12/16/00 01:28:41
Name: Christine Seeber Ruloph |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
This was interesting. I even printed out every page I could. My dad's name is Albert Harrison Seeber, and my grandpa is August Seeber born 8/10/1902? but this is as far as I can go for now as my dad can't remember his grandpa's name. I will keep trying. Thanks for all this information.
11/17/00 18:25:34
Name: Karen Seiber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I found your site quite interesting and informative. I'm from the Seiber's of Lewis Co. Tn where Frederick "Fed" son of Pleasant, son of John, son of Philip (who brought all of us here from Germany), brought his wife 2nd Jane and their 7 children in 1896
Their son Cleveland Grover married Ethel Clay whose family I'm trying to locate. Would love to share info. Didn't realize that there was so many of us in so many places. Always great to meet new people but nothing like finding more family!
11/16/00 00:51:22
Name: Stephen Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
from the Johann August(John)Seeber line that imagrated to Melbourne Australia in 1885 from Germany
10/19/00 05:15:48
Name: Travis Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi guys! :P
09/05/00 03:21:15
Name: Bruce Adolph Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Born in New Orleans La. This is great I never thought there was so many Seebers were I'm from there is only a few and we are all related. I knew of some in New York, N.Y.but never thought so many all over the country
07/18/00 03:59:24
Name: Alan T. Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hello: I'm fascinated by your page. You have already heard from my uncle, Steven Seeber, and two of my cousins, Richard and Michael Seeber. My Father is Edward B. Seeber, brother of Steven T. Seeber. Nice to meet you all.
07/15/00 00:59:48
Name: Dave |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I see your still doing a great job with the site.
07/13/00 17:06:52
Name: Jim Burns |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I have enjoyed your site. Together with some of my on-line cousins, I have been finding the decendants of Sebastian Frantz my gggggrandfather. Those of the Seeber line that are decended from William Seeber and Dorothy Kling are my cousins. By downloading
our GED I added greatly to our data base. Thank You
06/25/00 03:07:45
Name: A.E.Rogers |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Interesting site.I have Walraths,Dygerts in my lines.Peter B.was of Clayton,but I haven't done any further research on it.Also the Seebers of Depauville are part of our line.I'll be back to visit again. Gus Rogers
06/20/00 18:41:06
Name: Donna |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Great site. Still didn't find my Guy. I'm looking for Timothy Seeber born 1827 in Oswego Co NY. Died at the Civil War battle of Pearidge. Had two sons. Henry A and Louis or Lewis Edwin. Louis would be my Great grandfather married to Ida Marie Smith on
4-4-1873 their children: Charles Timothy, Myron Edwin, Anna May, Lewis Garfield, Daisy Evangiline and Faith Merel and Warren Lester.
Any help out there?????
05/04/00 17:08:51
Name: D. Mereness |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Does your Gerit Mereness have a brother John Mereness? I have a John Mereness b. NY wife Sarah Kitely b. NY. Son Aaron Fremont Mereness b. WI. 3/27/1858 d.4/7/1920 in Cleveland, OH. Please email dmerene1@tampabay.rr.com
01/12/00 02:23:03
Name: laura baty-kunkel |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Foun you through the baty name,there must be a connection,somewhere,my entire family is from Iowa.
12/20/99 21:04:26
Name: Janet Seiber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am married to Harry Seiber (b. 1-20-49 in Fourmmile, Kentucky), youngest child of Robert Cecil Seiber & Lola Emily Hill (Harry5, Robert4, Nicodemas3, James2, Samuel H.1). Robert Cecil was born March 6, 1903 in Oliver Spring, Tennessee and died November
6, 1982 (in Greenville, Ohio).
We are new to looking into genealogy and really appreciate all of the work (done by so many people) that makes this adventure so much fun! Thanks to everyone!
11/16/99 00:15:40
Name: Matt Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
If you are a Seiber from Anderson County or Eastern Tennessee you are most likely descended from Philip Sebre. He was the first known Seiber in Frost Bottom. Contact me.......
