I chose Spock's picture to put here cause so many of our relatives seem
to have been placed here by alien spaceships with no record of where they
came from or how they got here. Then there are the ones who disappeared
after they got here, maybe they were picked up by the alien spaceship!!
and all of the other spellings for this large clan many of whom
do not realize we may all be the same family.
Printed May 15, 1931 | Various Spelling of the SEEBER surname |
Printed August 26, 1931 | Children of Major SEEBERand his 1st wife |
Printed September 2, 1931 | Information about Henry SEEBER |
Printed June 14, 1933 | History of Maj. SEEBER and some of his children |
Much of the following information came from research done by Margaert
E.R. Bohart. We acquired this information from her husband.
Mrs Bohart did extensive research on the SEEBER name as well as
many others. Some of the articles you will find here are the elusive text
from the BULLOCK BIBLE, some information about the PALATINES,
article about the children of Johann Wilhelm and their descendants. Notes
about the SEEBER research and a discussion of what is known about
this clan and the conflicts between the different sources.
Bullock Bible |
Article about the Palatines in New York |
Information about the SEEBER's |
SEEBER Notes |
Discussion of the SEEBER family |
Here are the names and Email addresses for some of the other folks who are also researching this family. Please feel free to contact any of us.
Barbara Seeber Britt | BBritt4682@Aol.com |
Ron Seeber | Ron673@Aol.com |
Dave Graves | Gravesgd@budsters.com |
Charlie Seeber | Chseeber@tir.com |
Lynne Copley | Copley@webtv.net |
Diane Seeber | DianeseweS@aol.com |
Mike Hesler | Mhesler@voicenet.com |
Joel Streich | Streich_joel@jpmorgan.com |
Michael Seeber | Meseeber@yahoo.com |
Steven Seeber | Stevent@cncnet.com |
Richard Seeber | Seeber@jps.net |
Paul Seeber | PSeeber@aol.com |
Hey folks, say Hi to Steve and Michael. Our first father/son combo. Michael found us and turned his father Steve on to our research and now guess what Steve is as hooked as the rest of us. Steve and Michael also have the distinction of being the first descendants we have found of Johannes(John) Seeber, who's parents were Johann Willhelm Seeber and his 3rd wife, Maria Elizabeth Gobelin. Welcome aboard folks!!!!!
Now say Hi to Richard Seeber. Oldest son of Steve. They are now our largest family group to join this project.
This is an email address that any one who is searching for information on LOWELL ancestors should put in their address book and not lose.
Jim Lowell has a book about the Lowells and their decendants and is more than willing to help researchers of this name. One of the treats I have gained by doing my own research has been meeting Jim and his wife Beverly. They have been most helpful and the sweetest folks I have met in a long time. If you do contact Jim, please say Hi for me.
Dave |
Ron |
Charlie |
Waiting Confirmation | Waiting Confirmation | Waiting Confirmation | Waiting Confirmation |
Lynn |
Lynn has sent me her | information so I am | now the hold up. | Coming soon I hope. |
These are the first two links to relatives pages. Be sure to check them out. Lots more names for you to look at. Maybe your family is there..
Carol Di Crosta's Page
Here is a link to one of my favorite pages on the web. This site is loaded with information. If any of your relatives have been in Jefferson county you should stop by here and take a look. When you do say HI to Nan Dixon and thank her for all her hard work.
OSTRANDER is another important name to Barb and I and it comes from our Dad's maternal side. The OSTRANDERs have a great Family Association. Go for an internet ride to the Ostranders. (N0 disappearing on space ships allowed!!!)
And let us not forget our connection to the PUTNAMs. Check out this web site that contains the work of WARREN G. PUTMAN, who has been researching the PUTMAN/PUTNAM names for over 25 years. Warren's work is well documented. If you are looking for any PUTMAN'S or PUTNAM's this is the web site to visit.
This next site is a must see for researchers of folks in New York state. Although this county was not around for a long time it played an important role during its existance. It was formed from Albany county and later was renamed Montgomery. Take a trip back in history.
Here is a new section we are beginning.These are not the complete records, only ones that might in some way pertain to our research. These records were found and transcribed by Barbara from film #'s 1435720 and 0534216 at the FHC. Here is the first installment from the early records of the
Dutch Reformed Church @ Minden in New
York State.
And now TaDa the second installment
Here is a piece of history about our FAILING realtives. Before you read this let me warn you that this was written in 1828 and reflects the attitudes and actions of that time. This is not a fun article, but is a reporting of an incident that happened in the 1800's as repugnant as it may be to us today. This was found and sent to us by Dave Graves.
This image is dedicated to my daughter Missi 1966-1996. Here they are honey, your butterflys. Miss you....
Need some help looking for those elusive ancestors of yours? Try this search engine maybe they are hiding here. I don't know if it will search outer space or not but if it does let me know so I can look for my missing ones too!
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