Lady Labyrinth
MARCH 30 2005
For those inquiring minds who want to know...I'm now 38 years of age since I last updated my personal info.  For those who may have traveled through my old website, I'm sorry it's no longer available.   Geocities has been good to me, so at least these pages are still here.

I did move, but not to Boston, MA.  I'm presently living in New Hampshire within the White Mountains. It's quite a contrast from living in several cities for almost 10 years. Updating my site here is still a hobby, so I'll let you be to look around...
FEB 28 2005- Just a quick note: I'm updating the site...thanks for your patience, especially if a link doesn't work.
MAY 2004
Thanks for visiting my website! A little about me.   I'm 37 years of age, married, with three sons. I have three dogs, one of whom is still a puppy.  First is my boxer, Kiya, she's the Lead Dog.  Second is my big lovable goof, Beau, who is a Yellow Lab. The baby is Petey who is 5 months old and an Italian greyhound.

I've always enjoyed fantasy, art and reading.  Computer graphics has been a hobby of mine for several years.  I just recently started up again, touching up my Merlin site.  I'm still learning Photoshop 7.

A few years ago, I had a web journal.  I included graphics in my daily logs, but moving every few years, I stopped.  I may start up again...who knows, maybe it's wishful thinking on my part. 

I'm originally from Maine where I grew up.  Through my journey's I've lived in Milwaukee, WI where my son had two bonemarrow transplants in 1998 and 1999.  We moved to Chicago, IL where again my son had his third * bonemarrow transplant.  He passed away on January 1, 2001.  A year later, we moved to Atlanta, GA where we are presently living...however, due to my husband's job, we are moving again.  This time Boston, MA. 

It's like making a full circle...we're going back home where our family and friends live.  We've certainly have met new friends along the way, but old friends are like a book you put away and rediscovered again in a whole new light.  Anyways, August looks like about the time we'll be moving.  I'm actually glad we get to spend the summer here before we head up north.  I think I may have gotten spoiled with the warm weather, minus the below-zero tempatures, winter coats that can't distinguish how big one really is underneath. (not to say that I'm large), or the cold air that seems to slap you in the face the minute you step outside during one of those Northeasterns. 

People wonder if I have a Maine accent.  I have a slight one, but nothing like the Downeasterns of the Maine coast which everyone has heard as being a typical Mainer.  You know, those accents you hear in the movies?  Both my parents are English teachers, so we grew up pronouncing, spelling and writing with our "r"s.  When someone hears I'm from Maine, the first thing they tell me to do is say "car"....what I'd like to say is......"What are you retarded?"  (I'm actually repeating the Boston comedian I saw on Comedy Central, wish I could remember his name) Oh, well. I'll remember it when I least expect it.

Well people, I'll wrap this up and hope you visit my Merlin site or stop on by again.  I may have more updates on myself, family or travels. 
Safe surfing!

*stem cell transplant (for those who want to get medically's slightly youngest son was his stem cell donor)

A Tribute to Tyler
UPDATE: 3-01-05
My son, who I think of everyday and pray that each passing day I am closer to being able to see him again,  died at the age of 11 years old on New Year's Day, 2001.  This painting reminded me of though I was trying to catch a falling star.  My star, my son. (it was after a year of mourning when I posted this image)

I know it's only a fleeting thought or wish, but I can wish whatever I want!
It's just a slice of what I feel and some
times a picture can say a thousand
words.  I do believe words alone will never fully express my love, my memories and my sorrow....but, it's a start. 

I am grateful to God that I was chosen to be his Mother. I love you, Tyler!
Artwork posted:January 2002
Artwork done by Francene Hart, "Catching a Fallen Star"
A year of mourning...a small rememberance of my son.
Tyler died of Leukemia at age 11 on January 1, 2001
Artwork can be found at Awaken Visions