Welcome to my Guestbook. May God richly bless you each and everyday. TO HIM BE THE PRAISE AND GLORY. AMEN HERE IS MY FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: FROM PSALM 73 (NKJV) 23 Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. 24 You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterward receive me to glory. 25 Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. 26 My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

C. Gordon - 11/27/00 09:26:10
My Email:dukechristian@yahoo.com
Gender: male
Are you saved?: hope so
Favorite Book of Bible: concordance
Favorite Music: David Ruis

I can't beleive I found Ann Camber's Web Page! I was looking up the Regina Vineyard, and the first page I clicked on was this one. I started reading and thought, I don't beleive it! This MUST be Ann's page! How often do you ACCIDENTLY find someone you know on the net? Well Ann, I am proud of you. You have worked very hard to be where you are. God has taken you through the wilderness and given you his grace that you may not perish within it. You have come out empowered like Elijah. God Bless you Ann. -cg By the way, thanks again for paying for my headaches all those times. I still think about it and pray for you too.

Sharon Morgan - 11/23/00 01:21:47
My URL:http://www.fridaysfaithfinders.homestead.com
My Email:onthego@gvtc.com
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms
Favorite Music: Hymn: Be Thou My Vision

Pastor Ann, I truly enjoyed my visit here. Your story of Chris' salvation was very educational to me. I have a hard time finding the right words sometimes to witness to children. I would like to present you with this award for being a site that witness s the gospel of Christ to the lost. May God use this site to plant, water, and bring to fruition many in the name on Christ. A sister in Christ, Sharon Morgan

Rev. Johannes Myors - 10/29/00 13:57:39
My URL:/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
Gender: male
Are you saved?: yes - are you?
Favorite Book of Bible: James
Favorite Music: Messianic Jewish

Shalom from a fellow believer in Y'shua at Yahoo!Geocities. You have a nice website. At the present time, I'm trying to visit as many Christian websites at Yahoo!Geocities that I can. If by some chance I signed your guestbook at an earlier time, please fo give this second entry. Please feel free to come and visit my site. Take care in Y'shua the Messiah.

Cecilia - 10/29/00 12:54:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cecitrot/sharing.html
My Email:tehillah@inchrist.org
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: YES
Favorite Book of Bible: Isaiah
Favorite Music: Praise & Worship

Hello from The Bahamas. Found you on our mutual web ring. I ties to Canada, because a good portion of my family lives there. More important, I love your site and the sharing of Christ that you so beatifully write about. Please be encouraged to continue. I journey with you in study as I prepare for full time ministry as a Christian Counsellor. You pray for me and I'll pray fo you. Please visit me site and sign my guest book. Love in Christ, Cecilia

Candace - 10/08/00 15:07:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heisthelightoftheworld2000
My Email:cfearrington@msn.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: All are my favorites

Excellent site! I loved visiting. God Bless!!

Diva Lady_B - 08/18/00 19:15:55
My URL:http://www.divinediva.org
My Email:whisper@divinediva.org,divinity@divinediva.org
Gender: Divine Divas of the Web

Hi! I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you to visit our website, Divine Divas of the Web. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into ou organization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance, you will receive a personalized membership logo to place on your website.
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from Diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as One.

Divine Diva of the Web does not discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs, or Creed. We welcome the diversity!!!

Joanie - 08/13/00 03:42:23
My Email:danciee@bigfoot.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: all
Favorite Music: oldies

Welcome to CWOW. They are a great bunch of people!! Joanie

Julie - 07/22/00 06:26:10
My URL:http://www.cwowfoundation.org/member/311/julie.html
My Email:NrthnJewl@aol.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: YES!!!
Favorite Book of Bible: Proverbs
Favorite Music: Contemporary Christian

Hey So glad that you have joined CWOW. I have saved your homepage. Looks like there is some great and wonderful links there. Thankyou for sharing so many wonderful things! I pray that the Lord continues to bless you. JULIE

