KitKat crossed the Bridge last night


She went peacfully, as she always was, she had no complaints

She was met by friends and family I'm sure
Mazie and Fuzz are Happy to see her as are Henry and even Lumpy who hardly knew her.
Most certainly her Mom would be there to greet her, Mischa was like that.
and most of her brother and sister litter mates were no doubt waiting, after all it's been close to fifteen years since they were together. Her Twin is most happy to see her again, though Kit it has to be admitted has put on a few pounds over the years

She was born one of six, one brother lost at two weeks  and a twin sister, Momma Mischa although she had six  gladly took in  one of  Chelsea's five a week after her own litter was born...a true Mom cat Mischa had only one eight weeks she took her brood, including Kit and Kat( the twins) out into the nearby woods, no doubt to teach them to hunt, alas only one cat returned that night..a little tortie/calico, one of the twins...her Dad looked down and said "which one are you?"  failing to answer,  from then on she was known as KitKat. Momma Mischa came back for a quick visit years later ,came inside ate a bite of food and asked to be let out never to be seen again. But Kit was  happy  she had won over Mazie  and together the two of them became the 'dad's cats'. they stayed upstairs and Dad would greet them each night and join them for TV or sometimes they'd help him build a model or  work on a puzzle  and Kit always came when Dad called for his Mazie..jumping on the arm of the lazy boy and  settling on the foot rest.She never complained..even when Mazie got  KFC  she preferred her Tender Vittles variety of chicken.... her love of treats was only exceeded by her Dad's desire to let her have them.....then the day came that Mazie died..Kit got put in the basement while Daddy  held Mazie for her last breathe........ but after the loss was a bit  more distant, she enjoined Henry into the ranks of the Dad's cats... .Fuzz was not a favorite of hers but she sensed the loss two weeks before Henry  went to help Fuzz cross the Bridge.. so short a while and Henry lost his battle with FeLv but He knew Kit would comfort Dad and that Fuzz needed his help. For months she was alone with her Dad, always there..every night the routine would start..Dad lay down on the bed and flipped on the TV...Kit knew her cue to jump up in that one spot where Dad could see the TV  from bed...and she knew she would be told how much she was loved... a few minutes of serious attention and it was time to flop in front of her Daddy's face  she knew he'd scrunch down and stroke her neck with his free arm....then after Dad fell asleep she played the bed game... dad sleeps on one side and Kit is in front...but every time dad rolls over Kit gets up and walks around the foot of the bed to be in front of him once hadn't always been that way..she remembered the days when Mazie got the prized  Dad's face position..and Kit was relegated to the Dad's back spot... Mazie also preferred to change sides of the bed at the head of the bed..or  even over top of Dad  but Kit had always walked the long way around.
One day she saw a wonderful sight..Daddy carried a new kitten into the soon as Jake was put on the floor of the living room she walked right up and started bathing him... her mother taught her well! for three years she and Jake have been constant companions except Jake always sleeps on the banister...she didn't share her  time alone with dad there  but as  soon as dad's foot hit the floor in the morning the  thundering of those eight paws down the stairs to the kitchen would be heard!

No more snuggles on the bed because
KitKat crossed the Bridge.
No more blocked view of the TV at night because
KitKat crossed the Bridge.
No silent  meows and cooing purrs( the sound of a pigeon coming from her throat  barely
audible  and very rare)  but Daddy heard it and knew it was a thank you for itching the spot...that one spot she enjoyed  getting itched..right above the tail. And in later years an good ear scritch would call for a turned head and another scritch on the other side.
She was loved and she loved in return .......and will be sadly missed by daddy and her brother Jake

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