I have two children. My daughter is Christina and she is very beautiful and extremely talented. She is very musical, dances, draws and writes. A big noisy-city kinda girl. I consider her a free spirit and very uncontainable. (A modern day equivilent of a hippie). She is now working on her art and is trying teach me to tap dance. She has just recently gotten one of the lead roles in a local production of 42nd Street. She is a member of the community chorus here and dances and sings in several local theater productions. She was recently chosen to sing in NYC at Carneige Hall.

GUESS WHAT!! She has made me a grandmother!!! cool huh!?!?!My granddaughter, Autumn was born February 9th. She is now Seven years old. She loves to dance and sing and is very smart. I love her SOOOO much! This is one of the latest pictures I have of her.

My son, Jimi, has a very sweet and gentle spirit. He loves plants and the openness of the country. He too is very musical (but more the Muddy Waters - blues kinda guy.... though lately he is gravitating toward blue grass and OLD country - Like Hank Williams, Patsy Cline...). He is now working as a cross country trucker and gets to travel all over the country. He was married Sept 22, 2000. This is a Picture of Jimi and Amber. Amber is a very talented writer and has been published in a local magazine. She is very good for him. I love being around them.

These are my two cats, Morgana on the left and Trouble on the right. If I had the energy that they had I would probably look like madison avenue model. But don't let their innocent looks fool you - they are really the devil incarnate LOL. Bet you can't guess which one is the bully!!

cat' litterbox

@ 1997

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