The Ancestors of Robert and William Herbig

Generation 8


Name Index

Generation 1

Generation 2

Generation 3

Generation 4

Generation 5

Generation 6

Generation 7-Previous

Generation 8

Generation 9-Next

Generation 10

Generation 11

Generation 12

Generation 13

Generation 14

Generation 15

Generation 16

Generation 17

Generation 18

Eighth Generation

(271) Johann Michael Arndt, son of (543) Johann Phillip Arndt and (544) Barbara Scheffer 1728 Guendelbach-??
married: 5/7/1749 Neckarkeis, Maulbrown, Guendelbach
(272) Anna Catharina Brigel (or Birgel), daughter of ??
1730 Guendelbach-??
(135) Johann Philipp Arndt b:1760 married: (136) Maria Catherina Sauter

(273)Hans Sauter, son of (547)Hans Leonard Sauter (548)Anna Catherina Kuntsche
married: circa 1760
(274) Spouse unknown
(136) Maria Catherina Sauter 1765-? m:Johann Philipp Arndt

(279) Jakob Staib, son of ??
married: 1738
(280)Barbara Bollinger, daughter of ??
(139) Christof David Staib, 1750-? M:(140) Maria Magdalena Haugstorfer

(287) Enoch Turner, son of (575) Isaac Turner and (576) Mercy Potter
2 November 1736 Milford, CT--???
married: 1760 Milford, CT
(288) Phebe Cooper, daughter of (577) Joseph Cooper and (578) Jemina Smith
b: 12 November 1733-past 1825
(143) Henry Turner Sr. 7/30/1767-? m: (144) Avis Mallett (Mallet)

(289) Lewis Mallett, son of (579) Lewis Mallet and (580) Eunice Newton
3/19/1734-4/1/1804 Milford Ct
married: 9/4/1750 Milford, Ct
(290) Mary Merwin, daughter of (581) Miles Merwin and (582) Mary Trowbridge
5/21/1734-5/27/1802 Milford, Ct
Lucy, Lewis, John, Eunice, Miles, Peter, nancy, Mary, Isaac
(144) Avis Mallet 1772- ? m: (143) Henry Turner Sr.

(291) James Guest, son of (583) Thomas Guest and (584)Sarah Cockey
married: 1770
(292) Lydia Ryder, daughter of (585) Jacobus Ryder and (586) Jane Ditmars
(145) John Guest 1775-? m: (146) Ann Eastman

(293) Daniel Furnival, son of ??
married: circa 1762
(294)Ann Howarth, daughter of ??
1740- 1820?
(146) Hannah Furnival 1769-? m: (145) John Guest
other children: Ann, Joseph

(295) Hugh Kelso son of (591) John Kelso and (592) Mary/polly ?
1730 Scotland - 1813 Rockbridge, Co, VA
brothers Hugh, Thomas and Alexander came from Scotland 1768
settled near Baltimore then moved to Virginia
married: 1755 Scotland
(296) Mary Walker daughter of (593) James Walker and (594) Mary Guffy (McGuffie)
1740 Scotland- 1775 Rockbridge Co, VA
children: Joseph, William, James, Charles, Elizabeth, Peggy
(147) Hugh M. Kelso, 1769- 1833 m: (148) Jane Moore

(297) Joseph Moore, son of (595) James Moore and (596) Jane Walker
VA 1750-??
married: 1770
(298) Margaret Coalter, daughter of (597) James Coalter and (598) Margaret Hutson
VA 1752--?
children:James, Robert, Margaret, Joseph, Eleanor, John, Frances, Mary,
(148) Jane (Jenny)(Fanny) Moore, 1773-1838 m: (147) Hugh Kelso

