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Hi, I'm Donna

I've been happily married for almost 14 years (hi Lloyd) and have 2 wonderful sons (hi Kyle & Danny). Right now we have a German Shepherd (Cassie), a Pekingese (Gizmo). 2 parakeets (Blueberry & Midnight), 2 cats (Spookum & Pumpkin). We have always lived in Maine. Lloyd & I both grew up in Raymond. We moved to Windham, the next town over, in 1990 when they boys were babies. If you're interested in what's going on around here you can check out The Portland Press Herald or News Channel 13. Someday I may find something to have a whole webpage about, but until then, I am sharing links to a few of my many interests that I hope will interest you, like: Tourette's Syndrome, John Mellencamp, Recipes, Titanic, UFO's, Pyramids & Egypt, Soaps, Holidays, Animals and alot more.
Before I get to my favorite sites, I want to say "HI" to
Julie, Steve, Michael, Matthew, Olivia, Rose, Kevin, Justin, Zack,
Morgan, Nicole, Jessie, Adam, Brianna, & Jennifer
Michelle (Harv), Carl, Amanda, & Brittany
And Jo and Linda.
Click on your name to go to a special place.

COMING SOON (I hope)...
Photo Album**Changes In Format**More Links


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I'm going to start with Tourette Syndrome links. I would like to see people learn a little more about TS. Everyone has to understand that people with TS can't help doing what they do. My son was diagnosed with TS in December of 1996 when he was 8 years old. If you or someone you know has TS check out these sites, they have helped us alot.

National Tourette Syndrome Association
Mark Tells About Tourette Syndrome
Gts Worldwide
National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke
Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tourette Syndrome
The Facts About Tourette's Homepage
About TS
Massachusetts TSA Chapter
MGH Neurology Forum
One Parent's Perspective: Chad's Story

If you have children, check out...
Rainbow Room Of Kid's Links
For Kids Only
Not Just For Kids
If you want your children to learn how to use "the net" or if they already do, these links have some educational sites, sports sites, and just plain old fun sites. Goof off and play, you might just learn something.
Send an electronic greeting card to someone you care about.
How about downloading a new screensaver?
You can find a lot of different downloads here.
John Mellencamp is my all time favorite entertainer. I love his music and what he says in his songs (not to mention his good looks). The first time my husband & I saw him live was in '82 when he was backup for Heart and I've been hooked ever since. We saw him again in 11/85 during the Scarecrow tour. We were lucky enough to see him twice in '97 (3/21/97 & 6/16/97) on his Mr. Happy Go Lucky tour. My 9 year old son, Danny, won us the tickets and limo ride to the 6/16/97 show at Great Woods from WMGX (the best station in Maine). I hear he may tour again next year with his new CD. I hope so, and you can bet I'll be there if it's close enough. Here are the best Mellencamp sites on the net.
Check It Out.

Tony's Mellencamp Page
Michael's Mellencamp Page
MOOCPA's Mellencamp Page
Lisa's Mellencamp Page
Becky's Mellencamp Page
John Mellencamp Official Home Page

Albums & Midi Files

Key West Intermezzo

PETS !!!

I love animals. As I said before, we have 2 dogs, 2 parakeets, and 2 cats.
Here are a few helpful animal links you can check out.
Dog Owner's Guide
Dog Play
Dog Obedience & Training
The German Shepherd
German Shepherd Web Ring
Placeoutlaw Pekingese
SiuLong's Pekingese Page
Cat's FAQ Homepage
The Aviary-Companion Birds
Iguana, Iguana
Russel's Tropical Fish Homepage

I have been fascinated with the Titanic ever since I can remember. I don't even know why. I just can't get enough information about it. These are very informative sites..
Titanic Historical Society
Encyclopedia Titanica
The Titanic Rescource
Tribute to the RMS Titanic
R.M.S. Titanic
Another R.M.S. Titanic Page
If anyone has any information about the Pekingese that survived, please e-mail me. Thanks.

Recipes...I love to cook and try new recipes. Here are some of the best recipe links I've found.
The On-Line Cookbook
Chinese Recipes
Venison Recipes, and more, and more, and more venison recipes.
Camp Cooking, Eating, and Recipes
Barbeque'n On The Net
Great Vegetarian Recipes
Top Secret Recipes on the Web
Mexican Cuisine
Pillsbury Central
And last but not least The Virtual Bar
Well, another summer gone!!! Time to do your fall planting. Here are a few links that I think will help anyone who likes gardening.
Time Life's Gardening Encylopedia
Virginia Cooperative Extension
The Teaching Garden
Insight Consulting's Garden Planet
Vegetable Gardening Handbook

I have to admit that I do like a couple of soaps. I watch them once in a while on my days off and listen to Day's when I'm at work. Here are some good soap opera sites.
Beth's Days of Our Lives Page
Another World On-Line
Santa Barbara
Soap Opera Central

Countdown Til Christmas Christmas
Christmas Carols
Christmas Recipes
Christmas for Kids
Holly & Sara's Christmas Page
Star & Mickey's Christmas Page
Christmas 'round The World Wide Web
Christmas Links on WWW

I am fascinated with the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Who built them? What was it like living there at that time? Here are some of my favorite Pyramid/Egyptology sites.
Guardian's Egypt
NOVA Pyramids On-Line
The Age of the Sphinx
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Pyramids at Giza
King Tut
Ramses II
The University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology

Now to the more questionable things that I'm interested in...UFO's.
The UFO Channel
UFO Online
The Roswell Homepage
Art Bell
Alien Landing Map...the top 1% of pages chosen by Aliens
These links go to ghost stories, pictures, and other things alot of people don't believe in or don't want to admit it if they do.
Castle of Spirits
Orlando's Ghosts, Hauntings & Paranormal
Shadowlands Ghost Page
The Ghostwatcher-Help June Sleep
Alot of Ghost Links

These are just some miscellaneous sites that I like. The hunting & fishing one is for my hubby.
Mystery Links
The Tornado Project On-Line
Hurricane Hunters Homepage
MTU Volcanoes Page
The Nine Planets
Underground Streams
Medieval Architecture
Castles on the Web
Home & Workshop On-Line
Hollywood On-Line
Discovery On-Line
Kevin's Hunting & Fishing Homepage
ESPN Sportzone
Here are links to my favorite actors.
Mel Gibson
Val Kilmer
John Travolta
Brad Pitt
Tom Cruise
Harrison Ford
Richard Gere
Yes, good looks helped to get them on this list.
Good Bye Diana

Diana, Princess of Wales
Yahoo! News
Here are links to a few of my internet friends personal homepages.

Dark Knight & Vanilla's Homepage
MooCPA's Homepage
Martha's Homepage
Chad's Homepage
Catpaw's Sandbox



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SINCE 7/24/97

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