One to revive me, one to stop the hemmorage. I remember travelling down a long tunnel toward a light. I remember the warmth and wanting to go on. But I also remember being told. "You have more to do in your life" and then a blackness. When I woke up in intensive care I remember hearing the nurse say my temperature was 30 degrees, for those of you less familiar with body temperature..30 is so low it is considered lifethreatening hypothermia, not many survive. I was so cold but I could not move a muscle. I had 6 units of blood transfused that day. That was in 1982 when there were no tests being done for HIV on donated blood. God protected me and took care of me. My doctor told me if I had been in that state 10 years previous medical science could not have saved me but I know it was the Lord who chose that I should continue on.


I was first given the opportunity to be involved in the ministry of healing through the International Order of St. Luke. It is an interdenominational order of clergy, health professionals, and lay people who feel called to make Jesus' ministry of healing a regular part of their vocation. The members are taught how to become part of Jesus' healing ministry through Bible Study, and prayer and offering healing services through established churches. The chapter I belonged to had members from many denominations, we saw and heard of many wonderful healings that came as a result of intentional prayer and annointing with oil.

Now that I am a member of the Vineyard church, we offer prayer ministry every week after church and healing is one of our main focuses. God can use each of us in this ministry as we follow Jesus' example and the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us.

If you have a personal testimony of the healing power of Jesus in your life email me from my main page and I plan to post them on this page.

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