The Ancestors of Robert and William Herbig

Generation 9


Name Index

Generation 1

Generation 2

Generation 3

Generation 4

Generation 5

Generation 6

Generation 7

Generation 8-Previous

Generation 9

Generation 10-Next

Generation 11

Generation 12

Generation 13

Generation 14

Generation 15

Generation 16

Generation 17

Generation 18

9th Generation

(543) Johann Phillip Arndt , son of ?
circa 1695-?
married: 11/5/1715 Guendelbach
(544) Barbara Scheffer, daughter of ?
circa 1695-?
(271) Johann Michael Arndt 1728-? m:(272) Anna Catharina Brigel (or Birgel)

(547)Hans Leonard Sauter, son of (1095)Joseph Sauter and Magdalena ??
married: 1710
(548)Anna Catherina Kuntsche, daughter of ??
(273)Hans Sauter, 1720-? (274) Spouse unknown

(575) Isaac Turner, son of (1151) Isaac Turner and (1152) Abigail Smith
4 April 1701-1774
married: 2 August 1733 New Haven CT
(576) Mercy Potter, daughter of (1153) Stephen Potter and (1154) Mary Hill
9 September 1711-?
(287) Enoch Turner 1736-? m: (288) Phebe Cooper

(577) Joseph Cooper, son of (1155) Joseph Cooper and (1156) Abigail Smith
2 November 1710-1761 New Haven, CT
married: 1730 New Haven, CT
(578) Jemina Smith, daughter of (1157) Joseph Smith and (1158) Hannah Morris
3 March 1711-1761 New Haven, CT
(288) Phebe Cooper, 1733-past 1825 m: (287) Enoch Turner

(579) Lewis Mallet, son of (1159) John Mallet and (1160) Johannah Lyon
1708-9/7/1790 (buried Milford, CT)
married: 1732
(580) Eunice Newton, daughter of (1161) Ezekiel Newton and (1162) Abigail Briscoe
1712-10/19/1789 (buried Milford, CT)
Children: Eunice, Avis
(289) Lewis Mallett, 1734-1804 m: (290) Mary Merwin

(581) Miles Merwin, son of (1163) Miles Merwin and (1164) Hannah Wilmot
married: 11/11/1730
(582) Mary Trowbridge,daughter of(1165)Thomas Trowbridge and(1166)Mary Winston
Children: Miles Merwin, Joseph, Stephen, Ann (by first wife Anna Treat)
(290) Mary Merwin 5/21/1734-5/27/1802 m: (289) Lewis Mallett
(583) Thomas Guest, son of (1167) Richard Gist and (1168)Zipporah Murray
married: 1735
(584)Sarah Cockey,
daughter of (1169) Captain John Cockey and (1170) Elizabeth Slade
(291) James Guest, 1750-? m: (292) Lydia Ryder,

(585) Jacobus Ryder, son of (1171) Bernardus Ryder and (1172)Aaraentie Suydam
September 1715- August 1, 1773
married: October 12, 1734
(586) Jane Ditmars, daughter of (1173)Laurens Ditmars and(1174)Elizabeth Hegeman
October 2,1707-August 21, 1781
children: Elizabeth, Phebe, Lawrence,
(292) Lydia Ryder, 1750-? m:(291) James Guest,

(591) John Kelso, son of (1183)Robert Kelso and (1184)Harriet Dalzell
1702 Scotland-?
married: 1723? Scotland
(592) Mary (Polly)??
b: 1705 Scotland-?
Children: Alexander, Joseph, Thomas
(295) Hugh Kelso 1730 - 1813 m: (296) Mary Walker

(593) James Walker, son of (1187) John Walker and (1188) Katharine Rutherford
Newry County Down Ireland 17 March 1707- 17 June 1787 Rockport Co VA
married: June 1737 VA
(594) Mary Guffy (Guffey)(McGuffey)(McGuffie),daughter of ??
children: Jane, John, Elixabeth
(296) Mary Walker 1740- 1775 M: (295) Hugh Kelso

(595) James Moore, son of (1191) James Moore and (1192) Elizabeth
Ireland 1710-1791 VA
emigrated from Ireland with brothr Joseph circa 1726
resided Chester CO PA then to Virginia
married: April 1734 Virginia
(596) Jane Walker, daughter of (1187) John Walker and (1188) Katharine Rutherford
6 May 1712 Co. Down Ireland--7 January 1793 VA
John, Mary, Rachel, Elizabeth, Jane, James, Jane, Alexander, Samuel
(297) Joseph Moore 1750- m: (298) Margaret Coalter

(597) James Coalter (also Colter, Coulter), son of James Coalter and (1195) Eleanor
had brother John, traveled from Chester co PA to Augusta Co VA
Eleanor Coulter first appears in Coolsprings, Delaware about
1720 with six adult sons; William, John, Charles, Samuel, Joseph, and James. All lived in or around Coolsprings. William had the following children; James, William, Thomas, Elizabeth, Samuel P, Ruth and, Comfort. The boys left Delaware about 1750 and went to Bedford County, Penn
1692 Ireland--12/1790 South Carolina
married: circa 1715
(598) Margaret (Peggy) Hutson, daughter of ??
children: Michael, Agnes, Mary, Sarah, Jennet, Elizabeth,James
(298) Margaret Coalter, 1752--? m: (297) Joseph Moore

(599)William Orchard, son of John?Thomas?
1712 England-?
was in States before death
Spouse Unknown
(299) John Orchard 1730- ? m: (300) Mary Hudd

(601)James Hudd ,
son of (1203)John Hudd (b1662) and (1204)Elizabeth Parsons (b1664)
married: circa 1720
(602)Jane ?? 1700-?
(300) Mary Hudd 1729-? m:(299) John Orchard

(605) James Cochrane (Cockran), son of (1211) Robert Cochrane and ??
married: circa 1738
(606) Ann Rowan, daughter of (1213) Cornelius Rowan and??
Ann, Robert, John, James, Stephen, George
(302) Jane Cockran 1748 PA- 1808 KY m: (301) Alexander Mitchell