Shirley - 07/21/00 22:53:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Iam333renewed
My Email:webpraiseforjesus@Prodigt.net
Are you saved?: Yes, I am saved!
Favorite Book of Bible: John
Favorite Music: Gospel

Wonderful site! Welcome to CWOW! May God continually bless you as you serve Him! Shirley....CWOW

Debra - 07/21/00 04:34:24
My URL:http://heartofgratitude.homestead.com/index.html
My Email:rebbie42@yahoo.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms

Greetings from CWOW. I love your site. Your testimony is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

Lisa Hansard - 07/17/00 03:27:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/joyinthejourney/index.html
My Email:hansard@writeme.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms
Favorite Music: christian cont. and country

Wanted to welcome you to CWOW....glad you are here!

Michelle - 07/17/00 00:25:16
My URL:http://www.thelivingwater.i-p.com
My Email:dreamquix@yahoo.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: gospels
Favorite Music: christian

Welcome to CWOW

Eve Ray - 07/16/00 20:51:03
My URL:http://ourchurch.com/member/w/Willow/
My Email:roseqult@hotmail.com
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: YES
Favorite Book of Bible: Romans
Favorite Music: Christian

Hello and welcome to CWOW! I know you will be blessed with this group of wonderful ladies. Your testimony is so riveting and uplifting! I was not one of those "nice" people who sat in church Sunday after Sunday, but I have often thought that when a "nice" person becomes truly saved.....that is a miracle! Thank you for your honesty and the beautiful presentation of our lovely Savior on the WWW. Only by His Grace, Eve

Rhonda - 07/16/00 20:40:15
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/lavenderplace/1127
My Email:rhonda@ilovejesus.net
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Yes...
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms
Favorite Music: I love all kinds of music!!

I just wanted to welcome you to Christian Women on the Web. I hope you have a wonderful experience with us! God Bless You Richly! Rhonda

Joyce Conrod - 07/16/00 19:49:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/5840/cardindx.html
My Email:jconrod@juno.com
Are you saved?: Without a doubt.
Favorite Book of Bible: Ruth
Favorite Music: On Bended Knee


Have a Great Day!

God's Promise to Noah

Click on picture to see the full lake applet.

"And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I ake between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. ... I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting co enant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth." -Genesis 9:12-17

The electronic Java applet is copyrighted © 2000 by CTS Web Designs.

Click here to go to the Conrod Family Home Page

Click here to go our JAVA Applet Index

steve - 04/16/00 13:17:30
My URL:http://fathers.itgo.com
My Email:sww1609@hotmail.com
Are you saved?: YES!!!!!!
Favorite Book of Bible: Acts

God bless,
How to be saved? The bible said if you believe on Jesus and ask him to forgive your sin with all your heart and he will.

Greater is he who is in you than in the world

Penny - 04/11/00 07:48:15
My Email:morrell@manitouwadge.lakeheadu.ca
Gender: female
Are you saved?: Yes!
Favorite Book of Bible: only one? Psalms
Favorite Music: Praise and Worship

Hello, I've been encouraged while visiting your site. Thanks for sharing what the Lord is doing in your life. You've great links here too!

Jo - 02/03/00 03:11:26
My URL:http://7thheaven.acmecity.com/mary/270
My Email:jomc@series2000.com
Are you saved?: Saved and Thanking the Lord Jesus every day.
Favorite Book of Bible: John (17th chapter, especially)
Favorite Music: Gospel

You have an awesome web site and I'm so thankful I have found it. I shall return and visit often. May our God shower you generously with His best blessings every day of your life.

Tim Greenwood Ministries - 01/10/00 22:20:23
My URL:http://www.tgm.org
My Email:webmaster@tgm.org
Gender: Male
Are you saved?: YES!
Favorite Book of Bible: ACTS
Favorite Music: Christian

God bless you and your site!

(Move mouse over this link to go to this site.)
Stop by and take a look!

