Welcome to our QUALLS Family Genealogy. We're glad you visited, and hope you come back often.

Judy Quarles - 02/03/00 03:56:42
My Email:hhh8225@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Howard William Quarles
Grandfathers' Full Name:: David Quarles
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Mary Castleberry
When and where were you born?: 1943 - Etowah Co. AL.
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Qualls and Quarles same name
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
Census records show my great great grandfather in Cherokee Co. Georgia in 1850, and it states he was from S.C. The last name was spelled Qualls then over time the spelling changed. My great grand father was Fillmore Qualls(Quarles) he married Mary Ann Blackburn on her head stone her last name is spelled Qualls and states she is the wife of Fillmore, on his headstone which is beside her his last name is spelled Quarles. Anyway I am trying to find out where he was born, when he married and if possible where the Qualls came from. I have been told Norfork England but I haven't found any records to prove it. From the information you have and what I have given you can you tell if we are part of the same family tree?

ronald[qualls]malone - 01/27/00 19:34:48
Fathers' Full Name:: ancil k.qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: alvin n. qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: aileen c.malone
When and where were you born?: nov.26.1943
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: my step family
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
looking up about my step -grandfather

Russell L Qualls - 01/17/00 20:47:37
My URL:http://qualls@socket.net
Fathers' Full Name:: George Eugene Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: George Loman Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Freida Lee Lyerla
When and where were you born?: 011854 @ Bonne Terre,MO
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: VA to KY to MO
Are you interested in Genealogy?: sure
Are all Qualls stubborn and cantankerous or is it just the MO Qualls?

Russell L Qualls - 01/17/00 20:43:43
My URL:http://qualls@socket.net

tracey thompson - 01/15/00 06:08:45
My Email:misslee@cyou.com
Fathers' Full Name:: john henry sasser
Grandfathers' Full Name:: james holland qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: alice jean qualls
When and where were you born?: 01/23/63 houston texas
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: levi qualls is my gggrandfather
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
i am interested in all qualls/quarels connections but particularly the ones in southeast alabama

Barbara Vanourney - 12/29/99 20:20:27
My Email:barbara7@rmci.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Loren L. Nelson
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Carl Walter Jones
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Lorene Jones
When and where were you born?: 1/12/1940,Borger,Tx.
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: James Qualls&Elizabeth P
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
nice site now to get help on firguring out John and David Qualls and James.

Barbar Vanourney - 12/24/99 07:09:14
My Email:barbara7@rmci.net
Fathers' Full Name:: loren l. Nelson
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Carl W. Jones
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Lorene Jones
When and where were you born?: Borger,Tx,1940
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: James Qualls,1758
Are you interested in Genealogy?: oh yes
just surfed on want to put the Qualls in a tepee or on a ship to the Americas. Hear that the Qualls were Cherokee, Dutch.

George W. Wynn - 12/21/99 02:35:43
My Email:wynngw@jmu.edu
Fathers' Full Name:: John Gilbert Wynn
Grandfathers' Full Name:: John Henry Wynn
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Margaret Ellen Wright
When and where were you born?: Amarillo (Potter) Texas
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Julia Ann Quall was my Great Grandmother Born 3Sept 1836 Orange Co. NC
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Of Course--

Jeff Qualls - 12/19/99 03:03:05
My Email:jcqualls@mindspring.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Quinton Quillen Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Tracey Carlton Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Betty Jean Matthews
When and where were you born?: Portsmouth, VA, 1958
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Don't know
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
The earliest ancestor that I know of in my Qualls family is Peter Davis Qualls, who lived in Halifax County, NC in the late 1700s. He was a member of the NC Senate. One or more of his sons went west and formed a branch of the family in Tennessee and Illin is. I don't know much abou this branch of my family, but one of my uncles ran into one of them when he was doing some genealogical research himself and got some information on this branch. Do you think your Qualls family is related to mine? Jeff Qualls

Deborah Qualls Tull - 12/18/99 00:44:30
My Email:tulldebrad@hotmail,com
Fathers' Full Name:: T.L.Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Homer Berlin Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Pearl J. Moore
When and where were you born?: Ardmore,Ok. 6-18-50
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: I am a Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
My greatgrandfather was John Reuben Qualls. He was married to Anna Belle Blakely. They resided in Story and Mt. Ida,Arkansas before moving to Madill.Ok. She died in 1958 and he died in 1976 at the age of 106. Know there are many relatives in Arkansas, Wou d like to corresond

Paula Howse - 11/27/99 20:25:30
My Email:xyz900@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: B.Paul Thompson
Grandfathers' Full Name:: R.C. Banfield
When and where were you born?: Tulsa, Oklahoma
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: GGGrandfather
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
Looking for parents of Tabitha Banfield, possibly born in Wilson Co. Tenn and possibly a Qualls.

