I hope you enjoyed your visit to my site. Please feel free to sign the guestbook.

Manfred Sommers - 08/06/00 18:17:22
My URL:manfred@sommers.demon.nl
My Email:Sommers & Koopmans
How long have you been researching your genealogy: Just started
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none

Hi, nice to find my name on so many places. Greetings from the Netherlands

Daniel T. Cooley - 07/17/00 00:37:14
My URL:DTCooley@cs.com
How long have you been researching your genealogy: just started
Genealogical Associations you belong to: None(yet)

I'd like to find out any info on my Irish heritage

Peggy - 06/17/00 19:58:14
My URL:filer@cmn.net
My Email:none

My grandfather< Milton Sommers told me stories of his family when I was a child. I vaguely remember his mother who died before I started school.

Andrew B. Sommers - 01/25/00 20:47:14
My URL:big67bear@hotmail.com
My Email:sommers,zehr
How long have you been researching your genealogy: now and then
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none

I have fairly complete history for Sommers in South western ontario.I would like to know U.S. roots. Apparently we came up from Pennsylvania in late 19th, early 20th century. If anyone could help it would be great.

paula sommers richardson - 12/29/99 02:55:49
My URL:elffmagic@aol.com
My Email:n/a
How long have you been researching your genealogy: just beginning
Genealogical Associations you belong to: n/a

I am paula sommers richardson, i am the daughter of loyd j (spook) sommers jr and eleanor faye barnwell. my dad was the son of loyd j sommers sr and thelma blackburn, my gradpa was the son of neal and liza sommers. I know that my dad was born in rocky f rd, ga. my grandpa (loyd, sr) was a farmer in rocky ford,screven county, ga. though unusual both my dad and grandfather spelled their name with one "l"

John J. Sommers - 12/18/99 20:53:34
My URL:Waxxer@worldnet.att.net
My Email:Sommers
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 10 minutes
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none

intrested in finding relatives and research on desendents possibly changing name from VonSommers to Sommers

Heather Sommers - 11/12/99 15:11:40
My URL:redtobasco59@hotmail.com
My Email:Sommers
How long have you been researching your genealogy: Off and on for years
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none


Doug - 11/12/99 12:28:51
My URL:http://www.btinternet.com/~vaugh
My Email:vaugh@btinternet.com

This is the last time OK, apologies for the smelling errors, its this keybord operator... Doug

Doug - 11/12/99 12:25:48
My URL:Vaugh, Wilton, Brierwood/Briarwood/Brerewood
My Email:vaugh@btinternet.com

Hi again I noticed the reversal of the information that I had put into your fields on the guestbook page, so I have resumited them. It looks as if the previous few are the same as well... Ho Hummmm ....Happy daze..

Doug - 11/12/99 12:21:31
My URL:Vaugh@btinternet.com
My Email:Vaugh, Wilton, Briarwood, Brerewood, Melville
How long have you been researching your genealogy: Ten years or so
Genealogical Associations you belong to: Society of Genealogists

Hi ! breezed into your site today after finding a reference to Freda Vaugh. Nice site and stacks of data. It took me a moment or two to find your home page as there seems to be no way back to it from the data pages. Thanks and good luck in your researches Doug

Myron Burl Cooley - 08/25/99 04:44:11
My URL:mbc@epud.net
My Email:Caley, Cooley, Stine, Skinner ,Torrey
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 6 mos

Sorry - duplicate of previous entry, but did make errors on entry of data . Thank you

Myron Burl Cooley - 08/25/99 04:41:21
My URL:mbc@epud.net
My Email:Caley, Cooley, Stine, Skinner ,Torrey
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 6 mos


Adrian Sommers - 08/22/99 08:53:46
My URL:SOMMERS@bigpond.com
My Email:Nil
How long have you been researching your genealogy: Just Started
Genealogical Associations you belong to: Nil

ADRIAN SOMMERS MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA any info on world wide connections would be very helpful thankyou.

Adrian Sommers - 08/22/99 08:47:27
My URL:SOMMERS@bigpond.com
My Email:Nil
How long have you been researching your genealogy: Just Started
Genealogical Associations you belong to: Nil


Myron B. Cooley - 08/18/99 20:34:04
My URL:mbc@epud.net
My Email:Caley Cooley Stine

I was given my Caley family genealogy, with missing info to 1724 and my Cooley family data to 1793, the death of Increase Cooley in Egg Harbor, New Jersey. This ladt year has given me an opportunity to try and add to this information. Thank you, Myron

Margie Gant - 07/25/99 03:20:02
My URL:marwood@tecinfo.com
My Email:Harris-Cooley-Gant
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 1 yr.