~joyce - 11/14/99 14:30:42
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/JOYWELLS/REFLECTIONSFORTHE
My Email:Joywells@webtv.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: and born-again
Favorite Book of Bible: Romans
Favorite Music: Hallelujah Chorus

I thank the Lord for website's like yours, our Saviour words are filling the internet

11/14/99 10:17:19
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

Mojo - 11/09/99 21:54:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/workprogram
My Email:mojo578@hotmail.com
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: romans
Favorite Music: Christian

I love your site! I love site that are christian sites. I am a christian sahm. I will return again really soon. God Bless.

Mary Smith - 09/04/99 03:37:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/3444
My Email:ICU@smileyface.com
Are you saved?: Praise God YES
Favorite Book of Bible: psalms
Favorite Music: lots..I love the Left Behind book series

Hello Ann, I came to your site via your testimony in the newsletter. I like the page you have about "Is it really Healing Touch?" That was wondeful!! Mary

Dorothy - 08/23/99 14:49:07
My Email:Dimples24u@aol.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: YES!!!
Favorite Book of Bible: John
Favorite Music: Christian and good songs

Hi , Thank you for letting me share the love of the Lord today :) It is so refreshing to be here! May God richly Bless you! I am truly Blessed ! ( John:3:16) Jesus Loves You ,,me too,:) Dorothy

Ellen - 08/17/99 22:30:16
My URL:http://daughters.tsx.org/
My Email:ellen@ministrycentral.com
Gender: women
Are you saved?: Praise God, yes!
Favorite Book of Bible: Eph.
Favorite Music: All Christian

Praise God for you site. Your women in the ministry was great. Come visit and also stop by our mission page: http://nepal.tsx.org/

Rev. Jude Lesemann - 08/01/99 00:19:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/sozo
My Email:RevJude@minister.net
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Yes indeed!
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms
Favorite Music: Classical

Great site. I am finishing up a BA in biblical counseling and then will attack an MA in BC as well. Very excited about the future in counseling. I will return often and be blessed again! Please stop by COME SEE Ministries. God bless.

Tommy Walters - 07/18/99 12:17:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/3318
My Email:tawalters@alltel.net
Gender: Male
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: ALL
Favorite Music: Country\Gospel

Nice Pages & very informative. Good Family Resources. Keep up this wonderful work.

Dennis Allen Briggs (Gad) - 07/10/99 20:09:53
My URL:http://www.theendbygod.com/index.htm
My Email:deallen@theendbygod.com
Gender: Male
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Isaiah
Favorite Music: Southern Gospel

Shalom alekhem! (Peace be with you!) Enjoyed dropping by your site and set a bookmark for a return.

Eric Crawford - 07/07/99 22:54:13
My Email:ejrl4011@cs.com
Gender: male
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Job
Favorite Music: Contemporary Christian

Like your page!

Kimmie Bolton - 06/28/99 02:47:28
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members7/sandcastles777/index.html
My Email:eb777@industrynet.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: Absolutely!!!
Favorite Book of Bible: Galatians
Favorite Music: Bryan Adams/Amy Grant

What a great page! Nice to meet you!God has such creative people in His Kingdom! When we send out a message in a bottle to Him,it does come back to us,even though we dont always recognize it when it comes back to us,because Jesus is creative Himself and c anges it a little bit.We pray for one thing,and He gives it to us another! (Who can number the clouds in Heaven?Who can pour out the Bottles of Heaven? Job 38/37) Please visit me at the above http and also at http://www.freetown.com/TheWaterFront?Lighthou e/1014/index.html thanks! Love to hear from you awesome people out there! God Loves You! Kimmie

Smidgit - 06/15/99 03:10:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/7841
My Email:smidgit@netscape.net
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: YES
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms
Favorite Music: Southern Gospel

Truly an enjoyable visit here at your home on the Web. Fantastic job. Please visit my home on the web and sign my guestbook please while you are there so I know you were there. May God richly and abundantly Bless every aspect of your life.

