What follows here is in the nature of a "FORWARD" to the rest of the site.
You will find reproduced here part of a "book" describing my research findings, and part of a data base concerning records of Strongs found by me and others. The discussion in my book is entitled "RESEARCHING FOR STRONGS IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND" . I hope it will be helpful in understanding the data contained in the IRELAND file and other files appended to this site.
The study of family history and genealogy in Ireland is made infinitely more difficult than usual by the fact that much of the vital statistics records of Ireland for the 300 years preceeding 1922 were destroyed in what is known as the "Four Courts Fire". Research depends upon snatches of material which survived the fire and tidbits of information gleaned from various other sources.
Other contributors to this site and I have done a lot of research concerning the surname Strong, with all of it's variants. My personal research has been concentrated primarily in Ireland, but has necessarily also reached into England and Scotland... My research has all been done from North America, utilizing available records and research materials. As with most genealogical pursuits, it is an ongoing task, subject to constant revision. I hope you will find this site a helpful tool in aiding your own research, and will share with us any insights or additional information you may have on the subject matter.
Much of what appears here was first written in the period 1983-1991, but never published. For various reasons, not least of which was a doubt that the material could be cost effectively published, the project was put aside for several years. At the end of 1996, the author, David B. Strong, subscribed to the Strong Genealogy List then just recently initiated by the Moderator, Robert T. Strong, of Madison, Alabama. Discussion on the "List" with Bob Strong, Bill Strong, and several other individuals who made valuable contributions to the discussion led to development of the Strong Genealogy Network, posted on the World Wide Web. This site became a vehicle for publishing the contents of the book which I had previously set aside. The book is incomplete, and perhaps will never be really complete. It is intended to be a guide, primarily for researching Strongs in Ireland, but also to tracing their antecedents in Brittany, France, Scotland and England as well as their descendants in the rest of the world.
The book represents the joint efforts of several people who have contributed their knowledge and efforts to trace their individual family histories and genealogies back into Ireland and Scotland from present day locations in Canada and the United States. Without their efforts, much of what has been recorded here would not have been accomplished.
Some of the contributors who assisted in gathering the information set out in the present text and database include Bill Strong of Dunnville, Ontario; Dale G. Strong of Cassatt, South Carolina; Alec Strong of Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia; Rupert Strong, scion of a Scots-Irish family of Strongs who settled in New Brunswick; Ordella Park McIntyre, daughter of a Strong family from County Cavan, who settled in Ontario; Dr. Connell J. Cunningham of County Galway, Ireland; Mr. and Mrs. William T. Stronge of Drumbaron, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland; the late Robert Edgar, Treasurer of Drumhome Parish, County Donegal, Ireland; and more recently, Martha F.B. Strong, and the late Robert T. Strong, and the late John R. Mayer For a more extensive listing, see the Bibliography, which may be accessed through the Table of Contents.
The work of many other researchers has been liberally relied upon, and is cited through-out the text. It is hoped the reader will recognize the tremendous efforts which have gone into the compilation of these sources by the individuals involved. We hope this work will serve to inspire others to seek out and add additional information to the body of data available. We welcome additions or corrections and encourage others to share their information with us or to publish their own work.
You are invited to join the project. Please consider contributing any and all information you may have concerning your Strong ancestors as they lived in the British Isles, and help us to trace our Strong connections from there through Ireland, Australia, America, Canada, and the rest of the world. Email David B. Strong
You may wish to view the Table of Contents, and access links to other sites with Scots-Irish or Anglo-Irish connections. Table of Contents
If you wish, you may access a partial reproduction of the IRELAND data base file, and explore for yourself some of the data we have collected.Ireland Database Sources for the data included may be found at Sources Please be aware that the IRELAND data file is rather large, containing about 190 kilobytes, and takes a while to load. The IRELAND database is NOT searchable at this time. It is ordered 1) alphabetically by name of the individual, 2) chronologically by date, and 3) then by county (also in alphabetical order). The "record number" is given at the beginning of each record.
Note that most of the records contained in the data base concern Ireland.... However there are a few data records, notably concerning passenger records, which have been included because they MAY involve persons who emigrated from Ireland to the colonies.
The data fields reproduced in the IRELAND file are a condensation to
just 7 fields of a larger, more complete IRELAND data base maintained
by the author which has some 25 separate fields. To view an image of
a typical or representative record from the complete IRELAND
database: Ireland Database Record Image.
For additional information concerning one of the records
contained in the data base attached please send a message
to David B. Strong. If the record in
which you are interested contains additional data in any of the
fields, we will forward that information to you.
If you wish to submit information about an individual not presently included in the IRELAND data base, please fill in as many fields as you can in the attached submittal form and forward it to David B. Strong. Go To Data Base Submission Form. Please note, the information will be cumulated for inclusion in a future update to the IRELAND data base. You agree as part of your submission to 1) publication of the data submitted, as well as 2) your name and address as source of the data, and 3) complete references to where you found the information.
Please take a look at our Lineages Directory Perhaps you will find some other researchers working on potential relatives, or a lineage which may offer some linkage to your line!
You may also wish to go to our links page for leads to other sites helpful in performing Irish, Scottish, and/or English research, Links Page.
Please open our Guestbook; you are invited to sign and leave your comments as well! Sign Guestbook
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visit this site since July 29,1997. The site will be updated
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NOTICE: The contents of this WEB SITE are subject to Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 by David B. Strong. All rights are reserved, including the right to reproduce the contents or portions thereof, in any form. Permission is hereby granted to copy for personal use only limited parts of the written material and of the attached data files contained herein as text material, provided, that any published reuse of this material must properly acknowledge and cite the copyright of David B. Strong as the author or compiler of the information. This material may not be copied except for personal use; and it may not be duplicated and sold, either separately, or as part of a compilation, either in print, on digitalized media such as Compact Disks, or electronically, without the express written consent of the author. Distribution of documents (as opposed to abstracted and reformatted data) downloaded from or copied from this site, whether in part or in whole, whether in print or via electronic media, is strictly forbidden, regardless of whether a fee is charged. This copyright applies to all parts of this site as published on the Internet.
Go to Table of Contents
Go to the Strong Genealogy Network Home Page,
Go to the Strong Quest - including the STRONG-List Home Page,
While you are there, be sure to consider subscribing to the Rootsweb Email STRONG List!
To review some of the discussion on the Strong-List in the past, Go to the Strong List Archives or go to Rootsweb Archives.
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