On this site: Angels, angel sayings and more

Nilla's Angel Page

"There are angels everywhere!"

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Oh dear!...Oh my!.....look
at who snuck into my Angel page!

Ahem....WAIT...okay... Brainy is whispering
in my ear...He wants us to keep quiet..because slumber
was unable to sleep and decided to visit my angels.
During his visit he feel asleep.

Well...okay..you all can stay and play
with my angels.
But if you get homesick, just click on Moony,
at the top sitting on the moon to take you home.

Speaking of Angels and babies..have some beanie baby fun below!

This page has been created because so many nice
folks and friends have given me Angels sayings
along with guardian Angels to the point they
need their own place to fly. So come on in
and fly with mine!

Angel Sayings

An Angel's heart is filled with love

Angels sent from up above,
please protect the ones we love.

An Angel is..as an Angel does.

When in doubt, look up!

Listening hearts hear angels sing

Angels can fly because
they take theirselves lightly.

Earthly Angels are Mothers in disguise

Music is the Angel talking

Light fades,
Stars appear,
Our guardian Angel watches here

Problems are..
Angels of opportunity in disguise.

When in doubt ~ wing it

Links on Angels...graphics, stories, history and more!

Sunset Angel's Page

Marvelicious Angel Cover Page

Do you believe in Angels?

Golden Angel Angel Talk

Angels Online ~j~ Angel Ring

CyberStory:Angels in our lives

Angel Encounters Guardian Angels

Come back again and check out new additions.

"The above Guardian Angel was given to me
by my good friends Soupy and Stu"

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