Hi, This is the BradleyRose Guestbook.
Thank you for taking the time to sign in and leave me comments on how this looks.

Dan Bridge - 12/10/00 05:23:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/danbridge
My Email:danbridge@hotmail.com
Age, If you can Lie well: 41
State: CA
Family Relation: none

Nice page. Please update. Pics are nice, but please....not so many on one page. It takes forever to download even with DSL. Thank you.

Lovely - 03/13/99 19:31:46
Age, If you can Lie well: 40
State: oregon

nice page keep up the good work

pat bradley haas - 01/02/99 02:13:40
My Email:phaas@zoomnet.net
Age, If you can Lie well: 52 3/4
Address: 60 Twp Road 283N
State: Ironton, Ohio 45638
Phone, If you don't mind: 740-532-1383
Family Relation: cousin
Favorite Relative: loaded question

I already filled this in once..my email address has changed...I had wwd and they were so slow that you would get taken off internet 6 times just trying to read your mail...so i switched to zoomnet...yesterday they were great--but today I am having trouble again getting in, but they have sent out a note saying Ironton is getting some more lines...I hope so...anyway, this was to give you my new email address...Do you have voice and sound to receive cards? we're all big on animated cards...even though a note is easier..I hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....See ya...pat

pat bradley haas - 12/20/98 02:39:41
My Email:phaas@www.net
Age, If you can Lie well: 52
Address: 60 tsp rd 283N
State: ironton, ohio 45638
Phone, If you don't mind: 740-532-1383
Family Relation: your mama's 1st cousin
Favorite Relative: loaded question.......

phaas-1905384 very nice...i would never have found it. we looked and looked for bradley this and bradley that..no luck til i got the code..hope to see you at the reunion this year...we are still in columbus and here for 2 more years and 3 months...both f eling better though..Lee had a small cancer taken off his face but it was not the really bad kind. carsanoma(sp)..you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...Pat & Lee Haas

- 12/19/98 21:00:19


doesn't matter - 11/19/98 05:26:09
My Email:you know it
Age, If you can Lie well: n/a
Address: n/a
State: n/a
Phone, If you don't mind: n/a
Family Relation: n/a
Favorite Relative: n/a

just stopped bye keep up the good work

10/04/98 12:38:14
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Kim - 10/03/98 20:04:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/theheartofmie
My Email:Kimbi67@aol.com
Age, If you can Lie well: 31
State: AL
Family Relation: NONE
Favorite Relative: My hubby..lol..

Hey Joe, Coming along great..you are doing a great job..thanks for addin sound for us IE people..heheh. see ya soon.

Sue37 - 10/03/98 17:40:52
My URL:http://Nope dont have one!
Age, If you can Lie well: 37
Address: Heartland My Home away from home!
State: Missouri
Phone, If you don't mind: Now...Now *S*

Hello MidniteMan (Joe) Very nice pictures... See you in Heartland *S*

Kim - 09/27/98 06:49:47
My Email:Kimbi67@aol.com
Age, If you can Lie well: 31..honestly..hehe
State: AL
Phone, If you don't mind: uhmm well..gotta pass
Family Relation: nope not family
Favorite Relative: one of mine..hehe

Hey Joe..thanks so much for all your patience..I know I have been a question box..lol!! you are a terrific guy. Stay just the way you are. Thanks for sharing with me.. God Bless!! keep a smile on your face always..Kimmie

Willa Dingus - 08/19/98 20:24:23
My Email:wbd@mead.com
Phone, If you don't mind: 937-495-9236 at work

Trying to send you e-mail gets returned. What's your new address? I wanted to update you with a copy of Aunt Susan's obituary and also to tell you we have some sweatshirts left for sale for the 60th annual Reunion. If you're interested, let me know how many to reserve.

- 07/22/98 02:20:33


jen - 05/27/98 18:01:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8108
Age, If you can Lie well: 26..and its the truth!
State: Texas
Favorite Relative: well me of course..lol

Master.....Loved the pics!...It is nice to put a face with the attitude..lol..hope to chat with you again in Heartland real soon!... Jen Oh by the way..I left you a HUGE piece of cheesecake over there on the table..enjoy!..

Lisa Insidioso - 05/27/98 04:38:09
My Email:LSASO@aol.com
Age, If you can Lie well: 19 almost 20
Address: Norridge
State: IL
Phone, If you don't mind: U should know this 1
Family Relation: Cousin
Favorite Relative: My Grandfather

Hi Joe, The Page looks really good on my comp. Just thought I'd let you know. Didn't look at all the pics from the wedding on my comp. yet. Will let you know. See Ya.

rosebud - 05/10/98 14:15:37

just a hi and to say cool page love all the pic.

Dan Esterline - 05/09/98 18:48:19
My URL:http://www.megsinet.com/diverdan
My Email:esterline@cyberdude.com
Age, If you can Lie well: 32.6
Address: 394 Shiloh Ln.
State: Elgin, Il 60120
Phone, If you don't mind: 847-742-1612
Family Relation: Friend

Hey Joe! Cool set of pages! The only suggestion I have right now is perhaps a bit of polishing some of the grammar.

roxy - 05/09/98 17:10:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Venue/3929/
My Email:roxyworld@writeme.com
Age, If you can Lie well: 17(honest)
State: fl
Family Relation: none


Victoria Rose M. - 04/04/98 18:09:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/2397
My Email:little_bit14@hotmail.com
Age, If you can Lie well: 18
Address: in a coke can
State: Tx
Phone, If you don't mind: 1-800-umm-nope
Family Relation: relation to what? *L*
Favorite Relative: My mom...Maggie Q

I like your page!! Very nice picture!!! Keep up the good work...I'll be back to visit again soon. Victoria :)

Willa Dingus - 03/25/98 19:24:12
My Email:wbd@mead.com
Age, If you can Lie well: 47
Address: 401 Storms Rd, Kettering
State: OH 45429
Phone, If you don't mind: 937-298-2590
Family Relation: cousin

I just saw your Mom and Dad out in Phoenix for Uncle James' funeral.

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