(299) John Orchard, son of (599)William Orchard and ??
1730 Lacock, wiltshire, England- ?
married: September 22, 1754 Wiltshire, England
(300) Agnes? Sarah? Mary Hudd, daughter of (601)James Hudd and (602)Jane ??
2 November 1729 Wiltshire, England-?
children: John, Eunice, Alexander
(149) Isaac Orchard,1760 - 5/20/1852 m: (150) Margery Mitchell,
daughter Margaret married Thorp in Madison Co KY 1788
The ORchards came from England but before that in the1300's they were from Scotland and the name was Urqhart (clan Urqhart). ORchard is just the Anglican spelling of Urqhart. Christian or Christina Orchard in the1300's was heir to Hartland Abbey, the seat of the Orchards in Devonshire. She married Sir Philip Carey and most of the lands and wealth went with her, although the manor house stayed in the family.

(301) Alexander Mitchell, son of (603) Alexander Mitchell and (604)Jane Anderson
1740 PA- 1808 Bourbon Co, KY
married: 11/10/1768 Philadelphia
(302) Jane Cockran (also Cochrane),
daughter of (605) James Cochrane and (606) Ann Rowan
1748 PA- 1808 KY
children:Samuel, Kizia, patsy, Hannah, John, Joseph
(150) Margery 1774-1851 M: (149) Isaac Orchard

(303) Jacob Brengle (also spelled Brengl, Branckel, Brenckle, Brengel, or Prengle), son of (607) Christian Brengle and Maria Christina(608)
born circa 1715 Alsace- died 2/14/1784 Fredericktown, MD
married September 4, 1737 Wolversheim, Alsace, Germany-
Originally from Alsace
(304) Gertrude Bell,daughterof(609)Johan Frederick Bell &(610)Anna Marie Halmer
born circa 1720 Prussia
children: Lawrence, John, Christian
(151) George Brengle,1740-1832 m: (152)Catharine Beckinbaugh

(305) Johan Adam Beckinbaugh II (also spelled Peckenpaugh),
son of (611) Johannes Adam Beckinbaugh Sr. and (612) Anna Marie Schmidt
1717- 1780 Frederick MD
married: July 28, 1737
(306) Anna Marie Barbara Henry or Buchner, daughter of ?
1720 Germany-1/21/1778
Mary, George Peter, John, Johan Adam III, Geroge, Marie Catherine, Anna marie
(152) Catharine Beckinbaugh 1750-? m: (151) George Brengle

(307) Richard Burdyne (Burdine), son of ??
circa 1705- 1761 Culpepper Co, VA (will probated 15 OCT 1761)
married: circa 1730, by 1739
(308) Catharine (Katharina) Tanner , daughter of (617)Robert Tanner and (618)Mary ?
1715-9 Spotsyvania Co., Virginia-?
children: Reginall, Samuel, Hannah, Barbara, Nathaniel
(153) John Burdyne 1745-1786 M: (154) Betty Dicken
Richard Burdine originally of a French Huguenot family. He was a member of the Hebron (Evangelical Lutheran) Church in 1733 near Madison, Va.
His will: Culpeper Co., Va; Book A, pa 259 7/22/1761-10/18/1761
His children were all born in northern Madison Co., VA.

(309) Christopher Dicken(s), son of (619) Benjamin Dicken and (620) Mary Norment
1730 VA- 8/21/1778 Culpepper Co, VA
married: 1750 Culpepper Co, VA
(310) Sarah Pulliam, daughter of (621) Thomas Pulliam and (622) Winnifred Holloday
Spotsylvania Co VA 1730- 1775 VA
children: Christopher, richard, William, Benjamin, Sarah, Winnifred, Susannah
(154) Betty Dicken 1750-1820 m: (153) John Burdyne

(311) Thomas Thomas, son of (623) Thomas Thomas and (624) Elizabeth Carter
1700- September 5, 1774 Prince Georges County, MD
married: circa 1730
(312) Eleanor Siscle, daughter of ??
1710- 1770?
children: William, James, Jane Siscle, elizabeth Siscle, Mary Siscle, Sophiam Maenuse, Josiah, Jesse
(155) Thomas Thomas, 1734-1798 m: (156) Ann Wilson