Barbara Childress - 11/24/99 03:14:52
My Email:Lchild1614@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Elvin Sims
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Ollie Gwendola Sims
When and where were you born?: 1942 Hill County Tx
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: grandmother Sims
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
My fathers mother, Margret Elizabeth Qualls Sims.She was b. July 24, 1893 d. Sept. 10, 1968,Dallas,Tx She and Murbis is buried in Waxahachie,Tx. She was possibly from Giles County,Tenn. She married a Murbis Elmore Sims.Possibly in Oklahoma (not sure)She h d a sister named Molly who married A.L Ivey. A brother named Johnny Qualls and a younger sister name unkown. Her first children were born in Ada,Pontotac County Oklahoma.Margret came to Texas by 1921 when my father was born. Would appreciate any informati n on this line, Sorry I do not know the given names of of ggrand parents , still looking.

Eric James Qualls - 11/22/99 20:20:50
My Email:quakeboy69@yahoo.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Joseph Milton Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Oscoe Quallw
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Phyllis Grothaus-Qualls
When and where were you born?: July 9, 1983 Weiser, Idaho
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Father's name
My part of the family comes form Idaho and has lived in Idaho for many generation. We do have some relatives in Florida and Oklahoma, however.

Ida M. Corn - 11/15/99 05:26:14
My Email:idacorn@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: C.Glenn Black
Grandfathers' Full Name:: C. Simon Black
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Blanch Leava Cook
When and where were you born?: Thomas Okla.
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: My g Grandmother
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
I have quite abit on Eliza Qualls Brown Black She married MY G Grandfather after Her husband Daniel Brown died while in the Civil War. She was born sept.03 1838 in N.C. She married My G Grandfather Joseph M. Black Oct 1st 1863in Washington Cty. Ill Her Father was John Qualls and Her Mother wasElizabeth Richardson

11/14/99 10:12:20
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Linda Pettenridge - 11/01/99 05:30:53
My Email:llee@mail.icon.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Ernest Odell Young
Grandfathers' Full Name:: William Franklin Young
When and where were you born?: Okla
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: James B. Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Been doing it for 10 years
My Grand Mother was Rhoda Elizabeth QUALLS. She married William Franklin Young. Joseph Newton was my Great Grandfather and James B QUALLS was my Great-Great Grandfather. I have proof for all of this. Rhoda was Joseph Newton QUALLS youngest daughter. This s where I fit in. Would like to come into connect with other's that fit into this family.

Linda Pettenridge - 11/01/99 05:13:34
My Email:llee@mail.icon.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Ernest Odell Young
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Joseph Newton Qualls
When and where were you born?: Okla
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: James B. Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Been doing it for 10 years

Susan Bode - 10/21/99 00:40:36
My Email:bode5@juno.com
Fathers' Full Name:: JimmyJack Childress
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Walter Childress
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Barbara Louise Sims
When and where were you born?: Waxahachie Texas
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: they are my ggrandmother
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
we are looking for my ggrandmother Margarte Qualls from Waxahachie ,Texas Ellis County. need to find any information on the Qualls and Sims name. my grandfather 's name was Elvin Sims and my ggrandfather's name was Murbis Sims. Help with this name and fam ly.

Deborah Qualls Tull - 09/25/99 03:59:35
My Email:tulldebrad.@hot mail.com
Fathers' Full Name:: T.L,Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Homer Berlin Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Pearl June Moore
When and where were you born?: 6-18-50 Ardmore,Okla.
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: I am a Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes

George Lee Qualls - 08/14/99 22:49:57
My Email:g1qualls@iamerica.net
Fathers' Full Name:: William Jack Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Arthur Lee Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Clara Myrtle Hartsfield
When and where were you born?: 7-15-35, Allen, OK
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: direct decendant of Nathan Sr.
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes, using ftm
I have started research about 4 yr. ago. Together with cousin Don Staley have compiled a data base of about 5500 names and connections. Haven't submitted to FTM, plan to do so in near future. Will share information.

