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Shadow to the rescue! - One time two years ago, our daughter Meg had been in hospital for surgery on her ankle. She also, as part of her treatment, needed a few minor incisions in her chest. Because of all these surgical sites, she was unable to have a bath or shower. A washcloth helped, but she needed a hair wash. Up on the kitchen counter she went, and lying on her back, her head in the kitchen sink, the salon treatment began. As I began wetting her very long hair, Shadow started climbing all over Meg, crying and yowling! She didn't want Meg to be so wet! As I shampooed Meg's hair and tried to rinse it, Shadow couldn't take it any more! She jumped into the sink, water spraying all over, grabbed a mouthful of soapy hair, and tried her hardest to pull Meg's head out of the sink! Poor thing just didn't understand why I was trying to drown my own daughter! We shooed her away, and she watched in amazment as I continued in this absurd behaviour, then finally pulled Meg out of the sink! To this day, whenever someone has wet hair, she avoids them, probably thinking the insanity might be catching!
February, 2004. We have lost Shadow this month. View her Memorial here.
JULY 9, 1998: The birthday of our sweet Jasper Bear! Three years ago today, he was born in Meg's closet! About 4 weeks earlier, Meg had found this teeny-tiny black cat in our back yard. This cat was filthy, starved, covered in scrapes, scabs and mud! We fed her, and she was so starved that she kept slamming her little face into the canned cat food, then snorting it out of her nose! I figured her age to be about 8 weeks old. We took her in and cleaned her up.
After several days, she started to fill out a bit. Cleaned up, she was a very pretty little cat. She grew, and filled out more. And filled out MORE! Larry asked a few times, "Could she be pregnant?" "Oh, no!" said I, "She's MUCH too young! Look how small she is! She's just so hungry, that she's eating too much and has gas bloat! Here, feel her belly, you can just feel those gas bubbles rolling around in there!!"
Well, about a week later, Shadow gave birth to five very healthy gas bubbles! Four tabbies, and a black. We kept Jasper, adopted another tabby out to an associate of a friend of ours, and the other three? To find out about them, you have to visit Kym and Deans Page. They have Fuzzer, Dickens, and Cleo! Anyway, to all five of Shadows kittens, Happy Third Birthday!!
I have, in my life, been a part of the lives of 17 different cats. There were my childhood cats:
Mischief, Needles and Kitty.
My precious "single days" cat, Tovah. We shared a little old basement suite, pizza, loneliness, and joy. She was my confidant!
The various cats I shared with my husband in our infamous 5th street apartment (every stray in town knew we were soft touches!):
Anya, Macbeth, Jewel, Hecate, Kayla, Cenric, Pavsha, Suki, and Misha.
And last but not least, the four felines that have accepted Larry, Meg and I as their current pets:
Tika, Mimi, Shadow and Jasper
In all, 6 tabbies, 4 calicos, 3 tortoiseshells, 2 blacks, 1 black and white, and one ginger. Each and every one of them a stunning beauty!
The most at one time? Seven! And that was in a one bedroom apartment with a newborn baby!
The smartest cat? Tika! She's so smart, that she once called 911 when the other cats were bugging her. REALLY!!
The dimmest? Jewel! She was so dim that she once got her claws caught in the fibres of the living room rug, fell asleep like that, then when another cat ran by, Jewel jumped up to chase it, and fell flat on her face with her claws still entangled!
This is the place you'll find all sorts of cat stories. I will be adding cat-related links, as well.
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