(313) John Evans, Son of (627) John Evans and (628) Arabella Turnall
Blacksmith 1722 d: 1767 Loudoun Co, VA
married: 1745
(314) Elizabeth Hannah Meister, daughter of (629) William Mister and Patience?
1727- d: 1772 Loudoun Co, VA
children:William, Richard, Griffith, David, Joshua, Elizabeth, Mary

(315) Henry Jones, father from Wales
married: circa 1745
(316) Susannah?? 1725-?
(157) Fielding Jones, 1756 -1832 m: (158) Sarah Hardin

(317)Nicholas Hardin(G), son of (635)Henry Hardin and (636)Wilmuth George
7/6/1743 Stafford, VA- 2/12/1833 Hopkins, KY
married: 1770
(318)Nancy Ashby, daughter of (637) Henry Ashby and (638)Ellenor Bounes
?-died 1811 KY
(158) Sarah Hardin, died after 1833, m: (157) Fielding Jones

(319) Thomas Smith, son of (639) George Burntface Smith and (640) Ann Bailey
12/29/1719- 9/25/1786 Powhatan Co, VA
married: 1748 VA
(320) Martha Frances Stovall,
daughter of (641) George Stovall, Sr and (642) Elizabeth Lansdon
1728? d: 1742 VA
children: Elizabeth
(159) George Stovall Smith, 1750-1810 m: (160) Frances Sandifer

(321) William Abraham Sandifer, son of (643) James Sandefur and ??
1730-1784 VA Cumberland Co
married: 1756 VA (now Chesterfield Co, VA)
(322) Joanna Branch, daughter of (645) John Branch and (646) Johannah Hancock
1735 Henrico Co Va- past 1784
children: Abraham, Matthew, Diana, John, Susannah
(160) Frances Sandifer, 1757-1831 m: (159) George Stovall Smith
(323) David Trabue Sr, son of (647) Jacob Trabue and (648) Marie Wooldridge
12/10/1737-1769 Cumberland Co, VA
married: 5/7/1760 VA
(324) Marie Sallee, daughter of (649) Peter Sallee and (650) Frances Bondurant
10/1/1741 Manakintown- ?
children: Joseph
(161) David LeSuerr Trabue 1768-1842 m: (162) Judith Sallee

(325) Joseph Salle Sr, son of (649) Pierre Sallee and (650) Frances Bondurant
3/9/1745 VA- 12/12/1812 Jessamine Co, VA
married: 1770 King Williams parish, Henrico Co. Va
(326) Jemina Maxey, daughter of (653) William Maxey and (654) Mary Elizabeth Sallee 1750-1807
children:Benjamin, Joseph, John, Frances, Mary Ann, Peter, Edward, William
(162) Charlotte Judith Sallee 1770-1841 m: (161) David Trabue

(327) David Masters, son of (655) David Masters and (656) Margaret Solkeld
married: circa 1770
Spouse unknown
(163) John Masters 1775-1824 m: (164) Anna Holmes

(329) John Holmes, son of (659)John Holmes and (660)Unknown
in Virginia 1760, moved to Kentucky circa 1783
married: circa 1775-1780
(330) Chloe Bautley, daughter of ??
(164) Anna Holmes 1780-1820 m: (163) John Masters

(331) Benjamin Hamrick, son of (663)Patrick Hamrick and (664)Margaret Ingles
1727 King George Co Va-1793/4 Prince William Co VA
married: 1750-60 Fauquier Co,VA or Prince William Co Va
(332) Mary Sias)(Seirs (Seas)(Sears), (Sais)
daughter of (665) John Sias and (666)Sarah Coffman
1733 near Gloucester Virginia (Elk RIver Braxton Co WV)-?
(165) Jesse Hambrick 1770-1862 m:(166) Lidya (Liddie) Martin,
children: Mary, Sias, Benjamin, William, David, Gilson, Jesse, Joel

(333) Jacob Martin, son of (667) Henry Martin and (668) Sarah (sary) ?
moved to Scott Co KY from Faquier Co VA 1790
married: circa 1770
(334) Sarah (Sary) ? 1750-?
(166) Lidya (Liddie) Martin 1775-?
M: (165) Jesse Hambrick (also Hambrig, hambrecht)
(335) Robert Henry, son of ??
1730 Ireland-?
married: circa 1755
(336) Mary Woodburn, daughter of ??
1730 ireland-?
(167) John Henry 1763-1854 M: (168) Rachel?