Donald L. Staley - 08/04/99 08:16:56
My Email:donstaley1@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Clyde Alvin Staley
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Ulysses Grant Staley
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Mary Louise Qualls
When and where were you born?: 1941- Ada, Oklahoma
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Mother's family
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
Mother's family: Arthur Lee Qualls

SHANNON L QUALLS - 08/02/99 20:51:52
Fathers' Full Name:: JACKIE ROY QUALLS
Grandfathers' Full Name:: JOSEPH QUALLS
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: LYNDA ROSE OSECH
When and where were you born?: LOS ANGELES CALIF
Are you interested in Genealogy?: YES

Audrey Terry - 08/01/99 16:37:31
My Email:annie@kih.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Bryant Ray Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Bryant Brady Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Kathryn Doris Morrison
When and where were you born?: 11-14-48 Seymour, Indianna
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: I was formerly a Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
Trying to find out about my Fathers family, my grandfather Bryant Brady Qualls family lives in Memphis, Tennessee, anyone with any help, I will appreciate. Thank You, Audrey Lee Terry (Qualls)

Paul drahn - 05/04/99 16:49:22
My Email:pdrahn@coinet.com
Fathers' Full Name:: William Holford Drahn
Grandfathers' Full Name:: William Frederick Drahn
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Leona Candace Atkinson
When and where were you born?: 16 Nov 1939, Newberg, Oregon
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Grandmother:Amy Qualls Drahn, dau of Matthew, GD of Martin Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
Hope you can bring your records more current. I have several old pictures of Qualls and Qualls family from the early days and would like to find where they fit.

Anita Smith Quarles - 04/30/99 14:19:04
My URL:http://www.catt.com/~aquarles
My Email:aquarles@catt.com
Fathers' Full Name:: James Robert Quarles
Grandfathers' Full Name:: King David Quarles
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Ellen LeAnna Hensley
When and where were you born?: Husband , 31 Jan 1927, Gilmer County, GA
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Husband's family
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
You have a great site, Lots of good information and thank you for all the hard work.

Jerry Farr - 04/01/99 20:22:37
My Email:cfarr@msn.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Louis Farr
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Henry Walter Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Geneva Morine Qualls
When and where were you born?: 12-12-44 Red Mountain, CA
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Mother
Are you interested in Genealogy?: wife is
I am doing the genealogy work for my husband. William Larkin Qualls was his ggrandfather. It is a lot of fun finding all of these lost people. Charlotte Farr

Jerry Farr - 04/01/99 20:16:21
My Email:cfarr@msn.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Louis Farr
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Henry Walter Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Geneva Morine Qualls
When and where were you born?: 12-12-44 Red Mountain, CA
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Mother
Are you interested in Genealogy?: wife is
I am doing the genealogy work for my husband. William Larkin Qualls was his ggrandfather. It is a lot of fun finding all of these lost people. Charlotte Farr

- 03/31/99 19:34:55

Donna Harness - 03/15/99 01:23:30
Fathers' Full Name:: Ulyess Yarber
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Avery Yarber
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Racheal Faye Qualls
When and where were you born?: 2-11-66 Cleveland TN,
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: DAUGHTER OF Racheal Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
my mother is the daughter of the late Martin McKenlley Qualls born 8-14-1907 and the late Eugene Evelyn Ellis born 6-12-1903. Other then this I have nothing more.

john a qualls,jr - 03/09/99 03:38:11
My Email:jlqualls@olypen.com
Fathers' Full Name:: john a qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: ralph w qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: mary elizabeth buckmaster
When and where were you born?: 7-8-47 twin falls,idaho
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: david qualls/quarles
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
my family line is as follows:ralph(1889)william alexander(1851)jasper newton(1829)robert g(1792-95)john(1761)david(1740) Does anyone have info beyond this?

Alice Stubblefield - 02/28/99 02:48:46
My Email:sowgen@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Kyle Emery Thomas
Grandfathers' Full Name:: George Emery Thomas
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Barbara Nell Martin
When and where were you born?: Ft. Worth tx 1954
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: my grandmother
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes

Jeremy Shane Qualls - 02/27/99 05:10:02
My Email:crosstie@usit.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Charles E. Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Carl E. Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Elizabeth A. Qualls
When and where were you born?: December 10, 1982 Selmer,Tn
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: My Great- Grandfather was Casey Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
Hello,my name is Jeremy and I put in my name and this is how I found this site! I think your web site is pretty cool. Please e-mail me if you may be related to me.

