On this site: Family, Friends, Children, Pets,
Graphics, Webuilding help,and lots more for everyone!

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"all folks and strokes and others welcome"


Welcome to my world of Angels and more!"
I am Gaby better known as Nilla.
Meet my family at Nilla's Loved Ones.
Nilla's Travels invites you to
visit some sites in England and Alaska.
Additionally I am a Decorative Painter. I have been
painting since 1987. Please visit Nilla's Art-a-Facts to see
ideas and places for decorative arts.

Friends I have met have their homepages linked at
Nilla's House of Friends. For my friends who love the
the graphics on these pages Nilla's Graphic Resource Page
provides a large selection. Oh by the way some
of my friends were nice enough to give me some gifts
and awards listed at Nilla's Awards and Gifts.

For you feline lovers, Cats has a wonderful
legend to share. Alot of neat folks are the webrings page.
Great topics and places to explore.

For you busy webpage builders, visit Nilla's webpage help
to see all the great sites of informative helps.
Looking for fun? Visit Fun Links for some kewl spots.
Learn something interesting or grow alittle at Fact Links.

Happy surfing! Have a nice day!
Please share your visit by signing my guestbook
at the bottom of this page. Thanks.

angel "Let me introduce you to
my angel Allina.
She is here to watch over my homepages and
to welcome all visitors! If you click on her,
she will guide you to my Angel Page Entrances.

ICQ...wonderful way to keep in touch
Forty up chat
Tune up your site free!

Roonierella's Cozy Corner


Starting Point

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Links around Nilla's Site

/Art-a-Facts /Nilla's Friends /Nilla's Loved Ones /Fun Links/

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