(607) Killian Christian Brengle, son of (1215) Christian Brengel and Maria Christina
12/31/1705 Wolversheim, PfalzGermany-6/1/1773
married: 22 January 1732 Wolfersheim Germany
(608) Juliana Zimmerman, daughter (1217) Lorenz Zimmermann &Anna Catharina
7/15/1713-2/27/1777 Wolfersheim, Germany
children: nikel, Otto,Christian, Elisabeth, Anna, Daniel,Georg, Maria Barbara, Johannes
(303) Jacob Brengle 1740-? (304) Gertrude Bell

(611) Johann Adam Beckinbaugh (Peckenpaugh)
son of (1223) Johannes Beckenbach and ?
B: December 28, 1682 Etterbach, Heidelberg, Baden
died: July 3, 1777 Frederick Maryland
married: 28 July 1716 probably Hesse Germany
(612) Anna Marie Schmidt, daughter of (1225) Christian Schmidt and ?
1686 Baden--1753 Fredericktown,MD
children: Catharine, Mary, George,Eva Caspar
(305) Adam Beckinbaugh, 1720- 1780 m: (306) Mary Anna Barbara,

(617)Robert Tanner, son of ??
1688 Germany-1739 Spotsylvania Co Virginia
married: 1714 Virginia
(618)Mary ?
1690 Germany-?
children: Christopher, Christina, Mary, Parva
(308) Catharine Tanner 1719 Germany-m:(307) Richard Burdyne

(619) Benjamin Dicken(s), son of (1239) Christopher Dickens and Sarah ??
married: 1727 Glouchester Co, VA
(620) Mary Norment (Normon)(Norman), daughter of (1241)Samuel Norment and ??
children: Susannah, John
(309) Christopher Dickens 1730-1808 m: (310) Sarah Pulliam
Norment is apparently French,pronounced Normon (Nor-MAWN), and thus a lot of Norment people wound up with that spelling. It all seems to start with a land grant to Samuel Norment in 1721, followed by ones in 1724 and 1725, all around Reedy Swamp in Virginia
sister to Martha and Joanna?

(621) Thomas Pulliam , son of (1243) William Pulliam and (1244) Ann Patterson
5/12/1702 New Kent Eng -- 4/17/1758 Spotsylvania VA
in 1735, purchased land in Culpepper Co
married: 1725
(622) Winnifred Holloday,
daughter of (1245) John Marshall Holloday and (1246) Ann Elizabeth Lewis 1705- 12/5/1758 Spotsylvania Co VA
children:Benjamin, James, Thomas, Winnifred, Susannah, Elizabeth, Agnes, Mary
(310) Sarah Pulliam, 1730- 1775 m: (309) Christopher Dickens

(623) Thomas Thomas, son of (1247) Thomas Thomas and (1248) Susanna?
1680-June 11, 1734 Charles Co, MD
married: 1700
(624) Elizabeth Carter, daughter of (1249) Thomas Carter and (1250) Katharine Dale
James, William, Elizabeth, Sophia, Teresa, Sophania, Jesse
(311) Thomas Thomas,1700- 1774 m:(312) Eleanor ?
(627) John Evans, son of (1355) John Evans and (1356) Elizabeth Ewell
married: 1713
(628) Arabella Turnall, daughter of ??
(313) John Evans 1715-? m: (314) Elizabeth Hannah Meister,

(629) William Mister, son of (1259) Conrad Meister and (1230)Dorothea Hobart
married: circa1725
(630) Patience?
(314) Elizabeth Hannah Meister, 1727- d: 1772 m:(313) John Evans,

(635)Henry Hardin, son of (1271) Mark Hardin and (1272) Mary Hogue
1700 VA-1779 VA
married: 1735 Va
(636)Wilmuth George, daughter of (1273) Nicholas George and (1274) Martha??
(317)Nicholas Hardin(G),1743-1833 m: (318) Nancy Ashby

(637) Henry Ashby, son of (1275) Thomas Ashby and (1276) Rose ?
born Abt. 1716 in Hampshire, Virginia; died 1798 in Herrodsburg, Mercer,
married: after 1752 in Virginia
(638)Ellenor Bounds, daughter of (1277)George Bounes (Bounds) and ?
?-died after 1811 KY
(318)Nancy Ashby, ?-died 1811 KY m: (317) Nicholas Hardin

(639) George Burntface Smith (Schmidt) (Schmithe?),
son of (1279) Martin Schmidt and (1280)Maria Hellwig
(Sachsen, prussia) 1695-1744 Powhatan, VA
came from Coastline of VA to valley of James RIver,
resided near Manakintown or Powhatan, Chesterton CO, VA
married: 1718
(640) Ann Bailey, daughter of (1281) Henry Bailey and ?
1694-1768 Powhatan
children: George, James, Mildred
(319) Thomas Smith,1719- 1786 m: (320) Frances Stovall

(641) George Stovall, Sr , son of (1283) Bartholomew Stovall and (1284) Ann Burton
1694-1786 Campbell Co, VA
married: 1724
(642) Elizabeth (Wiley or Wildes) , daughter of ??
1700-died before 1754
children: George Jr, Ruth, Rebecca
(320) Frances Stovall, ?-d: 1742 VA M: (319) Thomas Smith

(643) James Sandefur(iford), son (1287)John Sandefur and (1288)Sarah Woodhouse
1700-? Henderson Co, KY
married: circa 1725 CHESTERFIELD CO, VA
(644) Eleanor (Ellender) Patrick, daughter of
children: John, Joseph, Bennett, Henry, Elizabeth, Sarah
(321) William Abraham Sandifer, 1730-1784 m: (322) Joanna Branch

(645) John Branch, son of (1291) Matthew Branch and (1292) Frances Ware
1710 Henrico Co VA-1772 Chesterfield Co VA
married: 1728
(646) Johannah Hancock, daughter of (1292)Samuel Hancock and (1293)Johanna H. 1700-?
children: John, Samuel, Matthew
(322) Joanna Branch,1735 - past 1784 m: (321) William Sandifer