11/14/99 10:09:46
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
10/30/99 00:04:05
My URL: Visit Me |
10/20/99 15:22:35
Name: Chanda Seibert Blitch |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
A fascinating site! It would be wonderful to link
all members of this clan someday. I'm from Wendel
SEIBERT, who emigrated in 1738 from Soetern,
Pfalz-Zweibrueken, Saarland, Germany, to Berks
Co., PA. Lineal descendants then went to
Washington Co., MD; Berkeley Co., VA/WV; Lawrence
Co., IN; Des Moines, IA -- with stops along the
way in KS, CA, and DC! -- and Florida. Have been
collecting cousins of this huge line, some of whom
spelled the name SEYBERT, SIBERT, SEIVERT, and
other variations. By the way, a new SEIBERT list
has been started on Rootsweb: Send subscription
requests to SEIBERT-L-request@rootsweb.com with
only the word 'subscribe' in the body of the
message, and (if needed) 'subscribe' in the
subject line. You can also subscribe in digest
form to SEIBERT-D-request@rootsweb.com. Note that
you must subscribe to post information. Best
wishes to all you
10/10/99 19:22:51
Name: Jim Bennett |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
My mother is a Seeber but our family is still in Germany. The Seeber's have been in Bavaria area for about 1,000 years originated from the Austria region. If you pull a map out, you can find the Seeber Sea (small lake) in Austria. It seems that your re
ords only go back to the colony period and not further back. Good Luck & enjoyed reading your site.
10/03/99 00:21:29
Name: Honor |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Thank you so much for sharing with a descendent of Huldah HAYWARD & Ferdinando THAYER and mayhaps a distaannttt cousin"? :o)
09/13/99 02:35:47
Name: Matt Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Some may not know this but the movie "October Sky " , recently released on video, was partly filmed in Anderson and Morgan counties of Tn.,namely the towns of Oliver Springs and Petros.{SEEBER,SEIBER COUNTRY}...... its a good film too.
09/04/99 02:34:48
Name: Matt Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Since my last message a few clicks down the list, I have been enlightened on the Seebers in Anderson County, Tn., especially my direct descendants.The first Seeber came to Frost Bottom Community well before 1830. His name was Philip "Sebre". He was born i
Maryland around 1760 . His wife was named Mary. Seebers have been in Frost Bottom ever since. The previous info I have posted is not quite as accurate as I was led to beleive. I do apologize. Can anyone connect the "Sebres" of Maryland to anywhere else?
good friend of the family has researched the family histories of both Seeber and Lively names. I am confident his research is accurate. I have in my possesion names of each generation of Seebers in Frost Bottom back to " Philip Sebre ". I hope someone ma
have information that could take this search deeper into the past.... thank you, Matt
09/02/99 01:37:52
My URL: Visit Me |
08/24/99 15:36:44
Name: Lucinda Seeber Nowall |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I have my family living in Canastota New York . They are getting ready to attend a big family reunion . I live in Florida and am unable to attend the family gathering . I just want to see if you or any of you know about this family gathering in upstate Ne
08/24/99 15:35:41
My URL: Visit Me |
I have my family living in Canastota New York . They are getting ready to attend a big family reunion . I live in Florida and am unable to attend the family gathering . I just want to see if you or any of you know about this family gathering in upstate Ne
08/18/99 09:32:26
Name: Dawn |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Guten Tag.
Had to come and check out the site. Mother (Diane) told me about it... she even has a text on here about our SEEBER line. :-) This is a great site. Keep up the great work :-)
08/17/99 18:13:00
Name: Sandra Anderson |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am also researching the Seiber surname,and would appreciate any help I can get.Check out my site!I believe, but have'nt proven yet that the Seiber I am researching comes from Phillipp of Germany.Looking forward to hearing from you.Great site you have.
08/17/99 15:07:43
Name: Ray M. Seiber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi, my name is Ray Seiber, I live in Cincinnati Ohio. I was borned in Habersham Tenn.
My Great Grandfather was James Seiber, wife Sara (Daughery) Seiber, My Grandfather was Lincoln Seibers, wife Nola (Belle) Seibers, my Father is Floyd Seibers, Mother is Nellie (Brotherton) Seibers.
Have you noticed the differents in the spelling of our name ? Somewhere along the line an ( s ) was added to our name. ie: Seiber - Seibers. This started with my Grandfather, reason unknown.
