My Gastric Bypass Surgery Photo Page



This is me before. Toni at 362 lbs.* * * * * * This is me at Christmas - 255.5 lbs * * * * * * Me on vacation - 212 lbs

These are pre-op Photos taken on Sept 20, 2004. I had lost down to 310.6 lbs due to doctor's diets and LA Weight loss.

After pictures are to be downloaded soon. On 12/13/04, 3m post surgery, I was at 258 lbs. (Sorry all - my boyfriend's computer ate the photos, but we will put some in in a week or 2 for my 6Month pictures.

This is me at 6m. I have lost 81 lbs since surgery.

This is me at 9m. I have lost 110 lbs since surgery.I have made one of my major goals of 200 lbs. July 21, 2004YEAH!

This is my lastest picture - I am 2 years post-op and have lost a total of 184 lbs - 132.6 since surgery... I walk 2 miles a day, go to the gym 2-3 days a weeks and tap dance, ball room dance and do yoga - - 11/10/06.

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