On this site: Crafts: Decorative Painting: and resources and decorative painted samples, links, help.
Also this site: Nilla's Art-a-Facts continued.

GabysSantaKlaus copyright 1989 acrylic on wood

Creativity Welcome

have fun!!!

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Welcome to my world of art.

I have been a Decorative Painter since 1987. The older term
years ago was tole painting. Now it is a more updated
term which applies to various surfaces with various mediums.
Decorative Painting is something I love to do. The simple
enjoyment of bringing a flat inanimate object to life is
my reward.

There are many local chapters, which offer lessons and
information in additon to wonderful workshops in cities
all over the United States. I am a member of the
National Society of Tole and Decorative Painters
of which I have included information below.

There are many uses of art in
our everyday lives. I hope this page
will bring some enjoyment and many new ideas for you.

Any suggestions or new ideas welcome!
So sit back and relax and have some fun!
Please visit my Webring Page for other webrings.


Official Seal of the National Society of Tole and Decorative Painting

Decorative painting as defined by the Society of Decorative Painters, is a diverse art form that utilizes a variety of techniques and media to decorate functional and nonfunctional surfaces.

Contemporary decorative painting is a teachable art form because of the systematic method that is employed. The use of either predrawn or freehand designs allows a high degree of success without academic training or inherent drawing ability. Approached with creativity, discipline, and craftsmanship, contemporary decorative painting offers numerous opportunities for artistic self expression and creative satisfaction.

The scope of contemporary decorative painting is boundless, incorporating styles and techinques of the past, adapting these to the trends and material of the present, while at the same time developing the decorative art heritage of the future.

For more information of the National Society of Tole and Decorative Painters visit the following links:

/Official site of NSTDP /History,Information,& Sources for Decorative Painting

/My Cozy Craft Room/


The above cabinet was designed by Delange Lange as a free project for Decoart.

The "American Star Dust Angel" was painted by Debbie Kaput as another free project for Decoart.

The above project and many others are available free at the sites listed below.

Links to other sites on the Web

/Decoart /Delta /Liquitex /Plaid /American Traditions /Old America /Decor Delights/

Please note the above sites are just a sampling of the many places available for free projects

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Art-a-Facts Continued Page 2

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