Awarded September 15, 1997

Week of August 11, 1997

Art Angel's Logo (c.Art Angel) Always Art Angel

Hello! Welcome to my place! I live in a small town in Kansas with a population of under 500. I am a 36 year old art teacher (grades K-12) for a school which 8 years ago didn't have an art program. I was hired right out of college to design an art program and it has been very successful! I paint signs on commission for extra money, since a teacher's salary isn't all that great! I have two children, whom I am watching grow up from my seat on the bleachers, as they are both totally sports crazy. My husband is a correctional officer at the nearby maximum security prison. My newest hobby is water gardening ~ check out my pond!

My Personal Pages Elementary Art Lessons
Humor Net Stuff
Treasure Hunts Holiday Pages

Small Town Life

I live in a small Kansas town with a population of under 500. Life here is far different than that of the city. Here are some examples:

* You drive into the ditch 5 miles out of town, and the word gets back into town before you do.

* You are run off the street by a combine.

* You dial a wrong number and talk for 15 minutes anyway.

* You don't use a turn signal because everyone knows where you are going.

* You have to lock your car door when in town in the summer, or someone will leave you a sack of homegrown vegetables.

* The neighbor kids play in your yard more than your own kids do.

* You can't walk for exercise because everyone offers you a ride.

* It takes you twice as long for a trip to the post office because of the time it takes you to visit with your friends.

* You know every dog in town by name.

Small Town Tidbits

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I'd love to hear from you! 

Art Angel

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This page last updated November2, 2005

Page created May 20, 1997

In loving memory of my sister JJ ~ Nov.13,1970-Jan.10,1989

Surviving the Storm

I have made every effort to comply with "netiquette". If I have unknowingly used a graphic that I shouldn't, please accept my heartfelt apologies and e-mail me. I will either remove the graphic or give proper credit. Want to know where I got some of my great backgrounds and graphics? Most of my backgrounds are credited at the bottom of each page, but for those that aren't, check out my credits page.

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