Boucles  and   Texels

This is a picture of  Valoriel's Niblet,  an outstanding boucle.  Niblet was
undefeated in this spring and summer.  Five times she has won
Best of Breed
Boucle and Best Rare Variety at OCC
shows.  Niblet got her name as she loves to nibble fingers and hands - never biting, just tasting and licking. Niblet  is the daughter of 
Valoriel's Annie Oakley, a Satin Peruvian and Fuzzy Wuzzy, a red and white boucle boar.  Niblet's twin sister, Valoriel's Annie's Girl  had two lovely babies.  Her daughters -  Triumph. a roan boucle lives in Sarnia and
Destiney resides at Valoriel.

Valoriel's Sundance,  is a real pet and Niblet's littermate.  He knows he is special. Sundance has shown off his outstanding density of coat winning several Best of Breeds this year, plus Reserve in Show at Dorchester and Best in Show at the Royal Winter Fair !
He is now  happily living with several sows in hopes of being a dad.   We can't wait. 

Valoriel's Caoin,  shown by Tracy Corbeil to Best in Show.   Caoin returned home last spring but
unfortunately caught a cold and passed on.   Thanks to Tracy we have his gorgeous daughter, 
Corbeil's Lady Ashley,  to carry on his line.
Just returned from the States we also have Caoin's half-brother -
Valoriel's Midnight, a beautiful black texel.

Mindy,  (right) was Michael's daughter. She was shown only once, at Gowanstown last fall,  after having a litter.  She won Best of Breed. Her coat here is a bit chewed from the babies but you can see her pretty head.

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