    This is Dylan. He suffered from Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) is: "the aspiration of meconium, by the newborn prior to delivery." Meconium is the first feces of a newborn infant. Dylan had his first bowel movement in utero, swallowed it, it hardened on his lungs and the lack of oxygen to his brain caused the brain damage he has. The part of his brain that was damaged was the frontal lobes. The frontal lobe's functions include initiating voluntary
motor impulses for the movement of skeletal muscles, analyzing sensory experiences, and providing responses relating to personality. The frontal lobes also mediate responses related to memory, emotions, reasoning, judgment, planning, and verbal communication. No one knows how long he will develop. He could stop one day and remain that way for the rest of his life. He is a little behind but is doing well. He is seven years old and attends a special school for disabled children. His favorite thing is Teletubbies!! *S* Please stop by his Photo Album and Riding for the Handicap Page. Dylan has placed third in two horse shows. Hope you enjoy.

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