<bgsound src="onyshore.mid" loop="infinite">

Loretta's Place Logo

Welcome to my CyberHome! Here you'll find pages relating to some of my hobbies, interests and beliefs. My main interest, genealogy research, is featured at Ancestors Anonymous. There you can search my GEDCOM to HTML family database of 2,500 people, discover research resources, search a database of 168 Roman Catholic baptisms recorded in County Tyrone, Ireland and follow links to some of my favorite genealogy sites on the web. While you're there, don't forget to take a look at The Family Album where you'll find lots of great vintage photos. If you happen to be researching ancestors from Philadelphia, then The Philadelphia Story is a must visit page. If you're Irish, The Celtic Connection is a page you'll find useful. Through these genealogy pages I hope to meet some new cousins and share with others who are researching the same surnames.

Explore further in AnimalHouse, a page devoted to all my animals friends......past and present. My love for animals has lead me to become a vegetarian which in turn sent on a never ending search for great tasting meatless recipes. I have offered some of my favorites at The Veg-O-Maniac.

Clean & Green reflects my interest in living a natural, non-toxic lifestyle. There you will find environmentally friendly home-made cleaning formulas that will not poison you or the earth. Visit Kitchen Cosmetics for homemade beauty aids made mostly from ingredients in your own home! At The Holistic Medicine Cabinet learn about lots of great kitchen cabinet, herbal and folk remedies for common ailments.

Now you really didn't think I was going to let you out of here without showing off my 2 beautiful granddaughters, did you? They've been playing quietly in The Kids Room,......in fact, a little too quietly, we had better check!

Other interests are gardening, animal rights, art and graphic design, flea marketing, all things Celtic, antiques and more.........so much to do, so little time!!

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This site created on 15 August 1997 on a PowerMac G4
Last updated: 1 April 2009
Site Owner: Loretta Wallace
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8088/index.html
E-mail: LadyBrvHrt@aol.com