(647) Jacob Trabue, son of (1295) Sir Anthoine Trabue and(1296)Magdeleine Verreuil
1705-1767 Chesterfield Co, VA
married: 1730
(648)Marie Wooldridge,daughter of(1297)John Wooldridge and(1298)Martha Osborne
1712- past 1767
children:Joseph, John, William, Elizabeth, marie, Joshua, Daniel, Thomas
(323) David Trabue Sr, 1737-1769 m: (324) Marie Sallee

(649) Peter Sallee, son of (1299) Abraham Sallee and (1300) Olive Per(r)ault
1708-11/1752 Cumberland CO, VA
married: 1736 Goochland, Manakin, VA
(650) Frances Bondurant (Francoise Janne) (Francis Jane),
daughter of (1301) Jean Bondurant and (1302) Anne Faure
died 1777 Powhatan Co, VA
children: Isaac, Abraham, Jacob, Judith
(324) Marie Sallee, 1741 - ? m: (323) David Trabue
(325) Joseph Salle Sr, 1745 VA- 1812 m: (326) Jemina Maxey

(653) William Maxey, son of (1307) Edward Maxey and (1308) Susannah Gates
1703 England- 1768 Cumberland Co, vA
married: 1740
(654) Mary Elizabeth Sallee, daughter of (1299) Abraham Sallee and (1300)Perreault
children:John Maxey, Nathaniel, Sylvannus, Keziah, Bedia,Karen
(326) Jemina Maxey,1750-1807 m: (325) Joseph Sallee

(655) James Masters (perhaps McMasters), son of (1311) John Masters and ??
lived South Fork Branch of the Rocky River in Chatham, NC
married: circa 1745 in PA, moved afterwards
(656) Margaret (Margrett) Solkeld (Salkeld),
daughter of (1313) David Salkeld and (1314) Mary (Sarah) Surman
christened in Holy trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware
(327) David Masters1750-? Spouse unknown
other children: James, Samuel, William, Isaac, John

(659) John Holmes,son of(1319)Johnathan Holmes and(1320)Rebecca Throckmorton
married: circa 1750
(660)Sarah Colton, daughter of (1321)Joseph Colton and (1322)Mary Gregory
6 July 1732 Nottinghamshire, England-?
(329) John Holmes,1750-? m: (330) Chloe Bautley

(663)Patrick Hamrick (also Hamric), son of Hans Jerg(George)Hamric and Anna Marie
Ireland 1684-1735 Prince William Co, VA
Reached Richmond Co VA 1699
married: 1713- King George Co, VA
(664)Margaret Ingles, daughter of (1329) Robert Ingles and Sarah?
1696 King George Co VA-1734 Prince William Co, Va
children: Patrick, James, Robert, John, Joseph, Rebecca
(331) Benjamin Hamrick, 1727-1793/4 M:(332) Mary Seirs (Seas)(Sias)

Patrick HAMRICK is believed to be the original ancestor to the majority of HAMRICK and HAMBRICK families that currently reside in the United States. Patrick migrated to Virginia in 1699 with Roger DAY and a Henry HAMBROOK. He was an indentured servant to William HAMRICH, who appears to be no relation. This event can be found in the early records of Westmoreland County, Virginia. It is also found in these records, that Patrick HAMRICK was around 16 years old at the time of his arrival. Patrick HAMRICK married Margaret INGLES (also believed to be ENGLISH) who was the daughter of Robert and Sarah INGLES. Margaret was single in 1710, and it is believed that she married Patrick between 1712 and 1715, but no specific date has been pinpointed.

(665) John Sias, son of (1331)William Sears and (1332)Sarah Unk
1715 Prince William Co VA- August 1779
married: circa 1738
(666)Sarah Coffman, daughter of ??
1720 Glouchester Co VA-?
children: John Lewis, William, Catherine
(332) Mary Seirs (Seas)(Sias)(Sears) 1744-? m:(331) Benjamin Hamrick,

(667) Henry Martin, son of (1335) John Josh Merdten and (1336) Maria Otterbach
1720 Muessen Germany-1780 Fauquer Co, VA
married: 1745
(668) Sarah (sary)(Mary Ann?), daughter of ??
1725- past 1782 Fauquier Co, VA
children: Samuel, Benjamin, Reuben, Joel, John, Simon
(333) Jacob Martin 1750-? m:(334) Sarah ?

(679) Nathan Procter, son of (1359) Thorndike Procter and (1360) Hannah Fulton
10/18/1698 - October 1775 Essex, Salem, MAss
married: 5/14/1723 Salem, Mass
(680) Mary Read (Reed), daughter of (1361) Jacob Read and (1362) Elizabeth Green
3/9/1697-October 1775 Salem, Mass
children: Stephen, Jacob, Mary, Hannah, Ruth, Jacob, Sarah
(339) Nathan Proctor Sr. 1735- 1832 m: (340) Abigail Waters

(681) John Waters, son of (1363) John Waters Jr. and (1364) Mary ?
7/19/1702-? Danvers, Essex Co, MAss
married: 11/30/1721 Salem
(682) Elizabeth Gardner, daughter of (1365) Abell Gardner and (1366) Sarah Porter
3/30/1701- post 1744
children: John, Israel, Elizabeth, Abel, Mary, Sarah, Lydia, Ruth, Eunice
(340) Abigail Waters, 1741-? m: (339) Nathan Proctor Sr.

