She's Our Baby!

Touched by an Angel

Angel, born February 12, 1999, is a registered Siberian Husky.  Typical of a puppy, Angel loves to show what she can do with her teeth.  She really "tears" into a good book, and especially adores Daddie's Golf Digest. She's adjusting to her new home and is quickly taking charge of the household.  Her pedigree name, Touched by an Angel, is sometimes questionable.

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"Chocolate Chip Cookie"

Cookie was a 5 year old Siberian Husky.  She was part Malamute and part Siberian with one blue eye and one brown eye.  She was spoiled rotten--she got anything she wanted.  A big, loveable puppy, she was loyal to her owners and loved kids.  She was killed by a car on April 5th, 1999.  Her mommie and daddie loved her. They miss her very much.  Cookie left a big void in their hearts.

Gatlinburg 97     Enjoying the snow Making herself at home     Waking up

Posing       Being pampered

Sleepy     Thinks she's Queen


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