Mandy Qualls - 02/14/99 19:43:10
My Email:mandy_qualls@hotmail.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Randal Kent Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Kenneth Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Anita Jerlene McCullar
When and where were you born?: Ada, OK 3-7-1977
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
My family has been in Oklahoma for many years, but I am interested in finding out where the Qualls name came from. My grandfather, Kenneth Qualls, married Odell Boles. That's about all the information I have. If you have any at all, I'd be very graciou . Thanks!!

Stephanie Qualls Schulman - 02/14/99 04:16:29
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/steedie/qualls.html
My Email:sjschulman@hotmail.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Buel Marion Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Lee Roy Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Joan Syrena McAlpin
When and where were you born?: 18 Nov 1967 in Clarksdale, MS
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Descendent of Archibald & Rachel Qualls of Hardin Co., TN
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Oh yeah
Could not have made the connection without the hard work done by my cousins Diane Franks and Debbie Wasserburger. Thank God for the Internet!

mary jo tucker - 02/03/99 03:51:49
My Email:jodanvit@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: h. ned tucker
Grandfathers' Full Name:: gilbert h. tucker
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: m. margret carter tucker
When and where were you born?: medford, ore
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: my grandmother
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
my grandmother ardell tucker was a qualls. her dad was robert lee qualls. his dad was frank .m. qualls.

Jeremy Qualls - 01/19/99 03:41:09
My Email:crosstie@usit.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Charles Everett Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Carl Eugene Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Elizabeth Ann King
When and where were you born?: December 10, 1982 Selmer,Tn
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: My Great-Grandfather was Casey Qualls.
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
I came to one of the family reniuons at Michie,Tn. If you know me E-Mail me at crosstie@usit.net If you see this please e-mail me back. I am glad to know there are more Qualls's than my family.

Jeremy Qualls - 01/19/99 03:35:07
My Email:crosstie@usit.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Charles Everett Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Carl Eugene Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Elizabeth Ann King
When and where were you born?: December 10, 1982 Selmer,Tn
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: I am a Qualls
I came to one of the family reniuons at Michie,Tn. If you know me E-Mail me at crosstie@usit.net

Stacey Smith - 01/18/99 06:33:02
My Email:sdsmith@socket.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Lonnie Smith
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Hiram Smith
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Patsy Qualls
When and where were you born?: 1969
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Mother
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
I left a message looking for William Oscar Qualls I have a new email address if you know of this line please email me ...Thanks...The old email was Sdsm2269@aol.com

- 01/15/99 02:21:44

Hershel G.Seaton Jr. - 01/09/99 13:21:27
My Email:Glensharon@msn.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Hershel (Glen) Seaton
Grandfathers' Full Name:: William M.Seaton
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Rachel Z.Benson (Qualls)
When and where were you born?: Savannah,Tenn
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Mary (Poppy) Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
My mother was adopt and her Father Was John H. Qualls from The Fox Holler in Harden County Tenn.His Father And mother Was Richard And Bell Qualls.

Alice Stubblefield - 11/29/98 21:29:18
My Email:kastuby@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Kyle Emery Thomas
Grandfathers' Full Name:: George Emery Thomas
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Barbara Nell Martin
When and where were you born?: Fort Worth, Tx 1954
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Audie Lee Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes

Alice Stubblefield - 11/29/98 21:23:12
My Email:kastuby@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Kyle Emery Thomas
Grandfathers' Full Name:: George Emery Thomas
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Barbara Nell Martin
When and where were you born?: Fort Worth Tx 1954
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Grandmother Audie
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes

Mary Canaday - 11/29/98 02:28:25
My Email:canaday@mtneer.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Billy Short(t)
Grandfathers' Full Name:: William Russell Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Clarice Elaine Qualls
When and where were you born?: Warren, Ohio
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Qualls from Cherokee NC
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
My great grandpa was Jerry Qualls who drowned at the age of twenty something. My great great aunt said that they were the children of Elijah(?) that left from NC to TN and on into WV. They settled and lived in the logan area of WV. Other than that I have o other information.