(683) John Proctor, son of (1367)Benjamin Proctor and (1368) Mary Whittredge
8/2/1705 Salem-1774
married: 12/14/1727 Salem
(684) Lydia Waters, daughter of (1369) John Waters Jr and (1370) Mary?
3/12/1704-3/4/1769 Salem, Mass
children: John, Lydia, Mary, Sarah, Sylvester, Prudence, Joseph, Daniel
(341) Benjamin Proctor,1731-1799 m: (342) Kesia Littlefield

(685) Peter Littlefield, son of (1371) Josiah Littlefield and (1372) Lydia Masters
married: 1724
(686) Abigail Storer, daughter of (1373) Lt. Joseph Storer and (1374) Hannah Hill
children:Nathaniel, Susannah, Abigail, Peter, Charity, Lois, Persis, Patience
(342) Kesia (Keziah) Littlefield, 1735-1811 m: (341) Benjamin Proctor

(687)William Watkins, son of ??
December 30, 1712- April 12, 1778
Captain of Brimstone, went down with ship during revolutionary war
married: circa 1738
(688) Rachel? (Mary?) 1720-?
(343) William Watkins, 1740 - 1821 m: (344) Rachel Mullen (Mullin)
b. probably Pontypridd, Glamorgan Co., South Wales.
had brothers John and peter

(691) Daniel Kelly, son of (1383) John Kelley and (1384) Elizabeth Emery
1716-1773 Newbury Massachusetts
married: 10./30/1734 Mass
(692) Mercy Smith, daughter of (1385)Ebenezer Smith and (1386)Sarah Huxley
1710- d 1773 Mass
(345) John Kelly (Kelley), 1750- ? m: (346) Martha Polly Ison,

(695) Joseph Willson, son of (1391) Ambrose Willson and (1392) Milldred Thorold
1728-1800 NY
married: 1757 NY
(696)Elizabeth Rigge, daughter of ??
(347) Isaac Willson,1768 -1842 m: (348) Sarah Phillips

(697) John Phillips, son of (1395) Frances Phillips of Wales/Scotland and ??
1751 VT- 1846 PA
married: 1771
(698) Mary Chamberlane (Chamberlain?), daughter of ??
(348) Sarah Phillips, 1775-1855 m: (347) Isaac Willson
(703) William Lanning, son of (1407) Robert Lanning and (1408) Judith Baker
married: circa 1768
(704) Sophia Holcombe, daughter of (1409)Jacob Holcombe and (1410)Rachel Hyde
(351) Issac Lanning, 1770- 1842 m: (352) Mary Hankinson

(707) Jacob Groff(Grof)(Graff)(Graf),
son of (1415)Hans Groff and (1416)Susanna Kendig
2/1715 Holland-past 1788
Arrived in America circa 1749
married: 1745
(708) (Maria) Barbara (Brackhill) Brackbill,
daughter of (1417)Rev Ulrich Brackbill and (1418)Fanny Herr
from Alsace 1725-?
children: Jacob, John, Abraham, Henry, David, Elizabeth, Barbara
(353) Joseph Groff 1755-1826 m: (354) Anna Cummins

(709) Christian (Christeon) Cummins (Commens) (Commenyns) (Comeynyns)
also same as Cumyn, Comyn, or Cumming
came over with William the Conqueror
, son of Phillip (?) or Christian?
3/16/1716 Vienna Austria- 10 January 1781 Warren Co, NJ
arrived at Philadelphia in ship Molly October 17, 1741 from Rotterdam,
(arrived with Jacob Cummins, probably a brother) probably Hugenot; Comines, a town on the French-Belgian border
was a tailor as trade, later became major landowner
Farmer in Asbury, Warren Co, New Jersey, Mansfield Woodhouse
Vienna, Warren Co, later named Cumminstown, NJ
came over as indentured servants for Philadelphia
married: 1745 PA
(710) Catherine ?
April 18, 1723- died: December 13, 1796
children: Catherine, Phillip, Christian, Daniel, Mary, Michael, Jacob, Elizabeth,John
(354) Anna Cummins 1750-? m: (353) Joseph Groff

(711) Abner Matthews, son of (1423) Abner Matthews and (1424) Lois Hotchkiss
23 Jan 1738-?
married : 2nd wife 1766
(712) Eunice Tuttle, daughter of (1425) Gershom Tuttle and (1426) Lois Allis
23 april 1743-?
children: Lois, Levi, Roswell, Eunice, Chloe, Lois, David
(355) Abner Mathews, 1765-? m: (356) Sally Wesson

(713) Isaac Wesson, son of (1427) Issac Wesson Sr. and (1428)Elizabeth Pratt
15 March 1733-April 1779 Reading, Middlesex, Mass
Married: 4 May 1758
(714)Lucy Dean , daughter of ??
November 1738-April 1805 New hampshire
(356) Sera (Sally) Wesson, 1761-1845 m: (355) Mathews

(715) Bartholomew Pond(e), son of (1431) Phillip Pond and (1432) Thankful Frisbee
1736 CT- 3/21/1810 Camden,Oneida Co, NY
with brothers Timothy and Barnabee, came to Whitestown NY 1787
married: 1755 Bradford, CT
(716) Lucy Curtis, daughter of (1433) Daniel Curtis and (1434) Lettice Ward
CT 1738- 3/1/1822 Camden NY
children: Beriah, Iri, Zerah, Jesse, Billious, Content Rebecca, Lucy, Sally
`(357) Samuel Pond 1762-? m: (358) Elizabeth Kinney,

(717) Cyrus Kinne, son of (1435) Moses Kinne and (1436) Abigail Read
11 September 1746 Voluntown, CT-1 Sept 1808 Fayetteville, Onodaga Co, NY
married: 10 April 1770 Voluntown, CT
(718) Comfort Palmer, daughter of (1437) Zebulon Palmer and (1438) Deborah York
12 May 1748 Stonington, CT- 25 December 1812 Fayetteville, NY
(358) Elizabeth Kinney 1772-? m:(357) Samuel Pond

(759) Johnathan Hopkinson, son of (1519) John Hopkinson and (1520) Mary Wheeler
2/10/1716 Rowley, Mass-?
from Bradford Mass to Pelham 1752-1761, to Rindge 1761, to Littletown 1772
married: March 28, 1738 Bradford, MAss
(760) Margaret Burbank, daughter of (1521) Caleb Burbank and (1522)Hannah Accee
3/17/1717 Rowley, Mass-?children: Jonathan, Mary, David, John, Martha
(379) Caleb Hopkinson 1755- 1824 m: (380) Elizabeth Williams

(761) Peleg Williams, son of (1523) Peleg Williams and (1524) Elizabeth Carpenter
1719-1/31/1809 Johnston, RI
married 1745 Rhode island
(762) Mary Sheldon, daughter of (1525) Nicholas Sheldon and (1526) Abigail Tillinghast 1725-1765
children: Phebe, Peleg, Mary, Sarah, Elisha, Edward, Caleb
(380) Elizabeth Williams, 1760-1843 m: (379) Caleb Hopkinson

