
This newest breed of cavy is a result of careful crosses between the curly coated texels and coronets, resulting in a beautiful guinea pig with the lovely ringlets of the texel and the dignified crest of a coronet. This breed has passed into Rare Variety status for the Ontario Cavy Club, and hopefully by the year 2000 will become the 16th standardized breed of cavy to be shown at OCC shows. Some of the first merinos appeared in 1995. One of the earliest merinos was our first boar Coffee Crisp a lovely Chocolate roan. His mother Clara is still living but no longer breeding due to severe asthma. Several of  his daughters and grand-daughters carry on his genes. Frost-Top shown below is one of his daughters.
Other "Crispy"  daughters  we have  are Valoriel's Precious Jewel - a red roan Satin Coronet, Valoriel's  Roanna - a pastel tri-roan.

Our Merinos

We thank Heather Baskey of Red Rock for allowing these two lovely sows to join our breeding program.  We are hoping that both will soon be mothers.

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