Joe DiGiovanna - 05/06/99 15:45:43
My URL:http://welcome.to/hiddenmanna
My Email:joeog@yahoo.com
Gender: male
Are you saved?: Absolutely
Favorite Book of Bible: Romans
Favorite Music: Michael Card


What a beautiful website. I am very familiar with Regina - used to go there often when I was stationed in Minot N. Dakota. I always get excited when I find another site that glorifies our Lord Jesus. What you have done here for the Lord is great. So many people think that the internet is Satanic yet I constantly find excellent Christian sites like this one that glorify God and feed the Spirit. May His annointing comfort you everywhere you go - through everything you go through - good and bad and may God continue to bless and keep you in His peace, mercy, grace, and LOVE!  Come over and visit us soon...


He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. Rev 2:17 (KJV)

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Joe DiGiovanna - 05/06/99 15:44:34
My URL:http://welcome.to/hiddenmanna
My Email:joeog@yahoo.com
Gender: male
Are you saved?: Absolutely
Favorite Book of Bible: Romans
Favorite Music: Michael Card


What a beautiful website. I am very familiar with Regina - used to go there often when I was stationed in Minot N. Dakota. I always get excited when I find another site that glorifies our Lord Jesus. What you have done here for the Lord is great. So many people think that the internet is Satanic yet I constantly find excellent Christian sites like this one that glorify God and feed the Spirit. May His annointing comfort you everywhere you go - through everything you go through - good and bad and may God continue to bless and keep you in His peace, mercy, grace, and LOVE!  Come over and visit us soon...


He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. Rev 2:17 (KJV)

Christian Fellowship and SuperStore

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Patrick - 04/22/99 18:18:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/2145
My Email:see my web site


Ray - 01/30/99 19:37:55
My Email:rjgirard@cyberback.com
Gender: male
Are you saved?: YES
Favorite Book of Bible: Ephesians
Favorite Music: Gospel then Oldies

Very informative pages... nicely put together site..... glad to have been here..hope many find there way here and to the LORD. God Bless, Ray

Megan - 01/26/99 01:24:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4073
My Email:megan_one@geocities.com
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: for 7 overly Blessed years
Favorite Book of Bible: hmm... the Johns all four of them actually!!
Favorite Music: Well I think I'll go with Delirious? but normally a massive range!

Well I havn't actually gone into all your rooms yet but I like what I see so far. I'm sure I'll be back. I wanted to thank you for signing my guestbook and I pray you will return to my site often and see my regular updates. It's great meeting you!!!
Neilja - 01/14/99 22:10:49
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/onewayhome/index.html
My Email:onewayhome@juno.com
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Beyond the shadow of a doubt!
Favorite Book of Bible: Ephesians

It's obvious you have spent many hours doing the work of the Lord and how wonderful it has all turned out. I pray that you and all visitors are abundantly blessed.

Terry Flue - 01/14/99 07:19:12
My Email:tflue@wa.net
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: John

what an excellent web site. Thanks for letting me know. Hope all is fantastic with you. (((hugs))) Terry

Cathy - 01/11/99 04:52:53
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/ps/mtgirl
My Email:mtgirl@ivillage.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: 1 Corinthians
Favorite Music: Any Christian

Very nice site, good luck in your studies. May God richly bless you and your desire to serve Him.

phillie - 01/09/99 17:01:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2185
My Email:phillie1@cheerful.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes

You have obviously put a lot of work into this site and have created a very worthwhile place on the web. I am really glad I came across it. God Bless.

Debbie West - 01/09/99 11:07:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/5723/
My Email:kerdeb@nemontel.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms
Favorite Music: Comtemporary Christian

What a beautiful site. I have really enjoyed my visit here. God has done a wonderful thing in your life. He says that He will neither leave or forsake us. His hand is continually guiding our daily path. Just keep looking to Him. May God bless you in your life and your work for Him.

Rev.JenineMarie McCune - 01/05/99 19:54:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nm/revjenine
My Email:revjenine@angelfire.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Romans
Favorite Music: Contemporary Christain

Ann, I like your web site. Yes, we do have much in common. Keep your faith strong! God will do amazing things in your life. Love in Christ, Rev. Jenine

BILL AND CAROL/ OH. USA. - 12/22/98 22:10:10
My Email:columbus@oh.com
Are you saved?: yes


Ginamarie - 12/07/98 03:08:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ThisChildofGod/index.html
My Email:queensrealm@banet.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: I believe that it is God's Will for me.
Favorite Book of Bible: I have too many favorites
Favorite Music: Again I enjoy it all so much

What a nice page. Thank you for sharing this with me and God Bless.