(763)Aaron Osborn, son of (1527) David Osborne and (1528) Rachel Kesley
1735 FairfieldCT-?
married: 1755 CT
(764)Hannah Morehouse,
daughter of (1529)Lemuel Morehouse and (1530)Mary Bouten
1736-1811 CT
(381) Josiah Osborne, 1762- 1850 m: (382) Hannah Scott,
(765)David Scott, son of (1531) James Scott and (1532)Hannah Hyatt
married: circa 1760
(766) Hannah Smith,daughter of ??
(382) Hannah Scott, 1765- 1850 m:(381) Josiah Osborne

(767) James Thompson, son of (1535) John Thompson and (1536) Elizabeth
1730- 3/21/1783 Lewes Delaware
married: 1755 Somerset Co MD
(768) Hannah Truitt, daughter of (1537) Thomas Truitt and (1538) MaryRiley
Children: Elizabeth (Sanders)
(383) William Thomptson, 1755-1807 m: (384) Nancy Car(e)y
James was Quartermaster of his unit during Revolutionary War; William in it too.

(769) Ebenezer Cary, son of (1539)John Cary and (1540)Mary Burr
married: circa 1745
(770) Hannah Collings, daughter of ??
(384) Nancy Carey, 1755-1820 m: (385) William Thompson

(771) Jacob Short, son of (1543) Jacob Short and (1544) Elizabeth ?
1740- 12/1790
married: 1760
(772) Nicey (Nancy) Jones, daughter of (1555) Thomas Jones and ?
children: Crawford, Job, Elisha, Adam, Noah, Lovey, samuel
(385) Jacob Short ,1773 - 1805 m: (386) Phebe?

(775)Christian Laughner(Laugenor)(Laufanor)(Laugenour)(Laugenauer) (Laugenaor)
On the first census of the U.S. 1790, the name was spelled ‘Loughenore’
b: 1729 inHesse-Kassel, Germany d: January 01, 1799 in Lehigh Furnace, Northampton, Le, PA
married: before 1759 in Northampton, Co, PA
(776) Maria Magdaline Rauch, (Brisch?)
daughter of (1581) Johannes Rausch and (1582) Susanna Schlern
children: George Peter, Caterina Sabina, Anna Maria, Rudolph, JohnJacob,Joseph,Wilhelm
(387) Christian September 15, 1769 m: (388) Catherine Fuhr
Was a Private Fourth Class - Third Battalion - Northampton Co. Militia
1778 War of Revolution, 5th Company commanded by Col Michael.
Private on List of Rangers on the Frontiers 1778-1783 Northampton County Militia, War of the Revolution, along with two sons, George Peter and Rudolph
Christian came on the ship Phoenix from Rotterdam and Portsmouth. There were 412 passengers,the Captain was named Spurrier. He took oath of abjuration in Phila on September. 25, 1751. came from Kassel in Hesse;settled in Northampton County, PA.

(777) Johannes Fuhr, son of ??
Westmoreland Co, PA circa 1745-?
married: circa 1772
(778) Mary Margreth Shade, daughter of Johannes Shade and Elizabeth Catherine
circa 1750-?
children: Anna Maria (1782), Maria Margreth (1784), Joseph
(388) Catherina Fuhr (Fore), 1776- 1833 m: (387) Christian Laughner,

(779) John Harmon, son of (1559) John Harmon and ?
1750-1838 Greene Co, TN
(780) Mary Catharine Laitner daughter of Peter?
children: Peter, John, Bingham, Milly, Margaret
(389) Jacob Harmon, 1770s- 1844 m: (390) Catharine Mismer

(781) Jacob Mismer (Messimer) (Messemere)(Missimer),
son of (1563)Michael Missimer and ??
1742-after 1745
married: 3 November 1769 Montgomery Co, PA
Hans, Ulrich and Jacob (a minor) arrived on the ship "Crown" 1749 in Philly from Rotterdam.
(782) Catharine Mauck, daughter of (1565) Tobias Mauck and (1566) Maria Hill
26 March 1752-?
(390) Catherine Mismer,1780- 1860 m: (389) Jacob Harmon

(783) John Ottinger Sr. ,
son of (1567) Johann Christian Ottinger and (1568) Anna Johanna Joseph (Josey) 10/22/1755 York Co, PA-10/13/1859 Green Co, TN
married: 1780
(784) Margaret Detterman, daughter of ?? {Elizabeth Williams?} 1760-?
children: George, Peter, David, Betsy, Mary, Henry, Michael, William
(391) John Ottinger 1783-? m: (392) Susanna(Nice?)(Brock?)

(785) William Brock, son of (1571) William Brock and (1572) Jude Beauvoir
Spotsylvania VA 1740-?
married: circa 1765
(786)Phoebe Burton, daughter of (1573)James Burton and (1574)Sarah Stovall
(392) Susanna Brock, 1773-1866 m: (391) John (Johannes) Ottinger,

(787) Christian Bible, son of (1575) Adam Bible Sr and (1576) Eve Rein or Ryan
1745- 1832 TN
from Rockingham Co, VA, settled Little Church Valley,
Big Limestone, Greene Co, Tennesee 10/1791
married: 1775
(788)Catharine Folman (Follman) (Vollman),
daughter of (1575)Petri Vollman and (1576)Marie Magarthe
children: John, George, Lewis, Jacob, Abraham, Isaac, Elizabeth,Mary
(393) Adam Bible,1787- 1862 m: (394) Elizabeth Neas

(789) John Nease, son of (1579) Michael Nease and (1580) Margaretha Zirkle
VA 1/8/1757-7/1830 TN
moved to Tennessee 1802
married: March 6, 1779 Shenandoah Co, VA
(790) Elizabeth Rausch, daughter of (1581) Johannes Rausch and (1582) Susanna Schlern 12/18/1758-1831 TN
children: Michael, George, Katharina, Johannes, Margaret, Phillip, Sue
(394) Elizabeth Neas, 1788- 1855 m: (393) Adam Bible
(791) Frederick Sheets, son of (1583) Johan Sheets and Catharine??
Johan from Holland with 2nd colonyof William Penn in 1682, farm of 612 acres
married: circa 1765
(792)Barbara ??
children: Frederick, George, Chrisitan
(395) Jacob Sheets m:(396) Barbara Lindamood