Mary Canaday - 11/29/98 02:27:19
My Email:canaday@mtneer.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Billy Short(t)
Grandfathers' Full Name:: William Russell Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Clarice Elaine Qualls
When and where were you born?: Warren, Ohio
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Qualls from Cherokee NC
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
My great grandpa was Jerry Qualls who drowned at the age of twenty something. My great great aunt said that they were the children of Elijah(?) that left from NC to TN and on into WV. They settled and lived in the logan area of WV. Other than that I have o other information.

Michael D. Qualls sr. - 11/24/98 06:36:54
My Email:codysgp@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Sidney Earl Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: William Albert Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Opal Lela Sheward
When and where were you born?: Sept.29,1952 Selma,Ca.
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: direct to David
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
This is great I have trying to find out more and this gave me info quickly thanks

Ryan Qualls - 11/23/98 04:27:32
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/8574
My Email:Axe76@firedept.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Michael Dennis Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Sidney Earl Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Brenda Kay Clifton
When and where were you born?: Selma. CA June 24, 1976
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: direct family line
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes

10/04/98 12:41:25
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Alisha Qualls - 09/15/98 22:18:54
Fathers' Full Name:: Jerry Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: D.W. Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Sherrie Lee Looper
When and where were you born?: 1983 - Crossville ,TN
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Family Name
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
I think that what you offer on the inernet is absolutely wonderful. It gives teenagers like me a chance to find out their family origin.

Paul Franks - 09/11/98 07:12:09
My Email:pgfranks@bslnet.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Charlie Franks
Grandfathers' Full Name:: John Jefferson Franks
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Ella Qualls
When and where were you born?: 5/17/1946 Tulot, Ar
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Mothers side
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes

Penny Durbin - 09/06/98 22:56:37
My Email:Pennyleigh@AOL.Com
Fathers' Full Name:: William David Mercer jr.
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Clifton JD Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Omiagene Qualls
When and where were you born?: 05/22/63 - Orlando, FL
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Clifton Qualls was my grandfather
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
I'm just getting started. My Qualls group came mostly from Alabama. I have my Grandfather - Clifton JD Qualls - born 2/2/1918. His parents were Button Qualls and Belle Strickland, Buttons partens were Dave Qualls and Martha I do not have her last name Button died on 11/4/67 and Belle on 2/10/81. Button and Belle moved to Winter Garden Florida and some point in time.

Dennis R. Qualls - 08/23/98 20:41:18
My Email:NQualls@Bellsouth.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Royce Fleming Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Ernest Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Nelda Fern Yeary
When and where were you born?: 1945-Lubbuck,Texas
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Dont know
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
E-mail me back if you can, I am looking for a Rickey Qualls. Any info. would be appreciated. Thanks Denny

Samantha Qualls - 08/18/98 02:27:03
Fathers' Full Name:: Jerry Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: D.W. Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Looper
When and where were you born?: 8/22/73 Cookeville, Tn.
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Direct famile line
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
I was really thrilled to have found this web site on the Qualls family. I am constantly trying to find out more information on my ancestors. I am really anxious to learn more about my family. What our name means? Where we come fron? These are just a few q estions that I have. Thanks.

Debbie Rogocki - 08/16/98 16:17:46
My Email:debtony@mtnhome.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Gene Uriah Porter
Grandfathers' Full Name:: James Albert Porter
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: IvaJean Lawrence
When and where were you born?: Dec.20,1957 Marshall,AR
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Grandmother-Atha Gurtrude Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
Thanks for all the information and all your hard work.

Bob R. Qualls - 08/13/98 22:49:32
My Email:cen01060@centuryinter.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Raymond Emmett Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Riley Stokely Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Agnes Jane Martin
When and where were you born?: Jan. 1, 1949 at Batesville, Ark.
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: don't know yet, just starting
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes

Karl James Qualls Jr. - 07/19/98 02:53:12
My Email:KQresQ@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Karl James Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Virgil Ira Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Anneliese Scherb
When and where were you born?: 7-9-60 Tacoma, WA
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Please!
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes

Betty Qualls DeKorne - 04/27/98 21:09:01
My Email:bdekorne@bruchez.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Selmer James Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Oscar William Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Mildred Froese Qualls
When and where were you born?: Phoenix, AZ/1/11/43
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes

Amethyst - 04/07/98 17:09:51
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net
Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday

