Boxer's Page

Boxer followed another stray cat which I had been regularly feeding. When he arrived, at first I scared him away! The other cat was a female and I thought he was bothering her. It turned out they were best of friends! Anyways, he was a disaster. Covered with fleas, ear infections, torn ears and quite frightened. He got his name because he looked like a boxer who had had one too many fights! I started to feed him and he never left our backyard! He totally accepted Friday, and never fought with him and always deferred to him. Eventually he got friendly enough for me to pick up and hold. He decided he was going to be our cat also. At night when we closed the sliding door, he would promptly propel himself up and hang on our screen door looking into the house. We succumbed and started to let him stay in the garage. After his visit to the vet where he was declared healthy (no FLV or other unsolveable problems), he moved inside from the garage and became Friday's brother. They were really good together and I think Boxer really missed Frids when I had to put him down. Now Boxer is "our son" and has developed into a wonderful friend. His looks and personality are totally different than that of Friday. And, maybe that's good!

This picture is one of my favorite of the "Box". I call it "Here birdie, birdie!"

Here are a couple other fairly good pictures. For an old stray cat, he's pretty handsome, isn't he!

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