Rachel - 11/24/98 12:52:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9039/index2.html
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Daniel, Proverbs
Favorite Music: As long as it has melody

Wonderful site!!

Rick...ric-mar - 11/13/98 11:06:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/ricmarjesuslovesyou/index.html
My Email:ric-mar@webtv.net
Gender: male
Are you saved?: yep...by His grace
Favorite Book of Bible: Ephesians
Favorite Music: Promise Keepers praise songs

Nice page....just clicked on it by way of "Click Here If You Love Jesus" banner site. Praise the Lord for you and the ministry that you are being led to do for His glory. Keep up the great witnessing and servering. God bless you....Jesus Loves You....†

10/04/98 12:49:47
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Mark Henninger - 09/28/98 09:34:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ChristianFaithAlive
My Email:mark333@enter.net
Gender: male
Are you saved?: I have faith in and love Jesus.
Favorite Book of Bible: Philippians(3:12-14)

Greetings in the Name of Lord Jesus! Another form of abuse comes from the Christian family by preferring mankind's ever-aging words to our Lord's ever-present(Before Abraham was, I AM) style. In fact, my aversion to this lifestyle almost killed me.

Judy - 08/11/98 22:54:49
My Email:dudgy8@aol.com
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Philippians
Favorite Music: Christian Contempory

Enjoyed your site and bookmarked it so I can visit again. God bless, Judy <><

Katherine Walden - 08/01/98 02:39:57
My URL:http://www.connect.ab.ca/~kwalden
My Email:kwalden@connect.ab.ca
Gender: plaid?
Are you saved?: Yes!
Favorite Book of Bible: Hard question .. ummm err the whole thing? Ok ... Galatians! (studying it in church right now )
Favorite Music: Vineyard, Delirou5 , Kevin Prosch, David Ruis

Hi fellow Vineyardite! I just passed thru your wonderful site today .. and thought I would stop and say hi.. May the Lord continue to bless you and guide you as you serve Him on the net. Drop by and chat with me sometime ( I have a chatroom on my site There are also TONS of links you probably will find interesting Katherine

Pat Wilson - 07/06/98 13:51:24
My Email:pwilson@columbus.rr.com
Gender: female
Are you saved?: Since 1 Oct 76
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms; Exodus; Phil.
Favorite Music: Worship/Praise

I am delighted with your enthusiasm, sister! I have been a missionary/English teacher at the Ohio School for the Blind for 9 yr. The key to my mission is unconditional tough-love toward teens who are totally secular. I am in the process of setting up a ome page.

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 13:48:47
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Pat Thomas - 05/16/98 05:52:09
Are you saved?: I am in Christ.
Favorite Book of Bible: all of it

Thank you for allowing me to visit your site. I enjoyed my visit very much. Blessings in Christ!

Kieran Quinn - 05/16/98 01:03:17
My URL:http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~kmq
My Email:kmq@dana.ucc.nau.edu
Gender: Male
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Romans
Favorite Music: Vineyard Worship


Erin Yorke - 04/21/98 03:04:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~YorkeE/index-3.html
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Romans
Favorite Music: Christian contemporay or classical/Celtic

This is a great place.Please come see mine.

