Joan Stutsman - 10/17/00 03:15:32 My Email:JMstutsman@AOL.com Mother's Name: Eleanor Kirkpatrick Irwin Father's Name: Jefferson David Gilmore | Comments: My Great-grandfather was John Irwin m Sara Jane Irwin. She was born in 1837 and died 1923 Belfast. My Grandfather was Richard Henry Irwin first marriage to Jennie McDowell. He was born 9-26-1872 County Monahan, Ireland. Died December 14, 1946 Sebastopol, CA. He had one son by this marriage Robert McDowell Irwin. Jennie died 10 months after Robert was born. His second marriage was to Mary Sophia Kirkpatrick. My mother has wondered about her ancestors for many years. Her parents immigrated to California in the early 1900's. |
Linda Rogers - 10/03/00 20:56:10 My Email:rdstewart@itlnet.net Mother's Name: Mary Vivian Emler Father's Name: Charles J. Davis | Comments: My Grandmother was a Irwin B1876,Tx. Her father was William Alexander Irwin B1844, Tx. His father was Lockhart Jefferson Irwin B@1817, Tn. His father was William M. Irwin B Tn. Believe his father was Richard Irwin B NC. This web site WOW!!!! Great Job! |
Robert Irwin - 09/29/00 05:32:06 My Email:robtirw@volcano.net | Comments: Superior work and great research |
Ronald E. Irwin - 09/04/00 15:41:32 My Email:dcrandall@mmcable.com Mother's Name: Margaret Ellen Father's Name: Alfred Eugene Irwin | Comments: This was my first visit, so I'm not sure if we fit in any where. My relatives are from illinois and their anscestry comig from penn. |
David Irwin - 03/17/00 20:40:39 My Email:David_Irwin@Biogen.com Mother's Name: William K. Father's Name: Dorothy M. | Comments: |
Lorraine Bentley - 03/16/00 16:18:11 My Email:bentley@totcon.com Mother's Name: Rose (Valletto)Youngson Father's Name: George W. Youngson | Comments: Oct. 29, l891, my Grandfather (George Washington Youngson) married Ella E. Irwin in Westmoreland county, Parnassus, Pa. I believe that had a daughter named June who later married A. Logan Miller. I have hit a roadblock with the Youngson family. If you ave any information regarding June's Grandfather and GreatGrandfather D.B. Youngson. I certainly would be grateful. I believe they may be from Aberdeen, Scotland. Thanks. Amatuer Root Seeker |
Lorraine Bentley - 03/16/00 16:17:28 My Email:bentley@totcon.com Mother's Name: Rose (Valletto)Youngson Father's Name: George W. Youngson | Comments: Oct. 29, l891, my Grandfather (George Washington Youngson) married Ella E. Irwin in Westmoreland county, Parnassus, Pa. I believe that had a daughter named June who later married A. Logan Miller. I have hit a roadblock with the Youngson family. If you ave any information regarding June's Grandfather and GreatGrandfather D.B. Youngson. I certainly would be grateful. I believe they may be from Aberdeen, Scotland. Thanks. Amatuer Root Seeker |
Robin Irwin Collins - 03/09/00 14:03:45 My Email:borg305@mindspring.com Mother's Name: Linda Jane McClaran Father's Name: Gary Douglas Irwin | Comments: Very impressive web site! I am looking forward to visiting often for updates, & hopefully, connections! You even have my query on here-thank you! I hope to find exactly where my Joseph & Mary Ann actually came from in Co.Tyrone. Excellent work! |
carol shedden - 11/18/99 17:50:22 My Email:RHSCES@prodigy.net Mother's Name: edna leslie Father's Name: alfred ledoux | Comments: my mothers family was from nothern ireland that is all i know right now,i'm just starting. thank you i don't know if our lines are connected or not, but it was nice meeting you. carol |
- 10/25/99 19:50:17 | Comments: |
Iris L. Dickerson - 08/20/99 18:11:27 My Email:orioninc@erols.com Mother's Name: Myrtle Laird (Hamill) Father's Name: Thomas M. Laird | Comments: Todd: Great Job Len 8/20/99 |
Ann McPherson-Citrano - 08/17/99 23:38:47 My Email:alcitrano@aol.com Mother's Name: Irvinia Willetta Laughead Father's Name: Hubert J. McPherson | Comments: It was great to talk to you! Thank you for calling. I am having a great time looking all over the Irwin Geneology pages. You have done a great job. BUT - I couldn't bring up the picture of your family (see, I was checking on you!). Is it me or is the link missing? I hate to complain, but I know you want everything perfect! Thank you for all you are doing for all of us! |