(795)Jacob Sheffer (shaffer, shaver,shaefer,sheffer, schaeffer,schaffer),
son of (1591) Jacob Schaffer and (1592)Maria Hickel
11 June 1756 Weitbruch, Rhineland-?
married: circa 1775
(796)Anna Catharina Konett 1755 Wurtemberg-?
(397) Daniel Shaefer 1780-1839 m: (398) Catherine Michael

(797) John Michael , son of (1595) Frederick Michael and (1596) Elizabeth Williams
Berks Co, PA1750-1841 Ohio
(798) Juliana ?
children: Jon Michael sr, Jonas, Susann, Jacob, Christian, William, Eve, Henry
(398) Catherine Michael m:(397) Daniel Shaefer
(400) Elizabeth Michael m: (399) Henry Huffer
(401) George Michael m: (402) Elizabeth Heyne

(799) Jacob Huffer, son of (1599)Matthias Hoffer and (1600) Maria Wohlweider
6 November 1755-?
came to Augusta Co VA 1795
married: 8 december 1782 Lancaster Co, PA
(800)Anna Groh, daughter of (1601) Hannes Groh and (1602) Magdalena Baumann
children: David, Susann, Jacob, Samuel, Maria, Peter, Joseph
(399) Henry Huffer 1785- 1860 M:(400) Elizabeth Michael

(805) George Hiney (Heyne)(Heine),
son of (1611) Johann Heine and (1612)Anna Marie Burckhardt
9 April 1736 Wurtemberg-?
(806) Spouse Unknown
(402) Elizabeth Hiney 1785-? m:(401) George Michael

(897)Elisha Corbin, son of James Corbin and Hannah Eastman
(898)Sally Healy, daughter of Joshua Healy
(448) Mary Dorcas Corbin m: (447) Edward Morris

(901) Samuel McNabb,
son of (1803) William McNabb and (1804)Betty Aiken of Scotland 1730-? married: circa 1750
(902) Isabella??
(450) Jane McNabb, 1760-? m:(449) John McCullen,

(903) Thomas Starbuck, son of (1807)Jethro Starbuck and (1808)Dorcas Gayer
12/12/1706 Nantucket- 1/5/1777
married: 1730 Nantucket, Mass
(904)Rachel Allen, daughter of (1809) Edward Allen and (1810) Ann Coleman
children: Silvannus, William, Elizabeth, Thomas
(451)Hezekiah Starbuck, 1748-1830 m: (452) Mary Coffin Thurston

(905) John Thurston, son of (1811) John Thurston and ??
1713-1771 Rhode island
married: 1745 Rhode Island
(906)Mary Coffin, daughter of (1813) Paul Coffin and (1814)Mary Allen
1724 Nantucket Mass-1783
(452)Mary Coffin Thurston, 1752 - 1806 m: (451) Hezekiah Starbuck

(907) Thomas Mills, son of (1815) John Mills and (1816) Rachel Bates
1709 Chester Co PA- 9/10/1793 Guilford Co NC
married: 1/18/1729 Frederick Co, VA
(908)Elizabeth Harrold, daughter of (1817) Richard Harrold and (1818)Mary Beals
3/10/1709 Chester CO, PA-9/9/1771 Guilford Co NC
children: Mary, Rachel, Rebeka, Mark
(453) Reuben Mills,1709 - 1793 m: (454) Sarah Overman

(909) Isaac Overman, son of (1819) Ephraim Overman and (1820)Sarah Belman
1/26/1726 Pasquotank, NC- 1/2/1785 NC
married: 2/2/1746 NC
(910)Mary Evans, daughter of ??
4/10/1728 NC-3/12/1779 NC
children: Obediah, Isaac, Ephraim, Zeb
(454)Sarah Overman,1747-? m: (453) Reuben Mills

(927)Thomas Stockstill(also Stogstill,Stogdill,Stogsdill,Stagsstill,Stagdill, Stocksdell, Stockdale, Stocksdale, Stoxdale),
1730 Baltimore Co, MD-died: July 15, 1797 Rowan Co, NC
in Baltimore Maryland 1737 buying land; in Rowan County,NC by 1770
Left Maryland because Tory during Revolutionary Era
son of (1855)Edward S. Stockdale and (1856)Rachel Gosnell
married: circa 1750 Baltimore Co Maryland
(928) m. (1) MARY BENNETT; m. (2) SARAH BAXTER
(463) Zebediah Stockstill, 1750- (464) Rachael??
brother Warnal Stocksill, Vachel, Edward?
other children: Elizabeth, Margaret, Morris?, William, Austin, Joshua,
Thomas Stockstill first appears in Rowan County, NC about 1768.
Thomas Stockstills farm in the 1780s had Richard Hain as a neighbor
Stockstills came to Maryland from England in late 1600s, (landed in St. Mary's in l600's, land grant from Chas. 2nd. there were at least two brothers, and they had a place in Baltimore called Stockstill's Hill, near the Patapsco River).

