Ancestors Anonymous

. . .my genealogy pages. My name is Loretta Wallace and my hobby...passion, ok, ok,...addiction, is genealogy research. My goal for these pages is to share my family surnames and other searchable databases I've acquired over the years and to provide links to some of the more off-the-beaten-path genealogy sites which have on-line searchable databases. Because I was born in Philadelphia and most of my ancestors settled here and in other towns along the east coast of the US, I've included a lot of Pennsylvania and Mid-Atlantic states resources. Also included are links to other sites that provide searchable data and assistance to researchers who are searching elsewhere. If you're researching your anonymous ancestors who lived in Philadelphia, be sure to visit The Philadelphia Story listed under PA resources. If you happen to be Irish, then my page The Celtic Connection is one you'll find useful!

Please E-mail me about any broken links, thanks!

This page last updated 1 April 2009

A GeoCities Featured Page

Genealogy Tree

110 Surnames:

A list of all my known direct line ancestors, going
back 17 generations to circa 1300AD, looking to add more!

Surname Index:

This page contains the GEDCOM to HTML index of surnames of 2,593 individuals in 1,829 families
in my family database. These surnames are from Pennsylvania, Colonial New England,
New York, New Jersey, Maryland, DC and Iowa and are of Irish, English, German, French
and Dutch descent dating from circa 1300AD to the present

Persons Index:

This page contains the GEDCOM to HTML alphabetical
index of the 2,593 persons in my family database.

Photograph Album

Click the album to take a peek at some great vintage ancestral photos!

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Ancestors Anonymous Searchable Databases

The following databases are exclusive to this web site. I acquired these and others while doing my own and professional research over the past 20 years. I have additional bible records, baptismal records, marriage records and other searchable databases that will be added as time permits.

Church Records

Cemetery Records

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Resources by Country

All Countries


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Resources by State

All States




New York



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Tools, Tips & Techniques

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Just For Fun

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Last updated: 5 November 2008
Site Owner: Loretta Wallace
This site originally created on a PowerMac G4
Copyright by Loretta Wallace, August 1997-2009, all rights reserved.
This website and/or individual pages may be freely linked to but databases and original
illustrations/images and concepts may not be copied without express consent of Loretta Wallace

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