If you like country music and dance...Come on in. We'll have a dance of the month, links to Lots of Fun Country Dance Sites, UCWDC dance competition index and lots of local events right here in and around Franklin, PA.


Every Monday Night

Beginner lessons start at 7:00pm
Intermediate lessons follow at 7:30pm
Open dancing till 10:00pm
Admission: Donation

For more information call:
Or email

Bring your own refreshments

Dance With Our DJ
ICC Club
Meadville, Pennsylvania
Every Wednesday Night
We're closed for the summer. Check back for the fall schedule.
Have a fun and safe summer.

Valley Forge, PA

"Like to dance? The Hook 'N' Hitch Dance Team is presently recruiting new members. The team performs 1-4 times per month at local retirement homes, charity events, and parties. In a typical performance, the audience is treated to dances from around the world including swing, cha-cha, country, and waltz. The team is country-western based, but the dances are really mixed, as is the music. We presently have 8 members, and would like to have a few more join (two just moved to Florida).

The routines are all choreographed and will be taught to new members. You must have some level of dancing experience, but you don't have to be an expert! You also don't have to be part of a couple. We all dance with different partners on the team. Most practices take place at the home of the instructor in Valley Forge, PA. I can tell you that it is extremely satisfying to see how happy our performances make people, particularly those at retirement homes. They will thank you again and again for brightening up their day. It is a great way to learn dances, exercise, and make people happy. The people on the team are all good people, and it is a lot of fun. If you are interested in trying out, call Mel (choreographer) or Chris (instructor) at (610) 296-7762. You can come check out a practice or performance, or they can lend you a video tape to see what it's all about.


Jack & Mary Jane's Country Dance Club

Wild Willy's Home Page

Dancinjim's Home Page and Links

Lone Star Country

Honky-Tonkin' USA
Is your dance hall listed?

Country Western Dance with Lee & Susan

Southern Country Express


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