Canadian Standard for the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

Origin and Purpose : The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier originated in Ireland. It was an all-purpose working farm dog used for destroying vermin, hunting small animals and guarding against intruders.
General Appearance :  The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is a medium-sized, hardy, well-balanced sporting terrier, covered abundantly with a soft, wavy coat of clear wheaten colour. The breed requires moderation in all points and any exaggerated features are to be shunned. The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier should present a square outline with an overall appearance of a strong, well co-ordinated, happy animal.
Temperament :  Good-tempered, spirited and game. Affectionate and loyal. Alert and intelligent. Defensive without aggression. He does not start a fight but should always stand his ground; exhibits less aggressiveness  than is sometimes encouraged in other terriers.
Size : Ideal height for males is 18˝" , (47cm.); for bitches 17˝" (44cm.). Ideal weight for males is 35-40lb.(16-18kg.), for bitches 30-35lb.(14-16kg.).
Coat and Colour :  Abundant, single coated, soft textured and wavy, showing no trace of wooliness or harshness at maturity. The hair does not shed. Colour is a pale gold to warm honey. Some dark shading may be found on the ears and muzzle, but should not be present in the body coat. Latitude in coat colour must be given to dogs less than 24 months of age. For show purposes the coat should be trimmed to present a neat outline. The head with the exception of the fall and beard should be trimmed to present a rectangular outline and should be in balance with the rest of the body. The ears should be relieved of the fringe , but not taken down to the leather. The tail should be trimmed enough to be tidy. Overstyling is to be penalized.
Head : Well balanced and moderately long with skull and foreface of equal length and in good proportion to the body. The skull is flat and not too wide. Cheeks are clean; moderate stop. The muzzle is square , powerful, and strong, with no suggestion of snipiness. The nose is black and large for the size of the dog. Lips are tight and black.  Teeth are strong and white, meeting in a scissors or level bite with scissors preferred. The eyes are dark hazel or brown, medium sized and well protected under a strong brow. Eye rims are black. Coat should fall forward over the eyes. The ears are small to medium in size, breaking level with the skull, and dropping slightly forward, close to the cheeks, pointing to the ground rather than the eye. "Rose" or "flying" ears are objectionable.
Neck :  Medium in length and set well upon the shoulders, sloping into the back.
Forequarters : The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier should have good reach in front. The shoulders should be well laid back at a 45 degree angle with a clean smooth appearance. The forelegs are straight when viewed from all angles and are well boned and muscled. Dewclaws should be removed. Feet are round and compact with good depth of pad. Nails are dark, pads black.
Body :  The body is compact. The chest is deep but not round. The ribs are well sprung. The back is strong with relatively short coupling. The anatomical slope of the croup is 10 degrees, but with muscle fill-in must appear level.
Hindquarters :  The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier requires good drive from behind, so requires a strong, well-muscled rear assembly. The legs should be well developed with powerful muscles, well bent stifles, turning neither in nor out. The hocks are well let down and parallel when viewed from behind. Dewclaws on rear legs must be removed.   The nails are dark.
Tail : The tail is docked so that half to two-thirds of its original length remains. It is high set, carried gaily but never over the back.
Gait : The gait is free, graceful and lively, having good reach in front and strong drive from behind, straight action fore and aft.
Faults :  Coat texture deviations, any colour other than wheaten (with latitude given to young dogs), black hairs throughout the body coat, cowhocks, shuffling, crabbing, roach or slack back, poor pigment, snipey muzzle, rose or flying ears, overstlying of the coat.

Disqualifications : Over or undershot mouth, over aggression, nose not solid black, yellow or light eyes.

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