Bell, Frederick & wife Madelena [Sever]: Catrina, b. 3/11/1782, bapt. 3/3/1782. Sponsors: Adam Rees, wife Anna.

Bell, Thomas & wife Elphemia [?]: Elisabeth, b. 11/26/1826, bapt. 12/17/1826. Sponsors: Geo. Bell & Maria Kessler; Peter, b. 1/16/1835, bapt. 7/19/1835. Sponsors: Peter Young & wife, Gertrude.

Bellinger, Andrew & wife Catharine [Gross]: Jacob, b. 11/28/1809, bapt. 3/3/1811. Sponsors, Jacob Fox, wife Elisabeth.

Bellinger, Christian A. & wife Nancy [?]: Mary Ann, b. 4/12/1829, bapt. 8/23/1829. Sponsors: Ab'm. Dockstader, wife Polly.

Bellinger, Christian A. & wife Caty [?]: Nancy b. 6/8/1833, bapt. 12/25/1835. Sponsors: Andrew Bellinger, wife Nancy; John Wm., b.1/9/1834 [?], bapt. 12/25/1835. Sponsors: Parents.

Bellinger, David & wife Polly [?]: Margaret Catharine, b. 1/5/1829, bapt. 5/13/1829. Sponsors: Dan'l. Borden, Catharine Bellinger.

Bellinger, Fred'k. & wife Elisabeth [Schumaker]: Lucinda, b. 4*9/1814, bapt. 6/3/1814. Sponsors: Joseph Yoran, wife Margaret.

Bellinger, Geo. & wife Nancy [?]: Mary Catharine b. 11/16/1831, bapt. 2/26/1832. Sponsors: Parents.

Bellinger, Jacob & wife, Polly [Maria] [Smith]: Henry b. 5/11/1811, bapt 5/26/1811. Sponsors: Parents; Peter Smith b. 12/21/1818, bapt. 3/4/1819. Sponsors: Peter A. Smith, wife Maria.

Bellinger, Jeremiah & wife Elisabeth [?]: Solomon David b. 10/30/1833, bapt. 5/28/1838. Sponsors: John Dockstader, wife Elisabeth; Maria Elisabeth b. 10/1/1837, bapt. 3/20/1838. Sponsors: Andrew Bellinger, wife Elisabeth.

Bellinger, John & wife Maria [?]: John b. "six weeks ago", bapt. 8/1/1813. Sponsors: Peter Bellinger, ? Bellinger.

Bellinger, Jno. & wife Mary Catharine [?]: Edward Henry b. 2/19/1815, bapt. 4/10/1815. Sponsors: Peter Keller, Polly Nellis.

Bellinger, Jno. F. & wife Elisabeth [?]: Elijah b. 1/25/1814, bapt. 2/16/1814. Sponsors: Jno. Flanders, wife Anna; Margaret b. 2/23/1816, bapt. 3/3/1816. Sponsors: Jno. F. Bellinger, Margaret Flanders.

Bellinger, Peter & wife Eve [?]: Mary Ann b. 7/15/1815, bapt. 7/9/1815. Sponsors: Adam P. Bellinger, wife Elisabeth.

Bellinger, Phillip & wife Catherine [Timmerman]: Christian b. 11/3/1823, bapt. 11/30/1823. Sponsors: Christian Bellinger, Barbara Devendorf.

Bradt, Aaron G. & wife Getty [Henry]: Abraham b. 8/13/1805, bapt. 9/15/1805. Sponsors: None listed.

Brandt, Joseph y. & wife Tanneke [Van Buren]: Joseph b. 8/8/1796. Sponsors: None listed.

Casler, John Jost & wife Lena [?]: Nicholas b. 10/7/1808, bapt. 8/25/1811. Sponsors: Nicholas Casler, wife Gertrude.

Charlesworth, Clark & wife Nancy [?]: Elvira Catharine b. 11/18/1833, bapt. 2/9/1834. Sponsors:Nathan Lipe & Hariet Lipe; Martha b. 7/27/1835, bapt. 8/10/1835. Sponsors: Parents.

