Writing Tip
To overcome writer's block, imagine a member of your audience sitting in front of you while writing your piece. Tell this person what you want to say about your topic. Sometimes I say it out loud to capture the succint message. Write this down. Then build on that message.

If you have a writer's tip, email it to me, and I'll post it!


An excellent site for writers of every genre. You can subscribe to a newsletter, "Inkspots" which features interviews with well-known authors from different genres, market listings, and much, much, more. Check it out!

Freelancers Online

Looking for freelance work? You'll want to bookmark this site. Job listings for writers and artists.

Writer's Workshop.

Do you have a short story you would like critiqued? You can submit your story to be critiqued for FREE at this site. Of course I would advise you to check it out before turning in your story. "This workshop was created so that short story writers could get feedback on their work in a construction forum."

Online Writery

The mission of this site is to encourage dialogue and conversation among writers. Resources include a reference materials section for writers.

Created by Leilani Haywood.