Pamela la la - 04/15/98 21:34:09
My Email:sure...I love it.
Gender: ?? good question
Are you saved?: YES
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms
Favorite Music: various

You have the greatest web site Anne, I think it's so excellent. I hope to have more time to look around it next time I drop by. :) Pamela

Lynn - 03/24/98 01:18:06
My Email:len-were@uss.net


Prism - 03/22/98 03:10:12
My Email:jools123@aol.com
Are you saved?: by God's grace

I am very happy that we met in Theo Chat and hope we will see each other there often. I am going to ask my spouse about an OSL connection where you are . ^j^ Live well, Laugh often, Love much ^j^ Prism Julia Durrance

Liesl (Free2live)Alexander - 02/17/98 19:45:50
My URL:http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/square/gg38
My Email:gg38@dial.pipex.com
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Sure Am!
Favorite Book of Bible: Isaiah 61
Favorite Music: Christian

well Blessings to you! and I hope you hear my testimony which is not on my web page on audio it is 45 minutes long but the Lord did a mighty healing in my life. I love your page May God Bless you, and you never know one day maybe I will get invited to Can da to speak and minister. oh wow! Jesus is Lord!

Marion Lee - 02/08/98 20:19:15
My Email:leemm@sk.sympatico.ca
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yep
Favorite Book of Bible: Ephesians
Favorite Music: Christian. Praise and Worship...not too wild!

Heh! Found you with not difficulty...great Web Pages...you've been hard at work...I love it! I haven't explored all the areas you suggest...but I will. It was really good to see you this weekend and to catch up on your life! Hope your trip back to Reg na was good! Love you, Marion

Clifton J. Hudson - 01/20/98 04:49:38
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ky/lovelightMinistries/index.html
My Email:hudson@alltel.net
Gender: male :)
Are you saved?: yesssssss
Favorite Book of Bible: JOEL
Favorite Music: praise & worship

Miss chatting with you. (((((hug))))) In His Grip, Cliff

Rev.Joseph&Sharon Chambers - 01/12/98 18:05:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/jossef
My Email:josecham@msn.com
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Gospel of John

hello Tabitha, we enjoyed your views on women, and the healing page. God bless You. we found you from the "IF YOU LOVE JESUS SITE. come and visit us and read my views on marriage, divorce, family/parenting. REV.Joseph&Sharon

Debbie Scherle-Sauer - 01/12/98 00:57:13
My Email:
Gender: FEMALE
Are you saved?: YOU BET!
Favorite Book of Bible: 1 Jn.
Favorite Music: R&R, lot's of PETRA cd's

Cool Website Anne! Keep up the great work and keep the Faith! God Bless & see ya' at church!!

Samsuddin Alias - 01/10/98 16:11:55
My Email:hasa@pc.jaring.my
Gender: Male

May God Bless You.......

Frances - 01/09/98 03:18:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5876
My Email:witness@suite224.net
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: YES!
Favorite Book of Bible: Ps
Favorite Music: Gospel

Hi What a great site,you can feel the joy jumping from your words for the love of Jesus.It is awesome.Great work for our Lord.God Bless You In His Love Frances

Christy - 01/05/98 02:28:55
My Email:Charity7@webtv.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Ruth and John
Favorite Music: Christian/Fairhope & Maranatha

I love sharing and learning more about Jesus. He is my whole life and my whole reason for living - He just means everything to me because I would not be the person I am today without Him and I wouldn't even be alive today were it not for Him. The prayer and cry of my heart everyday of my life is Ps.42:1 "As the deer pants for the water brooks,so pants my soul for you, O God." I will always long for more of Him and wish with all my heart I could see His face today. Thanks for letting me share. Jesus bless your precious hearts and forever keep you in His tender love and care.

Christy - 01/05/98 02:23:37
My Email:Charity7@webtv.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Ruth and John
Favorite Music: Christian

I love sharing and learning more about Jesus. He is my whole life and my whole reason for living - He just means everything to me because I would not be the person I am today without Him and I wouldn't even be alive today were it not for Him. The prayer and cry of my heart everyday of my life is Ps.42:1 "As the deer pants for the water brooks,so pants my soul for you, O God." I will always long for more of Him and wish with all my heart I could see His face today. Thanks for letting me share. esus bless your precious hearts and forever keep you in His tender love and care.

