Plays Dress-up.
This is Sunny, the Newest member of my Doll Family.
She was a Christmas Present from my Wonderful Mom & Dad.
She had a little adventure before she arrived at her new home with me.
She decided to first visit Florida and say Hi to my Sister & her family.
This is how she received her name; Sunny, from her Visit to Sunny Florida before traveling on to Snowy Colorado.
Sunny Enjoys her Fancy Underpinnings.      Sunny's ready for School to start back up.
Sunny's Feeling Pretty & Patriotic.       Sunny tries on a Witchy look to scare Hitty
                                                        (This Mannequin is painted to look Antique)
When Sunny's not playing Dress-up she keeps her Clothes on Custom Wood Mannequins
Designed Specifically for Hitty (And Sunny) Clothes.
Sunny Enjoys Valentine's Day Gifts from Her God Mothers
Click on Hat Stand for
"Made for Hitty with Love"
Mannequins & Hat Stands
All Outfits a Custom Couture by
Elizabeth Rollins
Sunny is a DRC Design
Original Friend for Hitty
Sunny's Mail
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