Welcome to the Dragons' Lair,

I'm Whisper Dragon and my Hubby isScreaming Dragon.

When together, we are Beauty and the Beast. Our other names are Bob and Kim.
Now, for a little about us. I'm 31 and was a realtor, now I'm a stay at home mom and I'm loving it!! I also started selling Tupperware!! E-mail tupperwarenow@iname.com if you're interested in a catalog and Please check out my  page. I drive a NEW MINI VAN FREE from Tupperware. I love it!!!! Bob is 35 and is a carpenter for Zicka Homes. We are both born again
christians and are very active in our church. We go to Calvary Baptist Church is Deer Park, Ohio. If you are ever in the area, please stop in and visit us. We also work with the High School Class and we take all the children to camp every year. It's a ranch that was started for deaf children. Bob and I also know sign language. We learned it to better communicate with our older son. We live in Cincinnati, Ohio and we have two sons,Dylan, who is 7 and Logan, who is now a year old. They are my life. I thank God every day for my children. When on-line chatting, we can be found in  We have made some new friends and continue to meet more friends everyday.
Our interests include Harleys, Sci-fi, Comics, Knives, Swords, and Guns.

We are trying to raise money for children to go to camp, If you'd like to help, please go HEREIf there is anyone who knows of a van or minivan that someone would like a tax write off for or is selling cheaply, please let us know. Also, We wanted to start a charity for children like Dylan. There is so little ever said about MAS that there's no place for parents to go for help. If you know how to get one started, please email me. Thank You.

I would like to tell you a little bit about Dylan, He suffered from Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) is: "the aspiration of meconium, by the newborn prior to delivery." Meconium is the first feces of a newborn infant. Dylan had his first bowel movement in utero, swallowed it, it hardened on his lungs and the lack of oxygen to his brain caused the brain damage he has. If Dylan survived the first 48 hours, the doctors said he had a good chance of survival. His development was uncertain and would depend on if other parts of his brain would take over for the damaged parts. The part of his brain that was damaged was the frontal lobes. The frontal lobe's functions include initiating voluntary motor impulses for the movement of skeletal muscles, analyzing sensory experiences, and providing responses relating to personality. The frontal lobes also mediate responses related to memory, emotions, reasoning, judgment, planning, and verbal communication. No one knows how long he will develop. He could stop one day and remain that way for the rest of his life. He is a little behind but is doing well. I have been through alot with him. If anyone has a child like Dylan and needs help finding assistance for their child, please e-mail and I will be happy to help.

Now, for Bob, I met him in October of 1994. We were married on 12/25/94, Our wedding was 6/24/95. I told him that I would not live with anyone until I was married. He said that if I married him on Christmas Day that he would give me the wedding of my dreams in June. And he did just that. Bob is not only my husband, he is my best friend and I love him with all my heart.

I Support the Dragon Lovers


The Author of this page is a member of The HTML Writers Guild

We are always changing around here. So, 

Please stop by CRISTOPHER'S PAGE. It's about a very special little boy who you might be able to help.

Please stop by our other pages. Thanks *S*

LOOK! More Pictures

  • Beast in the Service
  • This one's for Trainman
  • Me as a Blonde



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