Charlesworth, Daniel & wife Elisabeth [?]: Charles b. 9/16/1822, bapt. 11/2/1822. Sponsors: Parents; James b. 1/29/1826, bapt. 6/19/1826. Sponsors: Parents; Margaret b. 4/11/1828/, bapt. 10/19/1829. Sponsors: Parents.

Charlesworth, John & wife Nancy [?]: Sally b. 3/14/1810, bapt. 4/15/1810. Sponsors: John M. Charlesworth, wife Margaret; Horatio Young Miles b. 1/10/1813, bapt. 3/14/1813, sponsors: Peter Young, wife Elisabeth; Charles Augustus b. 5/10/1815, bapt. 7/9/1815, sponsors: Jno. Wack, wife Helen; Susan Maria b. 9/20/1819, bapt. 2/6/1820, sponsors: Parents; John b. 3/21/1828, bapt. 7/23/1828, sponsors: John Roth, wife Polly.

Coppernoll, And'w. & wife Elisabeth [?]: Wm Henry b. 7/10/1818, bapt. 3/3/1819, sponsors: Daniel Lipe, Elisa Coppernoll.

Cronckhite, Jno. C. & wife Catharine [?]: Mary b. 8/19/1822, bapt. 10/27/1822, sponsors: Parents; Caty Ann b. 11/1/1825, bapt. 1/22/1826, sponsors: Parents; Cornelius b. 3/28/1829, bapt. 5/31/1829, sponsors: Parents.

Devendorff, Henry S[?] or L [?] & wife Elisabeth [?]: ??? Bellinger b. 3/17/1820, bapt. 7/9/1820, sponsors: Parents.

Devendorff, Jno. H. & wife Maria [Baum]: Anna b. 6/14/1819, bapt. 9/5/1819, sponsors: Parents; Henry b. 2/13/1825, bapt. 10/5/1825, sponsors: Parents; Maria b. 7/1827, bapt. 8/10/1827, sponsors: Parents; Maria b. 7/28/1828, bapt. 11/9/1828, sponsors: Parents.

Deiffendorf, Ab'm & wife Betsey [?]: John Oliver b. 7/15/1819, bapt. 8/9/1819, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, Ab'm. & wife Nancy [Smith]: Gilfert b. 4/5/1830, bapt. 4/12/1836, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, Augustus & wife Maria [?]: Josiah b. 10/11/1811, bapt. 11/4/1811, sponsors: Johannes Dieffendorf, wife Catherine; Maria b. 9/23/1817, bpt. 11/5/1817, sponsors: Geo. Waggoner, wife Maria; Catharine b. 12/11/1822, bapt. 2/15/1823, sponsors: Parents; Elisabeth b. 12/24/1824, bapt. 2/23/1825, sponsors: Parents; John Ricjardson b. 4/15/1828, bapt. 8/12/1828, sponsors: D. Charlesworth, Hanah Baris; Peter b. 6/23/1831, bapt. 7/1/1831, sponsors: the mother, widow Maria Dieffendorf.

Dieffendorf, Dan'l & wife Nancy [?]: Mary Eleanor b. 4/18/1833, bapt. 9/1/1833, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, David & wife Anna [?]: Catharine b. 6/12/1811, bapt. 7/7/1811, sponsors: Dan'l Dieffendorf & Catharine VanCamp; Cornelius b. 12/22/1816, bapt. 1/9/1817, sponsors: Cor'ls VanCamp & wife Caty.

Dieffendorf, David & wife Maria [Lipe]: ***nso b. 1/20/1828, bapt. 3/18/1828, sponsors: Parents; Mary Elisabeth b. 7/16/1829, bapt. 8/30/1829, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, George & wife Catharine [?]: David b. 7/22/1810, bapt. 8/7/1810, sponsors: john Zimmerman, wife Maria; Daniel b. 12/19/1812, bapt. 1/19/1813, sponsors: Daniel Kessler, Betsey Kessler.