I have made the following correction on my URL sorry I had a , instead of a . so please visit my site.
08/17/99 15:00:22
Name: Ray M. Seiber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi, my name is Ray Seiber, I live in Cincinnati Ohio. I was borned in Habersham Tenn.
My Great Grandfather was James Seiber, wife Sara (Daughery) Seiber, My Grandfather was Lincoln Seibers, wife Nola (Belle) Seibers, my Father is Floyd Seibers, Mother is Nellie (Brotherton) Seibers.
Have you noticed the differents in the spelling of our name ? Somewhere along the line an ( s ) was added to our name. ie: Seiber - Seibers. This started with my Grandfather, reason unknown.
I have made the following correction on my URL sorry I had a , instead of a . so please visit my site.
08/11/99 06:14:00
Name: Heather Ready |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am a descendant of two Seebers
1. Maria Ester Seeber
b: ? d: ?
m: Hans Joggi (George) Weibel/Wabel
b: Ramlinburgh, Switzerland
2. Solomon Seeber
b: March 12, 1812
d: May 7, 1898
Buried w/ second wife Delia Koucher in
Flint Town Cemetary Ava N.Y.
1st wife Sara Weibel/Wabel
Some family trees don't branch. They just grow straight up.
In Family Tree Maker, it states that the parents
of Solomon Seeber were Jacob Seeber and Elizabeth
Moyer but everytime I click onto it, the computer says that the website doesn't exist.
Would you have any information about these two relatives??
I believe that George Wabel was also in Klock's regiment and his home was destroyed in Johnson's raid Oct 19, 1780.
I am also the descendant of John Isaac Suits, another member of Klock's Regiment
I love your the website. My father grew up in Oneida and I spent my summers there. In fact, I'm
leaving on Friday to spend a week there.
It's strange to see all the information that my aunt has collected has been collected by other people. Oh to have computers 100 years ago.
Thank you for any assistance
08/11/99 06:13:56
Name: Heather Ready |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am a descendant of two Seebers
1. Maria Ester Seeber
b: ? d: ?
m: Hans Joggi (George) Weibel/Wabel
b: Ramlinburgh, Switzerland
2. Solomon Seeber
b: March 12, 1812
d: May 7, 1898
Buried w/ second wife Delia Koucher in
Flint Town Cemetary Ava N.Y.
1st wife Sara Weibel/Wabel
Some family trees don't branch. They just grow straight up.
In Family Tree Maker, it states that the parents
of Solomon Seeber were Jacob Seeber and Elizabeth
Moyer but everytime I click onto it, the computer says that the website doesn't exist.
Would you have any information about these two relatives??
I believe that George Wabel was also in Klock's regiment and his home was destroyed in Johnson's raid Oct 19, 1780.
I am also the descendant of John Isaac Suits, another member of Klock's Regiment
I love your the website. My father grew up in Oneida and I spent my summers there. In fact, I'm
leaving on Friday to spend a week there.
It's strange to see all the information that my aunt has collected has been collected by other people. Oh to have computers 100 years ago.
Thank you for any assistance
07/27/99 01:00:58
Name: Sharon Denton |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am the oldest daughter of Donald Burnham, the youngest son of Ruth Alberta Seeber. I was very interested in this site and found it most informative! At this time My uncle Richard Burnham is also passed on. Also My grandmother Ruth passed Oct 24 1988
07/24/99 13:32:42
Name: Matt Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hey all, Matt here... I live in East Tennessee along with hundreds of other Seeber,Seiber families. There are so many of us in this area. We are mostly concentrated in Anderson, Morgan, And Roane counties. Many also are found in Scott and Campbell countie
. My great grandfathers name was Rufus Seiber. He and his wife had several children, 10 or so anyway. The oldest was my grandpa, John. At some point in his life he took a job at K-25 nuclear facility as a maintenance man, where he eventually retired. Anot
er man named John Seiber worked there as well. With the government not capable of keeping the paperwork straight, especially at payday, my grandmother, Viola "Bunch" Seiber changed the spelling to Seeber. So, with the exception of maybe a few families,
the Seiber, Seeber families are the same clan in this area. I don't know much about our history. Rufus did come from a large family as well. New River mining camp is as far back as I know of them. Rufus left there and settled in Frost Bottom Tennessee whi
e others went north to Kentucky. I believe one of his brothers name was Harvey.
