The Bales Family Genealogy

Benjamin Bales was born ???. He married Louise M. Taylor.

Harry Charles Bales (BT1) was born either ?/??/1841 in Wales or 1/30/1855 in England. He was in the British Army till about 1891. He and Laura E. Bullard were married ?/??/1892. Her father, Rita Galramus Bullard, was born in France. Laura died before her husband. Harry was a member of the Odd Fellow Society, the Brittania Lodge No. 18, and the American Order of Sons of St. George. His last residence was at 324 Audabon Avenue, Audabon, NJ. He died 6/7/1934 in Camden, NJ. His funeral was from his late residence and he was buried at Section:K Lot:447 of Evergreen Cemetery in Camden.

BALES On June 7th 1934 Henry Charles Bales beloved husband of the late Laura E. Bales (Bullard) in his 80th year. Relatives and friends of the family also the Brittannia Lodge No 18 and the American Order Sons of St. George are invited to attend the funeral Monday 2:30 pm D.S.T. from his late residence 324 Audabon Avenue, Audabon, NJ. Internment at Evergreen Cemetery. [From the 6/8/1934 edition of the Courier Post]

Laura Louisa Agnus Bales (BT1a) was born ?/??/1878. She married Jeremiah Walter Henry. He was born in 1881? and died in 1972?.

Helena Fanny Bales (BT1b) was born 9/11/1881 in London, England. She married Joseph Franklin Hansell.

For more information about Joseph & Helena Hansell and their descendants visit The Hansell Family Genealogy.

Viola Minnie Bales (BT1c) was born 12/13/1893 She married Walter Sweeney and had one child. She married George Middleton Marsh and had two children. George was born 9/21/90. Viola died ?/??/1921. George died 11/21/1963.

Henry Walter Sweeney (BT1c1) was born 5/27/1910 in West Philadelphia, PA. He attended Collingswood High School in New Jersey until 11th grade. He worked at the Whiting-Patterson Printing Company in Philadelphia, PA and then at the Victor Company. He eventually attended Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. He and Edna Bevin were married in 1932 and had two children. He and Rita Antionette Corfagno were married in 1940, but they didn't have any children. He enlisted with the navy in 1940 as a medic and was shipped out with the marines. He was honorably discharged in January of 1946 after 5 years, 3 months, and 28 days. He and Margaret Elizabeth Fisher were married 1/8/1950 in Audabon, NJ by a Justice-of-the-Peace. She was born 9/15/1916 in Audabon, NJ. She died 7/31/1990 West Jersey Hospital, Marlton, NJ. Her funeral was 8/2/1990 from the Knight Funeral Home, Berlin, NJ. She was buried at Harleigh Cemetery, Camden, NJ. Henry currently lives in Albion, NJ.

Walter Sweeney (BT1c1a) was born in 1936.

Ralph Sweeney (BT1c1b) was born in 1937.

Ruth Agnus Marsh (BT1c2) was born 12/21/1918 on Taylor Ave in Audabon, NJ. She and Bill Brennan were married 8/26/1947. He was born 5/27/1920 in Philadelphia, PA. He died 2/13/1973. She currently lives in Folsom, PA.

John William Brennan (BT1c2a) was born 9/26/48 in Philadelphia, PA. He and Julia Owsany were married 2/??/1975.

Beau Jonathan Brennan (BT1c2a1) was born 9/23/1975.

Dorann Edna Brennan (BT1c2b) was born 11/1/51 in St. Petersburg, FL. She and Kevin Curran were married and had one daughter. She and Michael Gordon were married 6/20/1981.

Shea Elizabeth Curran (BT1c2b1) was born 6/25/1973.

James Joseph Brennan (BT1c2c) was born 12/3/1956 in Philadelphia, PA.

Thelma Elizabeth "Betty" Marsh (BT1c3) was born 8/12/1920 in Runnemede, NJ. She and Vito Anthony Tamburrino were married 7/20/1940. He was born 1/2/1917 and died 1/16/1966. She currently lives in Marlton, NJ.

Harry Charles Bales, Jr. (BT1d) and Mary Elizabeth ??? were married and had two children. She was born in Ireland.

Jenny Bales (BT1d1)

Laura Bales (BT1d2) and ??? were married and had two children. She and Earnest Shaw were married and had two children.

Ray ??? (BT1d2a)

Harry ??? (BT1d2b)

Laura Shaw (BT1d2c)

Betty Jane Shaw (BT1d2d) was born in 1948.

Agnus Bales (BT2)

Elizabeth Bales (BT3)

Minnie Bales (BT4)

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