Dieffendorf, Henry & wife Barbara [Sanders]: Cornelius b. 5/4/1819, bapt. 6/13/1819, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, Henry & wife Christina [?]: Alman Smith b. 2/17/1817, bapt. 9/20/1817, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, Henry I. & wife Catharine [?]: Elisa b. 12/14/1810, bapt. 12/25/1810, sponsors: John H. Moyer & Anna Dieffendorf; Catharine b. 7/26/1812, bapt. 9/27/1812, sponsors: Ab'm. Dieffendorf & Christina Brinkman; Henry Moyer b. 1/29/1816, bapt. 2/28/1816, sponsors: Jno. H. Harder & Betsey Dieffendorf; Peggy Maria b. 1826, bapt. 6/4/1826, sponsors: John Dieffendorf & Peggy Davey.

Dieffendorf, Jacob & wife Elisabeth [?]: Maria b. 2/28/1812, bapt. 3/16/1812, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, Jacob H. & wife Elisabeth [?]: Sally b. 9/15/1809, bapt. ?, sponsors: Parents; Maria b. 7/10/1811, bapt. 8/25/1811, sponsors: John Birnkman & Maria Dieffendorf; Carl Josiah b. 4/19/1814, bapt. 6/3/1814, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, James & wife Nancy [?]: Harriet Jane b. 12/3/1830, bapt. 6/7/1831, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, John J. & wife Elisabeth [?]: Elisabeth b. 5/16/1808, bapt. 7/30/1808, sponsors: Parents.

Dieffendorf, John J. & wife ? : Jacob Fox b. 4/4/1830, bapt. 6/13/1830, sponsors: Jacob Fox, wife Catharine.

Dieffendorf, John & wife Maria [Failing]: Elisabeth b. 4/27/1811, bapt. 5/26/1811, aponsors: John Dunkle, wife Mary; Maria b. 6/16/1813, bapt. 7/25/1813, sponsors: Wm. Hackney, wife Elisabeth.

Dieffendorf, John & wife Margaret [?]: Abraham b. 2/18/1813, bapt. 2/28/1813, sponsors: Abraham Fraelich & ? Dieffendorf.

Dieffendorf, Jonas & wife Anna [Dunkle]: Caty b. ?, bapt. 7/29/1812, sponsors: John J. Dieffendorf, wife Caty.

Dieffendorf, Rudolph & wife Barbara [?]: Maria b. 3/24/1817, bapt. 11/5/1817, sponsors: Augustus Dieffendorf, wife Maria; Louis b. 1/26/1822, bapt 2/20/1820, sponsors: Peter Mo**, wife Anna.

Dieffendorf, Salomon & wife Christina [?]: Fairly b. 3/4/1810, bapt. 5/20/1810, sponsors: David Dieffendorf, wife Elisabeth; Peggy b. 3/12/1813, bapt. 4/26/1813, sponsors: Henry VanCampen & Eva Barse.

Dingman, Jacob & wife Moira [Krankheyt]: Johannis b. 5/10/1776, bapt. 6/30/1776, sponsors: John Molben & Rebecca Rubith.

Dingman, Jno. A. & wife Peggey [Margaret]: Maria b. 10/15/1822, bapt. 3/6/1823, sponsors: Parents; Catharine b. 1/30/1825, bapt. 5/1/1825, sponsors: Parents.

Dingman, Thomas & wife Catharine [?]: Cornelius b. 3/10/1811, bapt. 5/12/1811, sponsors: Parents; Maria b. 9/4/1813, abpt. 2/25/1814, sponsors: Joseph Failing, wife Maria.

Dockstader, Fred'k L. & wife Caty [Eaker]: Peggy b. 4/14/1813, bapt. 5/27/1813, sponsors: Jacob Wohlgemuth, wife Peggy.

Dockstader, Jacob & wife Catharine [?]: Caty Ann b. 10/17/1811, bapt. 2/22/1812, sponsors: Parents.

Dockstader, John & wife Ann [?]: Nancy Maria b. 7/31/1837, bapt. 3/20/1838, sponsors: Jeremiah Bellinger, wife Elisabeth.

Dygert, Adam & wife Jane [?]: Abraham b. 8/7/1813, bapt. 9/1/1813, sponsors: Adam Thumb, wife Maria.

Dygert, David & wife Catharine [?]: Melinda b. 11/11/1814, bapt. 10/21/1815, sponsors: Parents.