07/24/99 13:31:28
Name: Matt Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hey all, Matt here... I live in East Tennessee along with hundreds of other Seeber,Seiber families. There are so many of us in this area. We are mostly concentrated in Anderson, Morgan, And Roane counties. Many also are found in Scott and Campbell countie
. My great grandfathers name was Rufus Seiber. He and his wife had several children, 10 or so anyway. The oldest was my grandpa, John. At some point in his life he took a job at K-25 nuclear facility as a maintenance man, where he eventually retired. Anot
er man named John Seiber worked there as well. With the government not capable of keeping the paperwork straight, especially at payday, my grandmother, Viola "Bunch" Seiber changed the spelling to Seeber. So, with the exception of maybe a few families,
the Seiber, Seeber families are the same clan in this area. I don't know much about our history. Rufus did come from a large family as well. New River mining camp is as far back as I know of them. Rufus left there and settled in Frost Bottom Tennessee whi
e others went north to Kentucky. I believe one of his brothers name was Harvey.
07/22/99 09:55:03
Name: Brenda Jean (Sieber) Washington |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hello everyone,
I think that I fit in here somewhere just not quite sure where yet. I am just begining an interest in the Sieber Family and came across your site. I see that my cousin Richard Sieber is listed here. He has all the information about me and my famil
so I believe that I am in here somewhere in the grand scheme of things. :)
Thank you for all your hard work. Someday I hope to have an extensive copy of where my family originated. Time, however, does't allow me such things.
Much Love to You All,
06/26/99 23:15:17
Name: Ruthann Seibert |
My URL: Visit Me |
Found this site intriguing...never thought that possible ancestry links through NY, as thought that family moved to PA directly from Europe. Just starting my research. Anything you might be able to communicate would be appreciated and I would be happy t
give what i can from my branch. Seibert family is in lower Lehigh County and a few inUpper Bucks County. My mail address is: Ruthann Seibert 26 N. 4th Street Quakertown, Pa 18951. I have no E-mail.
05/31/99 18:53:41
Name: Sandra Anderson |
My URL: Visit Me |
Hi my name is Sandy and my grandfather was Floyd Seibers married to Nellie Brotherton.Floyds pop was Lincoln and his pop was James married to Sarah Daughery.They were just country folks from area's around Campbell Co. Tn.My Uncle Ray Seiber has a message
n here so come on and join us on his site.
05/31/99 03:15:29
Name: wendy seiber dugan |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
hi, looking for information on my grandfather, Daniel Joseph Seiber. he was born in the late 1800's. married once, having a son, then married my grandmother, edna elsie arnold around 1940 in california. had three more sons, arnold vern, lanason, and jo
eph. any clues would be appreciated!!!!
05/30/99 05:48:28
Name: Ray Seiber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Please drop by and pay us a visit at the Seiber's Home Site, who knows we mwy be related.
Thank You
Ray Seiber PS All my brothers and sisters has a s on the end of their name ( Seiber ) is the correct way to spell it. At least on our family end.
05/06/99 21:17:47
Name: Kim Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi There,Would like info on the clan in the Seattle area please, Thank's Kim
05/02/99 17:27:37
Name: Waddie *Bos'n Mate* Salmon |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Excellent web site, easy to navigate and pleasing to the eyes. You have put a lot of time and effort into a job well done. Glad I stopped by. Thanks!
02/28/99 19:28:15
Name: Louise Kirkpatrick |
My Email: Email Me |
Just found your site. I am just beginning research on the following names:
Would like to hear from anyone that may info on any of the above surnames.
02/22/99 19:41:16
Name: Jeanne Fisher Collison |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am really impressed with your family tree documentation and format. If you have time sometime I would like to know what software you used. My grandfather Wesley Fisher is dangling off one branch. My own father also Wesley Fisher says he doesn't know
ny of these people. It's ancestory Dad, when you work backwards I think they are all gone. Anyway, thank you for all your hard work in putting this together.
