Antique Bears

A "Mother & baby" pair of Merrythought Cheekys - they were bought from the original owner under the stipulation that they were never to be separated. Well, who would ever be so cruel?

I would like to introduce you to "Teddy" who has been my constant companion since my parents gave him to me on my second birthday. I know his name is not very original, but what can you expect from a toddler? He cost the princely sum of two pounds PLUS another three that my father had to pay for parking illegally when he went to pay for him ! My mother had ordered him expensive bear indeed. He travelled from England with me when my family emigrated to South Africa, and has been my faithful friend over the years. I had thought for many years that he had no labels, but after a hint from a knowledgable friend, I discovered that he had been hiding a few threads of his original label under his right arm, which makes us suspect he is a Chad Valley bear. He has velvet paws & a wind up music box in his back which plays "Rock a bye Baby", and still has all his fur & his own ears & eyes.

This lovely woodland Santa was made by a Dutch artist & he is accompanied by a collection of small Steiff animals as well as one of Jayne's mini bears "Little Star" who is tucked under his arm.

A recent flea market find is this Wendy Boston bear who is in excellent condition & has the original label still attached.

This South African "Ark" bear is another recent find - as you can see he is very big, made from gold mohair & in very good condition. He has the typical triangular shaped foot pads found on these bears.

Nelson is a rather distinguished bear from the 50's standing a stately 22" - he has a "Made in England" label in his back seam & only one eye - thus his name!

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