If you're visiting Philadelphia and need a great hair cut or color, see:
Daniel Iannelli
Back to Loretta's Place, my home page for genealogy, vegetarian recipes,
non-toxic housekeeping, the grandkids, the pets and more!
These pages originally created December 1997 and was last updated on 25 August 2007.
They say that imitating someone is the highest form of flattery.
Since I have recently found the entire contents of these pages copied
EXACTLY and used on someone elses site created on Oct 1999 (you know who you are),
I guess I should be flattered. Duplication of the contents of this site, in any form,
without permission from the author of this website is prohibited
and will be considered a mortal sin, or at the very least, not very nice!
Thou shalt not covet or steal thy neighbors kitchen cosmetics recipes.......
Copyright December 1997-2007
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