(931) Leonard Hain, son of (1863) Marcus Hain and (1864) Mary Coles
married: 1761
(932)Sarah Clifford, daughter of (1865) Michael Clifford and (1866)Elizabeth??
1742-past 1784
(465) Leonard Hain, 1763-1847 m: (466) BarbaraAnnWhisnant
Thomas Haines a Captain inNC Militia from Rowan Co, NC 176
Richard Hain (b1736) and Hannah Huish (b1740), Kingston,Seymour,Somerset,Eng
(465) Leonard Hain (Hains) (Haynes) (Hanes) (Hane)(haine)
son of (931) Leonard Hain (Haynes) and (932) Sarah Clifford
1763- past 1847

(933) John Adam Whisnant (Whisenant), Whisenand, Whisonant, Whisante, Whisenhunt, Visinand, etc.
The family name has it's origins in Switzerland, and means "neighbor".
son of (1867) Phillip Peter Visanand (Fisenant) and (1868) Anna Helena Neff
born 2 Sept 1719 Edenkoben, Germany- 11 April 1784 Lincoln Co NC
married: circa 1740 Lancaster Co, PA
(934) Anna Barbara Eaker,daughter of (1869) Peter Eaker and Margaret Mary Stutter
circa 1720-1800 Lincoln Co, NC
(466)Barbara Ann Whisnant 1760- m: (465) Leonard hain
children: George Michael, Philip, Margaret,Eve,John Nicholas,Catherine,John George
Philip Peter arrived in Philadelphia, PA on October 14, 1731 aboard “Snow Lowther,”
with wife Helena , two sons John peter and John Adam
Family settled in Lancaster Co, PA from 1734-1762. Sons travelled to Carolinas

(935) James Hay, son of (1871) David Hay and (1872)Jean Mill
married: 1769
(936) Isabel Valentine, daughter of (1973) Hans Michael Valentine and (1974) Maria Elizabeth Deitinhefer of Mutterstadt (Near Ludwisshaften) Germany
(467) John Hay Sr , 1780 -?? m: (468) Sarah harding

(937) William Harding, son of (1875) William Harding and (1876)Anastasia Stacy Ball
married: 1762
(938)Leah Gillies, daughter of ??
(468) Sarah Harding, 1777-1860 m: (467) John Hay Sr.

(939) Thomas Smith, son of (1879) Andrew Smith and (1880) Clara Anderson
Married: 1775
(940)Molly McKee, daughter of ??
(469) Andrew Smith, 1779-1827 m: (470)Mary Lou Hunsucker

(941)Johann Theobold Hunsucker,
son of (1883)Johannes Hunsicker and (1884) Marie Pierson
1743 Schalbach, Nassau, Germany- 1800 North Carolina
married: circa 1770
(942)Susanna ??
1750 Pennsylvania- 1830 North Carolina
children: Susanna
(470)Mary Lou Hunsucker 1775-? m: (469) Andrew Smith,

(943) Thomas Polly, son of (1887) John Polly and (1888) Marry Edwards
married: 1725
(944) Ann?? 1700-?
(471) Edward Polly, 1730-1805 m: (472) Mary Agnes Mullins

(945) Gabriel Mullins, son of (1891) Matthew Mullins and (1892)Mary Moffin
1756 VA- 1841 KY
married: circa 1775
(946)Rachel Ballard, daughter of (1893) Thomas Ballard and ??
1757-1830 KY
(472) Mary Agnes Mullins, 1775-1858 m: (471) Edward Polly

(951)Dillman Kolb Ziegler, son of (1903)Andrew Ziegler and (1904)Elizabeth Kolb
married: 1756
(952)Barbara Clemmer Clemens,
daughterof (1905)Jacob Clemens and (1906)Barbara Clemmer
(475)Jacob Clements Ziegler1763-1838 m:(476)Kate Hunsberger

(953)Isaac Hunsperger, son of (1907) Jacob Hunsberger and (1908) Susanna
married: 1758
(954)Catharine Elizabeth? 1730-1827
(476)Kate Hunsberger, 1763 -1838 m:(475)Jacob Clements Ziegler

(959) Abraham Van Meter, son of (1919) John Van Meter and (1920) Margaret Molinar (Mollenauer) 1721-1783
married: 1742 Berkeley Co VA
Abraham with bros Henry and Jacob with Swans built Fort Swan-Van Meter near Muddy Creek, Greene Co, PA in 1772.
sons were among very early emigrants to Kentucky as early as 1780
(960) Ruth Hedges, daughter of (1921) Joseph Hedges and (1922) Catherine Stakop
1722- died 1751 Martinsburg, Berkeley Co, VA
(479) Joseph Van Matre, 1743-1778 M: (480) Mary Morgan

(961)James Morgan, son of (1923)James Morgan and (1924) Bridget ??
married: 1740
(962)Margaret Hedges,daughter (1921) Joseph Hedges and (1922) Catherine Stakop
(480) Mary Morgan, 1745-? m:(479) Joseph Van Matre,

(963) John Jolly, son of (1927)Jesse Jolley and (1928) Martha?
married: circa 1740
(964) Louisa Bryant, daughter of (1929) Frederick Bryant and (1930)Ameilia Pugh
(481) David Jolly, 1750-? spouse unknown

(967)Henry Van Meter, son of (1919) AND (1920)
married 2): 1757
married 1) Eve Pyle 1736, 3)Elizabeth Pyle 1777 all sisters
(968)----- Pyle, daughter of (1937)John Pyle and (1938)Lydia thomas
1720 Delaware, PA
(483) Joseph Van Meter 1780-? m: (484) Elizabeth Aiken

(969) Josiah Akin, son of (1939) David Akin and (1940)Sarah Allen
1719 Mass-1810 PA
married: 1742 NY
(970)Judith Huddleston(e),
daughter of (1941) Richard Huddlestone and (1942)Sarah Tolman
1725 Mass- 1801 PA
(484) Elizabeth Aiken, 1744-? m: (483) Joseph Van Meter,

(971)Thomas Harris, son of (1943) Major William Harris and (1944)Lucy?
married: circa 1705
(972)Mary ?
(485) Benjamin Harris 1710-1759 VA m:(486) Ann Eppes

(973) Col. Frances Eppes IV, son of (1947)Francis Eppes III and (1948)Anne Isham
married: cir ca 1700
(974)Sarah XXX, daughter of ???
children: Francis, Richard, William, Martha
(486) Ann Eppes, 1727-1768 m:(485) Benjamin Harris,

son of (1959) Johann Nicholaus Schaeffer II and ??
(980)Maria Eva Saab, daughter of ??
(489)Johannes Shaeffer 1750-? m: (490)Elizabeth Ludwig,

(981) John Jacob Lewis Ludwig,
son of (1963)John Joseph Ludwig and (1964)Anna Gertruda Lambert
August 14, 1725 Grmany- 1815 Maine
married: 27 February 1754 Boston, Mass
(982) Anna Margretta Hilt, 1729-1813
daughter of (1965) Johann Peter Hielt and (1966) Anna Margretha Hench
(490)Elizabeth Ludwig, 1755-? m:(489)Johannes Shaeffer,

(983)Bernhart Mueller, son of (1967)Johann Mueller and (1968)Maria Eva Kost
1722 Baden-1792 Northampton Co, PA
married: 1747 Germany
(984)Maria Eva Miller,
daughter of (1969)Johan George Muller and (1970)Anna Susanna Unagst
1724 Baden-1802 Northampton Co, PA
(491) Frederick Miller, 1767-1830 m: (492)Christina?