Jeanne Collison
02/09/99 02:21:59
Name: michael seiber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I was looking for my new born sons home page and came across this one. I'm very intrested on finding out more about the Seiber family tree. My great-grandfather,Noah, was full blood German, and when entering the U.S. settled in Tennessee,I think,. I th
nk the name of the town was (of course) Seiberville. I think I spelt it right. I dont know much about him after that. My father told me about him. My Grandfather lived in Texas, and moved around there alot. I'm not sure of his name, but I will find out. M
father Elvert Hugh Seiber went in the Army in '55. He has four children: Patrick, Shawn, Michael(me), and Shannon,my little sis. If you know anything about of the family tree of this spelling of Seiber I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank You Very Much,
Michael Seiber
01/02/99 08:09:33
Name: daniel seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Well actually i've been "here" quite some time but i just found your site. E-mail me when u can.
Just a small clue as to who i am, my dads name begins with an "H" and he lives where it's HOT!
bye for now................. :)
12/22/98 20:46:27
Name: Jeanne Fisher Collison |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I not even sure how I found your page, by accident surely as I have done no geneology work. Wesley Fisher was my grandfather, son of Ann Bell Seeber. I could fill in a lot of blanks as the Fishers are at the end of the line and John Fisher and Wes Fishe
married sisters so we're pretty close, with double cousins from those two families. It is really fun looking at all your work. Thank you,
Jeanne Collison
12/12/98 05:53:13
Name: D Christopher Sieber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
My family is from Cincinnati Ohio, but my grandfather was disowned for marrying outside the church. There is a connection to the Zimmer family.
12/07/98 21:39:19
Name: Nancy Seeber Green |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
This is my 2nd visit to the "Seeber Site". It definitly is growing. I have been helping my cousin Steve Seeber with what little info I have on the Seebers'. Maybe when I retire, l,2 years, hopefully, I will be able to do more. It's definitly habit for
ing. You are doing a great job Marcia. If I can be of help, glad to.
"Nancy Tinkerfoot Seeber"
11/12/98 18:00:48
Name: Waddie *Bos'n Mate* Salmon |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Excellant web site! I am very impressed with all I see here. Great layout and content. Best of luck to you.
11/10/98 23:58:15
Name: drema arledge mereness |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
you mention waucoma, iowa in abram s seeber history. looking for fremont mereness in early iowa married
maragert catherine thompson.
11/10/98 00:55:08
Name: drema mereness |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
looking for fremont and margaret catherine (thompson) mereness early iowa. children glyde ensil and gladys. mereness in cleveland oh around 1918. glyde and katharine (barnes) son arthur lorin (born 10-26-1918
drema arledge mereness
also looking for you maggie arledge
11/09/98 02:38:09
Name: Clifford Henry Seiber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am of the Tennessee Seibers who migrated to Texas.
10/22/98 01:30:57
Name: Mike McCormick |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am a descendant of Sally Failing, daughter of Jacob Failing and Maria Zimmerman, who married Jacob Wormuth and moved to Cayuga County, New York. Also a Wagner descendant and have communicated with Nan Dixon and Carol Siderius.
10/04/98 12:38:38
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
08/30/98 06:01:07
Name: Melanie Siver |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I've been trying to find some Sivers anywhere!! This was a great site to find!!!! If you wish, please e-mail me. I'd love any info that you may have!!!
05/10/98 16:24:21
My URL: Visit Me |
05/03/98 03:55:41
Name: Sharon A Huffman |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
This is a great site for anyone researching SEEBER (and variant spellings). My interest is in the SEIBERTs of PA, Northampton Co (m into my BAUMAN family) and Armstrong Co (m into my TRUBY family--the TRUBYs and BAUMANs are also related.) I'll be back a
ain to scan all the various sites available here. Keep up the good work.
04/01/98 04:51:28
Name: Bill Brown |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Beautiful web page! Can you help? I was very interested in the link to Warren Putman's page, but apparently the link is out of date. I read something somewhere else that referred to Warren Putman in the past tense. I hope my fears aren't true! Do you h
ppen to have a more current url for him? If he is gone, did he publish his work or has someone preserved it? Thanks for any help you can provide.
