SO... Who is "The Cat" ? ? ? ?

Well, there are many things to know and love about me...

I am a Virgo born in the year of the Dog. I tend to be high-strung and overly organized, but someone that can be counted on through thick and thin. I love people and spending time with them.

I like the occult (to a degree) - Tarot, Astrology and Runes interest me, as do the Native American Indian rituals and beliefs. My great - great grandmother was an indian shaman and I hope that I have picked up a few things from her. I have been seeing into the future for a very long time (since I was 8) in the form of dreams. I NEVER mess with any negative energy, because it messes up my center. And no I am not Wiccan... Never have been.

I consider myself Christian, I believe that God is my Source, and I Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I almost became a Minister in the Methodist church, but my views are not very popular here in Alabama - (I am a feminist and very pro-choice ). I went into the hospital with depression/suicide attempt several years ago, and found that a lot of my depression came from feeling lost, stuck and unloved in my marriage and I was getting worse. I left my husband of 20 years, and my church friends never talked to me anymore... I don't know if they disapproved or if they just never knew what to say - but man did I feel deserted!! I don't go to church much anymore....but I feel that when the student is ready - the master will appear. I am at least open to ideas at this time.

I met a guy online much younger than my first husband and moved him down here to Alabama in Oct 1996. We were married on May 14,1999. Exactly three years later, Joey and I decided to get a divorce. It was very hard (it was his idea, not mine) but now I am getting on with my life. I have joined many new groups lately and spend time with my kids and my new and old friends. Most of my friends are so much younger than I am. Their energy makes me feel younger that I have in a very long time and I truly love being with them and having a good time for a change. I feel alive after so many years of feeling dead. Laughing is now ok and I can be myself. No one seems to disapprove. If they do - I don't care!

One of the new people that I have met is a really nice and handsome guy that I met online also. His name is Ken and we have lots in common. We love shooting, ballroom dancing, playing pool and traveling. We met and started dating April 26, 2003. We are now living together and I love spending time with him. One of the great things that we have done together is go on a cruise . I have setup a page with photos from our trip to Nassau. Also see us at Laurel Falls in the Smoky Mountains. Look, I am smiling after a 2.6 mile hike on a 200 feet grade.

Many people say I know everything about everything.. As a bored house wife, I took classes constantly. I love to walk in the woods(especially in the fall - crunching the leaves under my feet). I love old houses and antiques (restoring both). I love strange architecture and photographing them. I am using these loves to start a new obsession - miniatures. (my mom got me a doll house for Christmas 2005 - I will be posting photos later). I dabble in painting and do illumination and learning japanese calligraphy. I love space and Planets (Novas and such). I love reading and writing and as mentioned before my favorite subject is Vampires. I am also into Authurian Legend and American History. I play piano, and raise plants. I collect strange stones and crystals and have them placed around the house. I love cats... (Most of my friends call me cat) and I have two cats. Click here to see pictures of them.. I have started a new obsession or two - I have joined the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) which is a Medieval reinactment group and I have started going to SCI FI conventions. I will later be adding a click site to these! Also, please check out my biggest hobby and obsession of all GENEALOGY.

Last but not least, I am going thru a very intensive metamorphasis... On Sept 21,2004 - I had gastric bypass surgery. Go here for my gastric page. I am truly a whole new person and for the first time in a long time, I truly like myself.

Great Astrology Site

cat' litterbox

@ 1997

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