(339) Nathan Proctor Sr. , son of (679) Nathan Procter and (680) Mary Read
11/25/1735 Salem, Mass- 1832 Wash. Co, Ohio
Moved to Washington co, Ohio circa 1800
married: 10/22/1761 Danvers, Mass
(340) Abigail Waters, daughter of (681) John Waters and (682) Elizabeth Gardner
4/26/1741-? Danvers, Mass
children: Betty, Jacob, Sarah, Abigail
(169) Nathan Procter Jr.1764 --- 1833 m: (170) Abigail Proctor

(341) Benjamin Proctor, son of (683) John Proctor and (684) Lydia Waters
1/28/1731-2/24/1799 Salem, Mass
married: 6/23/1758 Salem, Mass
(342) Kesia Littlefield, daughter of (685) Peter Littlefield and (686) Abigail Storer
1735 (wells, Maine) - 3/5/1811
children: Daniel, James, Lydia, Phebe, Polly, Benjamin, Francis, John
(170) Abigail Proctor 1766-? m: (169) Nathan Procter Jr.

(343) William Watkins, son of (687)William and Rachel?
1740 Wales- 1821 Mont Co Ohio
b. probably Pontypridd, Glamorgan Co., South Wales. had brother John
in Baltimore 1780s, to Mason Co Ky 1793 , to Montgomery CO Ohio 1805
married: circa 1770
(344) Rachel Mullen (Mullin), daughter of ?
1748 Ireland -1830 Montgomery Co, Ohio
Mullens came from County Claire, Ireland.
children:Joseph, Jonathan, William, David, Joshua, Daniel, hannah, Amy, Rachel
(171) George Watkins 1785-1865 m: (172) Rebecca Kelly

There was a small area around Pembroke that was inhabited by theFlemish around this period when surnames came into common usage,1100-1200 AD.The texts regarding surname origins generally agree that the"kin(s) phenom was a Flemish nick-naming process, rather confusingto the British of later years, and the Watkin(s) of today is morean Anglesized version of something like Gwatkin. The "G" preceeding
the "W" can only be explained by Welsh- speaking people, but it'ssilent and was later dropped, anyway.
Now, this "kin" thing was not in reference to any kinship orrelation, it was explained, but more like a term of endearment orcloseness, much like calling someone named Thomas "Tommy", orDaniel "Danny", which is the English nick- naming custom. Someonenamed Walter or Gwalter was called Gwatkin(s) as more or less afamiliar, friendly name. And as with all patronymic names, whensurnames came into popular use, this one evolved as well asPerkins, Hopkins, and several others from this one region of SouthWales where the Flemish had a foot-hold.

Hafodrynis near Crumlin in S.Wales.

(345) John Kelly (Kelley), son of (691) Daniel Kelly and (692) Mercy Smith
1750? PA- ?
married: circa 1775 PA
(346) Martha Polly Ison, daughter of ??
1755 PA-?
children: James
(172) Rebecca Kelly 1787-1881 m: (171) George Watkins

(347) Isaac Willson, son of (695) Joseph Willson and (696)Elizabeth Rigge
1768 Baskinridge NJ-1842 PA
married: 2/1793 Wyoming, PA
(348) Sarah Phillips, daughter of (697) John Phillips and (698) Mary Chamberlane
1775 VT-1855 PA
(173) Isaac Phillips Willson, 1805-1880 m:(174) Frances Lines,
(349) Henry Lines, son of (699) Henry Lines and ??
married: circa 1808
(350)Margaret Peggy Sailors, daughter of (701) Michael Sailors and ?
(174) Frances Lines, 1810-1865 m:(173) Isaac Phillips Willson,