03/29/98 02:55:36
Name: Dave Ferris |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Enjoyed the pages and thanks for the links. They will save me a lot of time.
Good luck in the future
03/28/98 03:14:57
Name: John Seeber, march 22=JS22:) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Diane is my aunt Bruce is my Dad and I was born in New Orleans too.
03/19/98 06:47:15
Name: Sherrill |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am hoping that I will be able to find parents of Timothy Seeber born in 1827 in Oswego Co. N.Y. He married in 1848 and had 2 sons- Henry A. 1843 and Louis Edwin 1852. I'm glad that I was given this home page.
03/04/98 02:58:43
Name: Penny fitler |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Spent the afternoon on your site and I'm still not done. Gold Mine! My mother handed me some family sheets that Margaret E.R. Bohart sent her, then Margaret sent me more! She also included directions to her house! What fun.
02/15/98 21:29:26
Name: Nancy Seeber Green |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
My cousin Steve Seeber gave me this location. I didn't realize there were so many Seebers'. I will do more visiting at a better time.
02/06/98 11:34:43
Name: Carolyn Clark |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I agree that some of my relatives seem to have dropped in from outer space. I, too, am researching my family and have dedicated my webpage to that task. Your page was great and I enjoyed my visit!
02/02/98 19:14:05
Name: me |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
01/31/98 17:23:43
Name: Dave |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Guess where I am!
I came in the back door from our group sheets.
01/31/98 13:47:14
Name: Charles S. Sebor Jr. |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
My family is Czech. Came to NY @1885. Settled in Mass and Long Island. I live in Reading MA.
01/24/98 14:52:25
Name: Dennis Gorman |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi there cousin(?). My mother's name was Alice McRorie. Her great-grandfather married Eliza Seeber b 1803, d. 19 Dec 1907 in Richfield Springs, NY. I have over 16,000 names in my data base. Many of the surnames are from the Otsego Co. area and match on
s I see on your sites. I am very interested in working with you. I will send an e-mail also after I've made some more comparisons.
01/23/98 01:56:17
Name: Sandra Ragan |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Would like to trade Soberanes info.
See my site ubder Genealogy: Peter Cole Soberanes
You have a few errors, as well as things we don't have. Thanks
01/19/98 12:43:30
Name: Betty Fink |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
You've done a wonderful job on your page. I'm proud of your work and delighted to have your link on my page.
01/18/98 22:41:24
Name: Bestest Friend |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi, I just love all the hard work you have done on you page. You can tell that you have a deep love for your family as I do. Good Job!!!
01/16/98 05:44:42
Name: Claudia Seibert Richardson |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice sight. Looking for info on William Seibert, b. 3 Apr 1822 @ Blairs Mills, Huntingdon, PA; d. 1 Jun 1884 @ Mt. Union, Huntingdon, PA; m. Mary J. Love; father of James A., Robert S, William M. and Lucinda J.
01/13/98 01:01:46
Name: Curtis C. Siver |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I am a descendant of Johann Martin Seibert, born 1674, Lambsheim, Germany. Who left Germany in 1709
going first to England then arriving in New York
in 1710 settling in the Mohawk Valley.
I would like to hear from you.
Curtis Siver
01/06/98 06:12:20
Name: Jodie Castellani |
My URL: Visit Me |
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What a find! I have been researching this family for years and have had such bad luck. My ancestor is Philip Seiber b abt 1765. I'm told he came from Germany to either PA or MD. His son John Seiber b abt 1795 was b in MD. Family moved to Anderson Co
N around 1803 where they settled--there are thousands of SEIBER descendants here today. Am very eager to participate and will exchange all information. Please email!
01/03/98 23:16:56
Name: Paul Seibert |
My URL: Visit Me |
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Last Seibert that i know of. Antonin Seibert and wife came to US in 1920, last male in family. Antonin begat Walter, only son, who begat Paul - me, only son. Relatives would be found in South east Czech republic. Great grandfather Joseph born 1880 (?)
died 1940 in Lipov, Czech republic. Maybe there's a distant cousin somewhere. Just curious.
