I can float sometimes in my dreams.
Without flying,
I can just
without being seen or heard.

I must say that I did not know the Princess or
Dodi, obviously.
I did not know that he even existed or that these two people loved each other.
It had no effect on my life until hers ended.
She was always The Princess. In spirit.
She was born and bred to marry the future King of England.
When she lived, I noticed that she lived for all of us is
some ways. She did more than I ever thought someone would do or even want to do
for the good of humanity. She did it. She strived to be everything that a human
could be that was acceptable. To try and matter. To attempt to make a difference.
Even her imperfections or mistakes remind us that we are all human, but we can all
strive to make a difference. Just by caring. 
Her death just proved to me, that She was a living angel
noticeable to MOST of us and rescued by her own death.
She is now as recognized as the image of
the Great Goddess or the Madonna, Mother Mary phenomenon. I believe that the Princess
Diana had conquered everything that a pure soul can do to reach the highest level of
heaven. It dawned on me as I watched her funeral that "It's her...It was her
this whole time. This woman was supposed to be a great Queen and now she's
gone". I cried uncontrollably as I felt that we were not worthy of her
presence on earth. She seemed like the one that we had been waiting for to save us from
ourselves. She embodied every aspect of a living Goddess. Now that she is gone from our
physical world, I feel that we all know her more so in death, for she
is not really dead. She has the ability now to come to anyone at anytime.