(987) John Paul Trout,
son of (1975) Johann Wendel Traut and (1976) Magalena Walter 1720-?
married: circa 1745
(988) Anna Maria Shafer, daughter of ??
(493) David Traut, 1750-? m: (494) Mary Rutter

(989)James Rutter, son of (1979) William Rutter and (1980) Jan Webber
married: 1749
(990)Alice Treloar, daughter of ??1727-1780
(494) Mary Rutter, 1758-? m:(493) David Traut,

(991)Edward Davis, son of (1983) Samuel Davis and (1984)Mary Chamberlain
January 23, 1713 Roxbury- August 30,1784 Oxford
married: December 25, 1735
(992)Abigail Learned, daughter (1985)Ebenezer Learned and(1986)Deborah Haynes
1715- August 11, 1805 Oxford
children: Ebenezer, Edward, Jacob, Abigail, Elizabeth, Reuben, Levi, John
(495) Nathaniel Davis, 1743-? m: (496)Sarah Stone,

(993) Levi Stone, son of (1987) Jonathan Stone and (1988) Abiel Bigelow
September 1722-December 1800 Sutton, Mass
married: 1647
(994) Mary Lawrence, daughter of ??
July 20, 1725-February 23, 1810
children: Molly, Johnathan, Abiel, Clark, Elijah, Eliab, Rhonda, Issac
(496)Sarah Stone 1755-? m: (495) Nathaniel Davis,

(995) William Cowley, son of (1991)John Cowley and (1992)Katherine Mcylecharane
1716-1788 Isle of Man, England
married: 1744 Isle of Man, England
(996) Elizabeth Crellin, daughter of (1993) John Crellin and (1994) Bridget?
1721-1803 Isle of Man, England
(497) St. Leger (also Ledger) Cowley, 1745-? (498) Mary Reed,

(999)John Harvey, son of (1999)Alexander Harvey and (2000)Jean Donald
1691 Kintore, Scotland-1767 Scotland
married: 25 November 1718
(1000)Elizabeth MacKay, daughter (2001)John MacKay and (2002)Isabel Craigmile
1694 Scotland- 1776 Scotland
(499) Alexander Harvey, 1719 - 1774 m: (500) Elizabeth Ceely,

(1003) James Macdonough (also McDonough, Macdonaugh)
son of (2007) Thomas McDonough and (2008) Jane Coyel 1722-1802
St.George’s Hundred, New Castle, County, Delaware at “the Trap” (in 1844 changed to MacDonaugh)
married: circa 1745
(1004) Lydia Laraux, daughter of (2009) Peter Laraux and ??
(501) Thomas McDonough 1747-1795 M: (502) Mary Vance

(1005)David Vance, son of (2011) John Vance and (2012) Mary Williams
1722 Scotland-?
married: circa 1750
(1006) Ruth Elizabeth Colville, daughter of(2013)Joseph Colville and Elizabeth Wilson
(502) Mary Vance 1750-? m: (501) Thomas McDonough

(1011) Daniel (Heckendorn) Heckathorn,
son of (2023)Johannes Hans Heckendorn and (2024)Margretha Jerien (Gorien)
May 26,1720 Langenbruck, Switzerland-March 22, 1782Lebanon Co, PA
married: April 8, 1744 St. mathew’s Lutheran Church York PA
(1012) Maria Catherine Denen (dennen), daughter of ??
1722 York Co, PA-1752
children: Johan Erhard, Mary Magdalene, John,
(505) Daniel Heckathorn, 1749-1810 m: (506) Elizabeth Crum
married 2) Susanna Etter Kanzel January 12, 1753

(1013) Anthony Crum (Krumm) Sr.
born between 1713 and 1725 in Rhineland-?
married: circa 1745
Krumm originally from Rheinland/Pfalz, Germany
(1014)Sarah ??
between 1717 and 1725-=?
children: Anthony, Anna, Catharine, Mary, John Henry,Christian
(506)Elizabeth (Krumm) Crum, 1751-? m:(505)Daniel Heckathorn

(1015) Nicholas Wininger, son of (2031) Michel Wininger and (2032) Maria Klein
1718 Alsace- June 22, 1789 Augusta Co, VA
married: circa 1739 near Reading, Berks Co, PA
(1016) Maria Magdalena Nater, March 7, 1720 Alsace-Jan 22, 1794 Augusta CO VA
daughter of (2033)Johnann Caspar Nater and (2034)Catherina Bantzer
(507) Andrew WININGER, 1740, -- 1832, m:(508)Catharine DUNKELBERGER

(1017) Clementz DUNKELBERGER,
son of (2035) Clemens Dunkelberger and (2036) Margaretha Godschalck
Solingen, Germany June 1705-1776 Berks Co, PA
married: circa 1738 Berks County, PA
(1018) Anna Maria HAUER, daughter of (2037) Johann Miehll Hauer and Anna Maria?
Germany 1720-1801 Berks County, PA
children: Anna, Jacob, Christopher, Frederick, Phillip, Clement
(508)Catharine DUNKELBERGER,1740-1836 m:(507) Andrew WININGER,

(1019) John Christian Kroll, son of (2039) John Krall and Barbara?
1700-1794 Holland
married: circa 1735
children: Barbara, Elizabeth, Mary, Catharine, Hannah
(509) Peter Michael Krole (Crull)(Krall) 1738-? m: (510) Elizabeth ??