01/03/98 23:16:31
Name: Paul Seibert |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Last Seibert that i know of. Antonin Seibert and wife came to US in 1920, last male in family. Antonin begat Walter, only son, who begat Paul - me, only son. Relatives would be found in South east Czech republic. Great grandfather Joseph born 1880 (?)
died 1940 in Lipov, Czech republic. Maybe there's a distant cousin somewhere. Just curious.
01/02/98 02:08:51
Name: Ray Seeber III |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice Site,caught while surfing around. Hoping maybe I would see how we came to Wisconsin.
01/01/98 17:29:59
Name: Candace Leatherman |
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My mother was a Sieber; I have traced the family back to Christian Sieber (b abt.1776) in Berks Co, PA. Family lore says they migrated from Switzerland. My great-grandfather, William Elmer Sieber moved to Jasper Co., MO where my grandfather was born.
12/16/97 14:16:53
Name: Stacie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Happy Holidays...& Have a great New Year!
12/13/97 18:43:31
Name: Michael John Sieber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Just looking for Siebers on the web
12/07/97 23:40:01
Name: Steven Talbot Seeber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Wonderful stuff keep up the good work. My son Michael E. Seeber meseeber@yahoo.com turned me on and I have not stopped for three weeks. Here is what I now know. Daniel Seeber B:1817 (in N.Y. exact place unknown.) Died:1896 age 79 Sonora, Ca. Daniel mar
ied Myra Benton (no date)B:1-25-1821 @ Ames, Montgomery Co. N.Y. Died:11-7-1904@ Oakdale, Ca. Daniel Seeber was my great grandfather. They had two sons according to Jefferson Co. 1850 census. Benton Seeber B:1842 and my grandfather Byron Seeber B:1846 in
Theresa, N.Y. The family of four left Watertown in 1855 for Sonora, Ca. by way of ship to the ithmus of Panama, across by land to the Pacificnup by ship to S.F. and overland. to Sonora. This is all I have right now for the N.Y. connection
11/07/97 01:41:22
My Email: Email Me |
10/30/97 17:37:20
Name: Cynthia Brott Biasca |
My Email: Email Me |
I received your name and page from Betty Fink, now with her own Home Page "gram's Home Page." I am especially interested in Bradt/Bratt/Brott material. I love all these home pages!
P.S. I'm sending again becasue I forgot to put @aol.com after my address!
10/30/97 17:35:57
Name: Cynthia Brott Biasca |
My Email: Email Me |
I received your name and page from Betty Fink, now with her own Home Page "gram's Home Page." I am especially interested in Bradt/Bratt/Brott material. I love all these home pages!
10/29/97 23:11:06
Name: Michael Seeber |
My Email: Email Me |
Stumbled across your site, very well done. My Family originated in Watertown N.Y. as far back as I know. My Great grandfather Henry Seeber then migrated to Ca. settling in Oakdale Ca. Now we are scattered across N. Calif.
10/17/97 20:30:58
Name: April Kline |
My Email: Email Me |
Great homepage! My mother's maiden name was Seeber, but our line didn't comeover from Germany until the early 1800s. They were from Grozerzog-Thum-Hessen, near the present town of Alzey, and settled in Buffalo, NY. Any clue if your folks are from that
10/14/97 13:31:22
Name: Dawn Dawson |
My Email: Email Me |
My Mother is a Seeber :-)
10/14/97 11:50:05
Name: Diane Seeber Sewell |
My Email: Email Me |
You have a great page...Glad I finally found some Seebers wanting to research this family...working together we will solve the puzzle.
10/13/97 04:41:45
Name: bruce a.seeber |
My Email: Email Me |
i guess we are related my sister e-mailed me your home page.
10/11/97 05:31:15
Name: Ron Sieber |
My Email: Email Me |
My ancestors came from Sovenyhaz, Gyor, Hungary (near the Austrian border), to the United States in 1884-1885. I trace several generations earlier back to Johnes Sieber b. 1761. This was a family of farmers that used some of the German methods of crop rot
tion. How they came to Hungary is still a mystery to me. My immagrant great grandfather, Michael or (Mihaly) Szieber-Sieber proved a homestead in Kansas, and then was uprooted by the severe weather. He removed to Minnesota, and later Wisconsin. I would b
most interested in corresponding with other Siebers of Hungarian descent.
