On this site: HTML,Java,Borders,Frames,web page creating resources.

Nilla's HTML Resources
and More!

"These are some of my help sources"

If you like this page, please rate my site above. Thanks.

This page has been made to help anyone to start
building a webpage. Many resources are available.
These just happen to be the ones I use.
Email me if you have any suggestions or hot url's to add!

Basic's of webpage building.
Keep it simple!

Every page usually has the following:

..main document text and etc.

HTML GOODIES..offers a wonderful bare bone
basic tutorial, Primers he calls them.
They walk you through the very beginning..
from explaining what each basic term means
to how it works.

HTML Goodies Primer-1

The objective of this webbuilding resource page
is to provide beginners as well as advanced
builders resources to better aide them in
their endeavors. The resources listed below
are just a sampling of great sites in "my
opinion" that have aided me, and I would
like to share their existance with all of you.

If your having a problem once you have
started your page, a few quick items
might be worth checking before you spend
many hours looking for the answers to fix them.

1...Did you use the proper open and close
flags <> on your HTML commands? All it takes
is one missing and the entire page can be
messed up.

2...Did you ensure the proper coding for
your commands? example..one missing " from
your image command will cause your graphic
to not come up..instead a broken window
will be there.

3...Did you spell your commands correctly?
Center and centre are not the same, and
etc...check your spelling even on your HTML.

4...Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Community Leaders in the various neighborhoods
are more than willing to help, email the
one in your neighborhood...thats what
they are there for..to help!
Can't find the list?
Well here it is:
Heartland Community Leaders

A wonderful place that gives you information
on all the tools and CL's and aides available,
for Heartlanders is:
Heartland Headquarters

Thanks for visiting and enjoy looking around.
If a link is inactive or doesn't work,
be so kind as to email me at:
and I will look into it.

Have a nice day!

General Resources:

/Yahoo quick reference /Yahoo how-to/

/ Top ten Web /HTML Goodies/

/Roxy's Renditions/

Homepage building starts:

/Html Basics /Grandma's HTML Guide/

/Geocities Guidelines /Graphic Design/

/Silk Pyramid /Java/

/Web Developer's Virtual Library/

/ Yahoo GeoCities Pagebuilder/

/Roxy's One Hour Page/

Sound and Midi resources:

/ Wav & Midi Sounds

/ Annabella's HTML help Music / Lycos Pictures & Sounds/

/Silk Pyramids Index:sounds / WDVL-Embedding Sound in Web Pages/

Individual helps:

/Promote your site /Banners submit/

/Georewards /Neighborhoods/

/Geocities Guestbook /Geocities Counter/

/Forms info /Yahoo GeoCities Editors Help/

/Gadget Factory /Thingmaker/

/Geomedia /Java applets/

/File Types /Frames/

/Geoplus /FTP /Yahoo help/

/HYPES's Color Specifier For Netscape v.3/

/Become a META Master/

/So you don't want links underlined?/


/helpchat/ Yahoo online support/

Be sure to check out my other interesting Webrings.

Happy Surfing!

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Any suggestions, ideas,
or questions, email me below.

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