welcome come on in
home is where the heart is
my mailbox what this bench needs is two friend to sit on it
flower pot
cherish's golden apple orchard
Welcome to my orchard.
don't fence me in

friendship garden home back next sign view

pot of flowers swing wide the gate, friends await plant a rainbow and watch it bloom digger spade spring flowers wheel barrow full of flowers and hearts the well springs forth with love somebody's sittin' under the apple tree sittin with friends is ooohhh so much fun sittin n thinkin home sweet home The kiss of the sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's heart in a garden, than any place else on Earth. watering can cherish pink bird house brown bird house white bird house heart bird house a bird house welcome blue flower pink flower flowers and hearts hr flower bouquet blue and pink flowers Home Tweet Home pink heart blue heart patchwork bird house bird house welcome Every Birdy Welcome

Tools of the Trade

home back next sign view e-mail webrings

cherish a sittin

my mailbox

counter welcome to our nest

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© Copyright 2001 cherish institute

All graphics on this page were hand drawn by
Pattys Pixels Graphics

escape from frames

The following advertisement is not endorsed by cherish institute.

Counter computer room colors and me baby's room first floor left welcome from cherish porch heart