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OPEN HEAVEN IN 2007 Open Heaven in 2007. I have left this page untouched for years when someone emailed me about how God had used the information to bless and minister to them. Thank you Lord that time and time again you work in mysterious ways. I will spend a bit of time here and there updating but wow has God been changing EVERYTHING in my life. He is a wonderful and powerful Father.

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Do you desire a New Life in Christ? Go to my New Life page

For a clear understanding of what it is to live a Spirit Filled Life - Follow this link
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There are special areas of ministry God has placed on my heart. Two of these are AFFIRMING WOMEN'S ROLE IN MINISTRY and HEALING MINISTRIES IN TODAY'S CHURCH.
NEW! - Here is one of my assignments, a contextualized tract on the dangers of Sects and Cults with emphasis on New Age healing practices. This is quietly taking hold of health care and even the church is falling into the trap. I will be adding more soon.
Is it Really Healing Touch?
Please come and look over my thoughts on these very important concerns for the Body of Christ.


Here is a Gospel presentation suitable for sharing with a ten year old. It was a seminary project for my class in evangelism. Tell me what you think by signing my guest book Chris' Question

FAITH TREK 2 This was a short term mission during which I was part of a team of Vineyard Christian fellowship members from Western Canada who travelled to the United Kingdom and did service work, and servant evangelism in Croydon, Birmingham, and Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was a life changing experience as we visited Northern Ireland days after the Omah bombing.RADICAL FAITH TREK

MEANDER RIVER MISSION this was an experience I will never forget. I travelled to this home of Dene people 10 hours north of Edmonton for tent meetings. My role - an intercessor. God worked powerfully. Here is my account of the highlights of these meetings held May long weekend 2000. MEANDER RIVER - GOD MEETS HIS NORTHERN PEOPLE

My friends here at seminary say I laugh almost all the time. I guess that is because God has brought so much JOY into my life. But I appreciate humour. I found two cartoon sites on the net Reverend Fun and Daily Toon. They are featured here and are changed each day by their web authors and linked here. Hope you have a giggle and enjoy. click on the image to go to a large cartoon Here is a large cartoon which updates weekly

Hot List

Here are some links to some of my favourite sites: excellent Bible Studies and helps for those who are studying theology, finally chats and fun sites for those few and far between free times.

This page has everything a pastor or pastor in training would want.. lots of links to sermons, Bible studies,even a job board! FANTASTIC

The Blue Letter Bible is a resource that is a GOLD MINE for seminary students and pastors. Links the Bible text you are studying with the original Greek or Hebrew, also has commentaries available alongside. This has been a great help in my studies

Here is the New Updated Weekly Website for the church I pastor. The history, ministries and some of my sermons. Please take a visit.
Emerson Baptist Church, Manitoba

Regina Vineyard Website - my homechurch while attended seminary - a great family and great worship.
Vineyard Christian Fellowship - Regina

This site has links to all sorts of virtual card sites, I love to send greetings! It is a wonderful way to brighten the day of your friends and family

This is the site that describes the Canadian Bible College and Canadian Theological Seminary. Both the Bible College and seminary offer great programs. There are great professors, high academic standards and a wonderful spiritual life. If you are looking for a great place to learn COME AND JOIN US!! By the way, if you are American the exchange rate and tuition makes this quality school a really affordable alternative.
Canadian Bible College and Theological Seminary

Goshen Web Site won the best Christian Web Site for 1997. There is so much on this site it is impossible to list. Daily devotionals, Bible Studies, Christian News and great links..Don't miss It!!

Gospel Truth Ministries has been a web site I really enjoy. Excellent resources for women, and awesome links. Worth many visits. GOSPEL TRUTH MINISTRIES

Prophetic Roundtable Ministries


Preserving the prophetic word of the Lord in prophecy, visions & dreams, intercession, poems, parables, songs, & prophetic teaching.  


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