Stacey Smith - 02/24/98 02:15:21
My Email:Sdsm2269@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Lonnie Dean Smith
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Hiram Smith
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Pasty Elaine Qualls
When and where were you born?: 1969, Alton Mo
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: mother, f Emmett Qualls,f Oscar William Qualls
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
I am banging my head on a break wall with the Qualls. My grandfather was Oscar William Qualls they said that he came from Ten but no records. HE married a Dolly Ruth Bowers and they lived in Newark Ark and Moorefield and Heber Springs . They say that Osc r passed on in 1920 but that's a ? . His kids were Emmett Qualls 1903-1958 Gladies Qualls,Matilda Qualls or Tily, William Qualls but they said his name was Oscar to. Della Qualls,Joyce Qualls,Jamie Selmer Qualls or Sam , Loren Qualls, Oscar have brothers and sisters I know that one was Gross Qualls, Newark Ar.,George Qualls,Steven Qualls,John Qualls,Joyce Qualls,not for sure on these names .. If you have any hope for me please email me Sdsm2269@aol.com

Stacey Smith - 02/24/98 02:05:52
My Email:Sdsm2269@aol.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Lonnie Dean Smith
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Hiram Smith
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Patsy Elaine Qualls

James (Jim) Qualls - 02/09/98 06:12:58
My Email:jmq@pilot.infi.net
When and where were you born?: May 9, 1960 in Detroit, Michigan
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: I am a descendant of Isham Qualls, Perry Co., TN.
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
I am looking for info on Isham Qualls c.1795 from Ireland. Have no documentation on his arrival from Ireland. Would like to have any available info. He fought in War of 1812 and settled in Perry County, TN. I enjoy your site very much.

Tammy Nichols - 12/29/97 20:06:36
My Email:rnichols@tsixroads.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Rufus David Duncan
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Rufus David Duncan
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Roberta Leona Jackson
When and where were you born?: 3/11/1968 Corinth, MS
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: My Husband's family
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
This is a great website. I'm a beginner. My husband is Randall Darrow Nichols. His mother is Margaret Helen Irvin Nichols. She is the daughter of Harve Irvin. He was the son James Jackson Urbar/Irvin and Margaret Qualls. I'm looking forward to looking at your web pages. Good luck Tammy

Paul J. Qualls - 11/28/97 06:47:21
My Email:pqdo@usa.net
Fathers' Full Name:: Samual R. Henry Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Solomon R. Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Pauline Lucille Sykes
When and where were you born?: 2-13-1934--Crawford County, Mulberry, Ark.
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: David Qualls/Quarles line
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
I did not have tie-in to our linage past John Qualls & Sarah N. Allred, so I was glad to pick up information on George William Qualls, John Qualls/Quarles and David Qualls/Quarles.

Larry Phil Qualls - 11/24/97 02:04:12
My Email:clqualls@greene.xtn.net
Fathers' Full Name:: James Tiller Qualls
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Logan Ridley Qualls
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Nannie Cora Monk
When and where were you born?: Kingsport, Tn, Dec. 8,1941
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Yes
I lost connections the first time I tried to enter this info. I am just beginning to research my family history. I saw lots of familiar names by no direct ties. Thank you for putting all the Qualls info on the internet.

Melissa Kaye Heaton Weast - 11/19/97 01:14:11
My Email:weastm@oit.edu
Fathers' Full Name:: Donnie Dean Heaton, Sr.
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Norby Lee Heaton
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Alice Myrle Qualls
When and where were you born?: Klamath Falls, Oregon Klamath County, 12/6/64
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: Alice Myrle Qualls was my grandmother
Are you interested in Genealogy?: Very!!
I was very exicited to come acros grandma's lineage. I was tracking my grandfathers's Norby Lee Heaton, and I got sidetracked. Unfortunately, I am unable to get back to where the good stuff was on his ancestors!!

Madge Simpson - 08/14/97 03:27:12
My Email:mmhqsgen@mail.cswnet.com
Fathers' Full Name:: Garland Thurman Hearne
Grandfathers' Full Name:: Joseph Gilbert Hearn
Mothers' Full Maiden Name:: Mary Lois McClendon
When and where were you born?: Benton, Saline, AR
How do you tie in with the Qualls line?: marriage [now div]
Are you interested in Genealogy?: yes
Clinton Jackson Qualls [prob Henry Co, TN]was my ex-husband's grandfather. Other names I have found in Bowie Co, TX/Miller Co, AR connected to Henry Co, TN, are Archie Lee Qualls and C Hunter Qualls. I need information about how all these connect. I wil be visiting this web sight frequently. I am glad to hear about it through RootsWeb.

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