My great-grandmother was Fannie Cooley.She married a Harris (George?). They had a daughter named Josephine Harris and she married Allen Gant in 1872.Allen and Josephine are buried at Enterprise Mississippi. I have information on all their descendants b t none on their parents or siblings.

jason r sommers - 03/08/99 11:55:56
My URL:setiman@webtv.net
My Email:sommers or vonsommers
How long have you been researching your genealogy: just started
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none

I would love to know my family history.PLEASE HELP?

Jay Sommers - 01/25/99 03:16:55


10/04/98 12:41:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Susan Sommers Thurman - 08/13/98 17:12:48
My URL:classact@henderson.net
My Email:Sommers, Henkel, Thurman, Payne
How long have you been researching your genealogy: have just begun
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none

Grandfather Peter Sommers (b. 1865)evidently emigrated to US, but not much further information.

Duwayne Cooley - 07/22/98 01:44:07
My URL:dcooley@solidsys.com
My Email:Cooley
How long have you been researching your genealogy: Just Started

It appears that the Cooley family is a large one but I understand it the largest in America.My grandfather is Wilburn Clarence Rush Cooley. His father is James Cooley and his father is Albert Cooley. Please email me if any of these names sound familiar. T anks !

Jackie Sansom - 07/16/98 01:50:05
My URL:Hastings Lib.Au.
My Email:Sommers
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 1 year
Genealogical Associations you belong to: G.S.V>Aust

My maiden name is Sommers, all from London, but am looking for a German connection

- 06/15/98 05:47:32


Regina Grider Pipes - 06/14/98 21:48:21
My URL:vgmx05c@prodigy.com
My Email:James William Cooley
How long have you been researching your genealogy: just started
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none

My grandfather was James William Cooley . He was a farmer and Preacher. He lived in Northern Alabama. He was married to Lucinda Annie Jane Smith. My mother was one of their daughters: Jerusha Jane Cooley. There was also Kale, Dorothy (Dot), Albert, lenon, Wilbourn, Ethel, Kathleen (Kat), Myrtle and I may left off one or two. Most of the family still lives in the Northern part of Alabama. I would love to find out more about James William's family : his dad and mom and so on.

Kimberly Cooley - 05/29/98 15:51:53
My URL:kcooley@dalao.dcrt.dla.mil
My Email:Cooley
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 4 yrs


Amethyst - 05/18/98 17:29:24
My URL:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net

Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday.

Vanoria Cooley - 05/04/98 18:51:42
My URL:wolvesgaze@AOL
My Email:Cooley, White,Davis
How long have you been researching your genealogy: just started
Genealogical Associations you belong to: i dont

I am just getting started in the search and have no idea how to begin Any information would be GREATLY appreciated

Lynn Cooley - 04/27/98 16:47:50
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 35 years
Genealogical Associations you belong to: Anthon Cooley

It is nice to see this here . I appreciate it very much. And hope it continues and expands.

SANDY SOMMERS - 04/13/98 22:35:46
How long have you been researching your genealogy: SEVERAL YEARS-OFF AND ON
Genealogical Associations you belong to: NONE


SANDY SOMMERS - 04/13/98 22:32:58


Keith R. Cooley - 03/06/98 04:09:03
My URL:krcooley@juno.com
My Email:John William Cooley
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 3 yrs
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none


Chris Andrews - 02/20/98 05:42:02
My URL:242swe@netbridge.net
My Email:Somers - Higbee
How long have you been researching your genealogy: Two Months

Just starting to touch the tip of a very large iceberg. I am the director of a Family History Center, a very new director. So my research is just beginning.

Laurie Price - 09/04/97 04:26:06
My URL:lamprice@opera.iinet.net.au
My Email:Price; Palk;Elkins;Menear; Baggoley; Baston; Juggins; Somers-Cocks
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 45 years
Genealogical Associations you belong to: none


Susan Sommers - 09/02/97 18:46:04
My URL:susan.sommers@juno.com
My Email:Sommers, Cooley, Bentley, Armstrong
How long have you been researching your genealogy: 20 years
Genealogical Associations you belong to: Cooley Family Association of America


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