10/04/97 17:31:14
Name: Melody (Seeber) Hanscom |
My Email: Email Me |
Marcia, I really enjoyed your web page. I can identify with you that some of our family must have landed here from spaceships, because I
have had so much trouble finding information
on my ancestors. I wanted to let Chris know that my great-grandfather, Louis B. Seeber, married Reba Snell. Don't know if that's helpful to him, but wanted to let him know. Thanks!
10/02/97 21:06:32
Name: Chris DeVoe |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice page! I come from Devoe/Davoes who lived in Warren and Springfield from c. 1795 - 1893, including a Devoe from Canajoharie. I am related to Snell lines through a relative who lived c. 1865-1956. She lived on Seebers Lane in Ft. Plain? Would you know
which Seeber it's named after?
Thank you and best wishes!
09/25/97 17:56:26
Name: Melissa Ward |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I like the site, no connections yet, but a lot of common surnames. If you find any Ingersoll's in your search, e-mail me.
09/22/97 17:28:03
Name: Paul Seeber |
My Email: Email Me |
Good job Marcia and Barb. Now I know why you two are always on the net.
09/03/97 04:44:55
Name: Linda C. McIntyre |
My Email: Email Me |
I have been looking for family in Orange County NY. I was wondering if your records from the Dutch Reform Church includes that area?? The surname is Van Inwigen.
Thanks for all your hard work.
08/30/97 19:10:45
Name: Ruth Martzke |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi, Nice web site colorful and to the point.
I am researching in New York also. Stedman; Rogers;White all came to Ohio around the 1830s from Orleans Co., N.Y. I think Essex Co. had Stedman in it before 1830s.
08/30/97 18:06:02
Name: james russell lowell |
My Email: Email Me |
i attended school in fort plain with harold and geraldine siver. didn't know that "siver" was of interest to you. geraldine is now mrs blondino augustine and still lives in fort plain.
harold lives in boonville, ny
your copyof the lowell deal has been ordered.
i'll check withyou next week in the usual way.
08/29/97 14:19:33
Name: Nancy M. Meyers |
My Email: Email Me |
Enjoyed my visit to your website a lot. Hoping there might be some connection with my ancestor Seber Arthur Guild born 1839 Oswego Co., NY. We always wondered where this given name came from.
08/29/97 13:04:17
Name: Vicki Pierce |
My Email: Email Me |
08/29/97 05:31:01
Name: Zemery Jack Randall |
My Email: Email Me |
My first visit. I am looking for Elias Randall, born 9 Oct 1791 in New York. The county I do not know. He married Mindwell Corning 9 Oct 1817. He died in 1867 in Peoria, Peoria Co. OH.
08/28/97 12:19:58
Name: Betty Fink |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice job. This page is better than most because of your guest page and the ability of the reader to see the addresses of other Seeber searchers.
08/25/97 23:37:59
Name: Mike Hesler |
My Email: Email Me |
Marcia, I notice the Jefferson County link. I just returned from Jefferson County yesterday. All my family in Clayton and thereabouts. I think I remember seeing a few Seebers in the Depauville cemetary. Now I'm anxious to look at the family tree and
follow the JeffCo link. Thanks
08/20/97 02:57:39
Name: carol |
My Email: Email Me |
This is fantastic, I really enjoyed it. I would love to try and do something like this for my family. Wow, I wish I had your courage. Congratulations.
08/17/97 00:25:03
Name: Nan Dixon |
My Email: Email Me |
08/12/97 21:02:26
Name: me again |
My Email: Email Me |
08/12/97 02:40:19
Name: your sis | |
My Email: Email Me |
08/11/97 02:58:12
Name: Dave |
My Email: Email Me |
It is nice to see how this page is growing. You've done some nice work. Myself I always could sleep right next to work.
your sis - 08/04/97 14:20:08 My Email:bbritt4682@aol.com | Comments: |
sister - 08/01/97 11:10:57 My Email:bbritt4682 | Comments: |
sister - 08/01/97 11:07:46 My Email:bbritt4682 | Comments: |