Denise Mae Aulenti Ryan - 08/17/99 14:16:43 My Email:dandpryan@worldnet.att.net Mother's Name: Kathleen Mae McPherson Aulenti Father's Name: John Paul Aulenti | Comments: Please note my email address and new address: ADDRESS REMOVED BY TODD FOR PRIVACY REASONS Thanks! |
Dana Marie Henke - 08/17/99 14:13:42 My Email:dhenke@monmouth.edu Mother's Name: Kathleen Mae (Kay) McPherson Aulenti Father's Name: John Paul Aulenti | Comments: Please note my email address. Thanks. |
Kathleen M. Aulenti - 08/17/99 14:10:32 My Email:kayjohnhhi@aol.com Mother's Name: Irvinia Willetta Laughead McPherson Father's Name: Hubert James McPherson | Comments: We are Irwin Family Members : Note the Laughead Family name of my mother. Thanks for all your BEAUTIFUL work on this genealogy! |
Sue Vaughan - 08/12/99 11:49:46 My Email:s.vaughan@bigpond.com Mother's Name: Enid Lilian Vaughan (nee Scott) Father's Name: Rodney Vaughan | Comments: I have really enjoyed your site. Could you please note that my mother's middle name is spelt with one l ie. Lilian, and my surname is spelt Vaughan not Vaughn. Also the date of my father's death was the 2nd October 1983 not the 1st. He didn't die while owling either, he collapsed while bowling and died some hours later in hospital. Thanks, you've done a top job all round. |
Scott Laughlin - 03/27/99 08:16:03 My Email:LaughSSSS@AOL Mother's Name: Evelyn Father's Name: Trent Wessel | Comments: You have my name wrong. It is Scott Brian Laugling not Scott Brooks Laughlin. My wife is Sherry and we currently live in Elk Grove, Ca. Fascinating information on your page, although it is kind of hard to navigate through your pages. |
James Dean Irwin - 01/27/99 17:21:22 My Email:jirwin@dtd1.slps.k12.mo.us Mother's Name: Evelyn M Hughes Father's Name: Charles Edward Irwin | Comments: I didn't find any connections. Thanks for the Info. My grandpa was born in Macon, MO 3-23-1883 and was 1 of 8. Great-grandpa was b.12-11-1840 in Dublin, Ire. 1 of 12+, m. 3-18-1875 to Mary Elizabeth Orr in Decatur, IL He worked for the wabash railroad o t of Cerro Gordo, IL d.1-31-1921 in Danville, IL |
Alan Irwin - 12/25/98 20:27:15 My Email:alan@irwin1905.freeserve.co.uk Mother's Name: Dorothy Irwin nee Buckley Father's Name: William Irwin | Comments: Great site, I found it by chance through reading a guest book on an Orange Order web-site. My grand-father William Irwin and his wife are buried in Cloveneden graveyard like so many of the Irwin's mentioned on your site. I live in Portadown, County Armagh Northern Ireland which is about 5 miles from Loughgall and 7 miles from Cloveneden. Your site has given me the incentive to find out more about my ancestors and for that I can only thank you. Can you send me the address of the old Irwin homestead as I thi k it may have been where my grand-parents lived. Thank you and Goodbye. |
Raymond Earl Irwin - 11/29/98 20:08:27 My Email:no-nails@msn.com Mother's Name: Julia Pearl Irwin Father's Name: Raymond Oscar Irwin | Comments: My mother is a Bayler born in Springfield Ill. My father was also born in Springfield Ill. His father brought a war bride home from Eingland during WWI. |
Richard Motycka - 08/11/98 01:42:37 My Email:moechat@ix.netcom.com Mother's Name: Myrtle (Richards) Motycka Father's Name: Frank Motycka | Comments: This is really a labor or love. Very nice job! As I run across any info re: the family I'll send it to you, but what a shock it was seeing my grandmother, Marion Richards (and her twin, Myrtle), on the web. For some reason when I tried to check out the pix of the family reunion (Name that Relative - 1959), none of 'em came out whole. Each cut out the bottom rows of people. Any idea what caused this? Do I need more than 16mg of RAM? |
Roderick Colin Hirst - 08/08/98 09:54:25 My Email:rod.hirst@hunterlink.net.au Mother's Name: Norma Elaine Hirst Father's Name: Colin Kenrick Hirst | Comments: We have an invitation to the Irwin Family Reunion.Sorry we can't make it,hope you all have a great time.Where having record floods here in N.S.W. Australia at the moment 8/9/98 |
gail hansell - 05/04/98 04:13:30 My Email:lydiahans Mother's Name: FLORENCE BENTLEY Father's Name: JAMES FLANSBURG | Comments: How do I know I am in Todd's geneology? If I am, Todd, this is strange. All I have is a fluorescent screen on black background. This box is white. We are having a thunderstorm here. Where is your dad when we need him. Bedtime. Bye! |