The largest library collection on Spanish Colonial Horses, along with a collection of memorabilia
preserved from the period when these horses were the main horse of the North American continent,
is in danger of being lost to the public. A means must be found to permanently house and display this unique
and valuable collection.
The Southwest Spanish Mustang Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation
of the horses which populated this continent in early colonial times.
First, I'll explain a bit about the organization, the founding of the registry and the dilemma
we currently find ourselves in.
These small, hearty horses are descendants of the horses originally used by the Spanish explorers.
Through trade and some horses being lost or strayed, they became the original mount of Native Americans.
They are sure footed, incredibly tough and with a reasonable disposition, they became an ideal mount for hunting,
light cavalry and exploration. Through the politics of the Indian wars, forced assimilation of Native Americans,
management of grazing land in the west and simply the encroachment of settlement, most of these horses
were removed or killed off. Through the 1930's, in attempts to create an abundance of workhorses,
many of the Spanish stallions were castrated or killed, to be replaced by the heavy workhorse stallions,
leaving virtually all of the "wild horses" as part blood, no longer the original Spanish horses of the earlier time.
From the mid 1920's through the 1950's, preservation efforts remained in the hands of a few individuals
who maintained private herds of Spanish Colonial horses with known backgrounds, horses
from herds that had been preserved by families with early land grant property and some Indian tribes.
One such individual was a man named Gilbert H. Jones.
Born in 1906 in Oklahoma (then known as Indian Territory), Gilbert grew up with Spanish colonial horses.
He recognized the decimation of their population and passionately devoted his life to their preservation.
In 1978 he incorporated the Southwest Spanish Mustang Association, creating a registry so that others with an
interest in preservation of the Spanish colonial horse could become involved. He also accumulated
the largest personal library on these horses in existence today, and maintained a collection of artifacts, memorabilia
and research data pertinent to the early use of these horses. His personal correspondence includes
correspondence with internationally known researchers including Jane Goodall , Dr. M.E. Ensminger and others.
Two weeks ago, approaching his 91st birthday, Gilbert Jones accidentally fell and sustained personal injury.
Unable to remain at his own residence, he moved in with a daughter, and the collection is now boxed up in
the home of a long term member, and member of the Board of Directors of the SSMA.
At this time the membership of the SSMA is planning to build a library and museum
to house and display this collection.
Importantly, this would allow the collection to be reopened to the public, and to researchers,
which is not possible while it is boxed up for storage. This collection is used by people active with the
American Minor Breeds Conservancy, researchers and authors at several universities, and some of the horses are
involved in a research project conducted by Oklahoma State University in conjunction with the
prestigious Gluck Institute in Kentucky.
We are engaged in a one time fundraising effort. Land has been made available for the museum,
and volunteer efforts have been organized to cover all of the labor involved in the design and construction.
However, we are desperately in need of assistance in obtaining money for building supplies,
or donations of building supplies, or a new or nearly new mobile
or sectional building. In order to unpack and shelve the books and research material, we have assessed our
immediate need for at least 600 square feet of floor space.
If there is a way that you or your company would be able to help us with this undertaking,
please contact Mr. Bryant Rickman, SSMA Board of Director and pedigree researcher.
Southwest Spanish Mustang Association Attn:Bryant Rickman
P.O. Box 48
Finley, Oklahoma 74543
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