Issac Lanning, son of (703) William Lanning and (704) Levinah ??
1770- 1842 New Jersey
(352)Mary Hankinson, daughter of (705)Joseph Hankinson and (706)Margaret Goble
children: John, Ezekiel, Joseph, Mary, James, Keturahs, Richard, Betty, Martha
(175) Reuben Lanning, 1789-1861 m: (176) Sarah Groff

(353) Joseph Groff, son of (707) Jacob Groff (Graf) and (708) Maria ?
1755-1826 Sussex Co, NJ
married: 1775 New Jersey
(354) Anna Cummins, daughter of (709) Christian Cummins and (710) Catherine ?
27 September 1757-?
(176) Sarah Groff 1792-1881 m: (175) Reuben Lanning

(355) John Mat(t)hews, son of ?(711) Abner Matthews and ?(712) Eunice Tuttle
1752 England -1822
married: 1787 New Haven, CT
(356) Sera (Sally) Wesson, daughter of (713) Isaac Wesson and (714)Lucy Dean
Children: Isaac, James, Stephen, William, Thomas, Lavinia,
(177) John Mathews, 1787-1861 m: (178) Phebe Pond

(357) Samuel Pond, son of (715) Bartholomew Pond(e) and (716) Lucy Curtis
married: circa 1790
(358) Elizabeth Kinney (also Kinne, Kinnee, Kinny, Kinni, Kiney, Kyne, Kynne,Kenney)
daughter of (717) Cyrus Kinne and (718) Comfort Palmer
(178) Phebe Pond, 1797-? m: (177) John Mathews

(379) Caleb Hopkinson, son of (759) Johnathan Hopkinson and (760) Margaret Burbank Pelham, Mass 1755- 1824 (died enroute to Indiana with family)
(SEE Hopkinson files) married: 1784 New York
lived in Onondaga County New York 1790s
(380) Elizabeth Williams, daughter of (761) Peleg Williams and (762) Mary Sheldon
RI 1760-1843 Royal Oak, Michigan
Children: Jonah, 1 girl, 2 boys unnamed
(189) Samuel Smith Hopkinson 1798 -1844 m: (190) Clarisse Osborn
was nephew of Francis Hopkinson, signer of Declaration of Independence.
married and settled in Onondaga County NY
was Private in Captain Claudius V. Boughton Company of New York State Volunteer Calvary during War of 1812. listed as prior prisoner of war in 181

(381) Josiah Osborne, son of (763)Aaron Osborn and (764)Hannah Morehouse
1762 CT- 1850 ohio
married: circa 1783 CT
(382) Hannah Scott, daughter of (765)David Scott and (766) Hannah Smith
1765 CT- 1850 ohio
children: Asa, Joseph, Hity
(190) Clarisse Osborn 1796 VT m: (189) Samuel Smith Hopkinson
Horatio Osborn age 72 in 1859 (b: 1787) Erie County Ohio vouched for Clarissa
Clarisse claimed to be 68 yrs old in 1859; 67 yrs old in 1857. birthdate then 1790?
Vermont was New York until it became the fourteenth state in 1796?

