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Guinea Pigs

Cavies make terrific pets. They are quiet (except when the refrigerator door opens), require little care, and can be quite amusing to watch.
They come in many colours and coat varieties.
This is 
Michael,   a Texel.  The Texel has a long soft curly coat that often falls in ringlets  and can come in many colours.

Our Cavy Breeds 
Boucles and Texels
Abysinnian and Satin Abysinnian
Long Coats  and  Rare Varieties
More Pictures of our Cavies
General Care of Your Cavy
Cavy Links
Upcoming Litters and Cavies for Sale   
Kids Page

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers

These adorable dogs are a medium-sized breed that originally came from Ireland. They have a soft slightly wavy coat that does not shed but does require grooming. They are playful and loving but not very good watch dogs. They come in various shades of blond.

What is a Wheaten Terrier ?
Canadian Standard
Health Issues
Wheaten Pictures
Puppy Pics
Bouvier Pictures

P.S.   Bouviers des Flandres,  too!

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