EllenKurzdorfer - 01/04/98 17:19:43
My Email:blueeyes@webtv.net
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: John
Favorite Music: Christian/KeithGreen

HI Ann How are you, your web page is awesome and thank you for creating it. I have missed talking with you. The last email i sent you was a bomb and am now glad maybe that you didnt get it. So much has been surfacing for me and its scary. Hope you had a won erful Christmas and glad you got a chance to get away Love Ellen(SavedByHim)

Dustin Letkeman - 01/03/98 04:18:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/7223/
My Email:maeric@sk.sympatico.ca
Gender: Male
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Matthew
Favorite Music: Christian

You have a very nice page as well. Thank-you for your comments. All the best in '98!

Bob Bettson - 01/02/98 13:31:09
My Email:bbettson@idirect.com
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Isaiah
Favorite Music: Baroque sacred/folk

Ann, I admire your courage and fortitude in the face of difficulty. I know God has given you great strength to overcome adversity. My one piece of advice as an older brother is beware of easy answers to complex faith questions. My experience is that liter lism and dogmatic approaches often can damage, rather than promote spiritual growth.

Trych Cook - 12/30/97 07:52:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/2688
My Email:shekinah-glory@rocketmail.com
Gender: Female...I hope...eek!!
Are you saved?: Yup yup!!!
Favorite Book of Bible: Revelation
Favorite Music: Saviour Machine

Herro Ann!! Awesome work you've done on your page!!! God bless, and hope ya keep well...don't be a stranger! *hugs*

Sally Naumko - 12/30/97 07:39:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8931/
My Email:crucified-with-christ@rocketmail.com
Gender: With a name like "Sally"? Come on! *lol*
Are you saved?: ABSOLUTELY!=:O)
Favorite Book of Bible: Isaiah
Favorite Music: Keith Green

Nice page Ann...very well done! You are learning fast! *s* May the Lord bless you in all you do for His sake. {{{{{{{{{{{{ANN}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Joanne Hagen [kratos] - 12/26/97 12:39:17
My Email:hagen@centuryinter.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Ephesians
Favorite Music: classical


ed - 12/24/97 02:41:11
My Email:m52454@netusa1.net
Gender: male
Are you saved?: yes


Janice-(Gail fr. Theo) - 12/24/97 02:27:21
My Email:royjan@poncacity.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Psalms
Favorite Music: classical

Like your page. You sound really neat. God Bless Ya!

tana - 12/21/97 20:23:41
My Email:cour@the.link.ca
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Isaiah
Favorite Music: God-Rock

Next time bring your OWN beer !!!

tana - 12/21/97 20:20:19


tana - 12/21/97 20:19:55


Renee - 12/21/97 00:26:10
My Email:mrfuerth@wincom.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yep!!
Favorite Book of Bible: Song of Songs
Favorite Music: Steven C Chapman

Ann, it's good to see you back on line!! You sound wonderful!! I look forward to chatting with you soon!! I'm feeling wonderful too!! Yours in Christ, Renee

Connie McEntire - 12/20/97 18:42:21
My URL:http://www.Geocites.com/Heartland/Meadows/5477
My Email:rejoice8@airmail.net
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Several in the following order..Isaiah,Psalms,Jeremiah
Favorite Music: What Sin?

Ann, The sight looks good with good links. I am glad you have one.It looks informative and yet fun. God Bless you in all that you do in His light and Glory

Bruce the Lib - 12/20/97 06:56:57
My Email:liberal@bayou.com
Gender: guy
Are you saved?: sure
Favorite Book of Bible: Song of Solomon
Favorite Music: 70's Rock and Role

Ann your site is wonderful, great job!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynn - 12/19/97 06:24:43
My Email:len-wer@uss.net
Gender: female
Are you saved?: yes yes yes
Favorite Book of Bible: Revelations
Favorite Music: Moody Blues


PeggyAnn Simonet - 12/19/97 04:57:52
My Email:jopeam@integrityonline.com
Gender: Female
Are you saved?: Absolutely
Favorite Book of Bible: Philippians
Favorite Music: Praise and worship

It is great. I am so proud of you and thankful that the Lord has led us to a fellowshipping relationship. Keep following Jesus and He will make clear your paths. ((((((Tab)))))) I am so excited for our visit...Love you sister,

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