Dygert, George & wife Nancy [Nellis]: Nancy b. 2/17/1823, bapt. 2/25/1823, sponsors: Sevarinus P. Dygert, wife Maria Agnes.

Dygert, George & wife Maria [Dockstader]: Nancy Alida b. 5/2/1834, bapt. 7/27/1834, sponsors: Parents.

Dygert, George S. & wife [?]: Wm. Henry b. 9/15/1836, bapt. 2/26/1837, sponsors: Adam Dunkle & wife.

Dygert, Henry & wife Margaret [?]: Catharine [Caty] bapt. 5/12/1811 "will be 10 years old sometime next fall". Sponsors: George Dominick & Catharine Whiteman.

Dygert, Henry P. & wife Maria [?]: Jno. B. 10/18/1814, bapt. 7/2/1815, sponsors: Joseph Jordan & Maria Uttermark.

Dygert, James F. & wife Maria [?]: Clarisa b. 11/17/1843, bapt. 12/27/1843, sponsors: Parents.

Dygert, John & wife Betsey [Duboise]: Nicholas b. 10/8/1811, bapt. 1/25/1812, sponsors: the grandmother, Maria Dygert; Henry Platt b. 4/23/1813, bapt. 8/31/1813, sponsors: Parents; Elijah b. 2/18/1815, bapt. 6/11/1815, sponsors: Sevarinus Dygert, wife Appolonia.

Dygert, John S. & wife [?]:Sylvanus b. 5/31/1830, bapt. 8/8/1830, sponsors: Severinus Dygert, wife Appolonia.

Dygert, Jno & wife Catharine [?]: Anna b. 3/30/1801, bapt. 6/18/1801, sponsors: Peter Lambert, wife Anna.

Dygert, Jno. & wife Catharine [?]: Peter b. 9/25/1815, bapt. 10/23/1815, sponsors: Geo. A. Gerloch, wife Peggy; Catharine b. 1/22/1817, bapt. 2/19/1817, sponsors: John G. Hess & Christina Lambert; John Jacob b. 9/16/1822, bapt. 11/10/1822, sponsors: John Lambert, wife Margaret; Ab'm Lambert b. 2/21/1825, bapt. 9/25/1825, sponsors: Ab'm Miller & Eve Lambert; Peggy Ann b. 3/25/1828, bapt. 6/15/1828, sponsors: John Moyer, wife Nancy; Sefrenus b. 10/2/1831, bapt. 1/22/1832, psonsors: John Lambert & Peggy Hess.

Dygert, Peter & wife Gertrude [Dieffendorf]: John Stickney b. 8/29/1810, bapt. 3/9/1811, sponsors: John Stickney & Polly Waggoner; Peter Gross Wack b. 12/11/1812, bapt. 3/17/1813, sponsors: Nicolas Gross, J. Wa**, & the mother.

Dygert, Peter P. & wife Delia [?]: Moses b. 3/13/1815, bapt. 6/14/1815, sponsors: Peter Dygert, wife Anna; Annatje b. 9/22/1820, bapt. 1/2/1831, sponsors: Parents; Nelson b. 4/18/1831, bapt. 1/22/1832, sponsors: Jost Jordan, wife Maria.

Dygert, Severinus & wife Appolonia [Schnell]: Elijah b. 4/25/1813, bapt. 5/26/1813, sponsors: Parents.

Dygert, Sylvenus W. & wife Helen [Herkimer]: Christina b. 7/7/1809, bapt. 9/10/1809, sponsors: Peter B. Bellinger, wife, Christina TenBroeck; Archibald Herkimer b. 5/7/1811, bapt. 5/13/1811, sponsors: Peter B. Bellinger, Jr., wife, Catharine Amy.

Dygert, Warner & wife Peggy [?]: Nicholas b. 5[?]/9/1817, bapt. 7/1817, sponsors: Jno. J. Wallrad & Maria Dockstader.

Dygert, Wm. H. & wife Catarina [?]: Catarina b. 9/18/1809, sponsors at bapt. Unknown date: Parents.

Transcribed by Barbara Seeber Britt in Demeber 1997 Taken from church records written in the original Clergys hand and complied on microfishe at the FHC.

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