(383) William Thomptson, son of (767) James Thompson and (768) Hannah Truitt
1755-1807 Sussex Co, Delaware
married: 1775
(384) Nancy Carey, daughter of (769) Ebenezer Cary and (770) Hannah Collings
Children: Ryle, hannah, Truitt Thompson, william, Laveria
(191) James Thompson 1779-1844 m: Nancy Short (192)

(385) Jacob Short(e) , son of (771) Jacob Short and (772) Nicey Jones
1773 - 1805 Sussex Co, Delaware
married: 1790 Delaware
(386) Phebe? 1770-?
children:Noah, James, John, Phillip, Nathaniel, Levi, Peter, Isaac, Leonard
(192) Nancy A. Short, 1796-1870 m: (191) James Thompson

(387) Christian Laughner, son of (775) Christian Laughner and (776)Margaret Brisch
PA 1769-
married: 1790
(388) Catherina Fuhr (Fore), daughter of (777) Johannes and (778) Mary Margreth
born: 6 February 1776-1 October 1833
Children: John, Daniel, Samuel, Susan, Polly, Ibby
(193) William Laughner 1808- ? m: (194) Catharine Harmon

(389) Jacob Harmon, son of (779) John Harmon and ??
1770s- 1844 Greene Co TN
married: 18 April 1801 Greene Co TN
(390) Catherine Mismer,daughter of (781) Jacob Mismer and (782) Catharine Mauck
1780- 1860 TN
Children: Jacob, John, Mary, Betsey, Eve, Sarah
(194) Catharine Harmon 1813-? m: (193) William Laughner

(391) John (Johannes) Ottinger,
son of (783) John Ottinger Sr. and (784) Margaret Detterman
3/22/1783 Shenandoah Co VA-?
married: 1805 Greene Co, TN
(392) Susanna (Nancy or Nicey) Brock,
daughter of (785) William Brock and (786)Phoebe Burton
VA 1783-1866 TN
Abraham, Ludwig, Gideon, Salome,Susanna, Anna, Magdalena, Jacob, Prisc, David
(195) John Ottinger 1807-1886 m: (196) Susanna Bible
(393) Adam Bible, son of (787) Christian Bible and (788)Catharine Folman
1787 Harrisonburg, ROckingham Co VA- 10/81862 Greene Co, TN
married: 12/19/1807 Greene Co, TN
(394) Elizabeth Neas, daughter of (789) John Nease and (790) Elizabeth Rausch
1/8/1788 Shenandoah Co VA- 5/18/1855 Greene Co,TN
children:Henry, Solomon, Christopher, Paul, john, Elisabeth, Magdalene, Dolly,
(196) Susanna Bible 1808-1883 m: (195) John Ottinger

(395) Jacob Sheets, son of (791) Frederick Sheets and (792) Barbara ??
PA 1740-1809 VA
Lived in PA, moved to Augusta Co VA prior to 1790
married: 1790 Washington co, Va
(396) Barbara Lindamood (also Lindaminde, Lindamunde),
daughter of (793) Michael Lindamood and (794) Catharine ?
children: John, Daniel, Jacob, Peter, Andrew, Henry
(197)Phillip Sheets 1801-1873 m: (198) Mary Shafer

(397) Daniel Shaefer(shaffer, shaver,shaefer,sheffer),son of(795)Jacob Sheffer and ??
Shenandoah Co VA 1780-1839
married: 5/31/1803 Augusta Co Va
(398) Catherine Michael, daughter of (797) John Michael and (798) Juliana ??
Phebe, Rachel, Daniel, Elizabeth, Henry, Jane, John, Samuel, Susanna
(198) Mary Shafer 1804-1847 m: (197) Phillip Sheets

(399) Henry Huffer (Huffard) (Huffert), son of (799) Jacob Huffer and (800)Anna Groh
VA 1780- 1860 Clinton Co, Ind
came with family to Indiana circa 1840
married: August 1806 Augusta Co Va
(400) Elizabeth Michael, daughter of (797) John Michael and (798) Juliana ??
VA 1785- 1840 IND
children: Jacob, Daniel, Susanna, Catherine
(199) John Huffer 1807-1887 m: (200) Anna Michael

(401) George Michael , son of (803) Frederick Michael and (804) Elizabeth Williams
VA 1770-8/8/1839
married: 3/1/1808 Augusta Co VA
(402) Elizabeth Hiney (Heyne), daughter of (805) George Hiney and ?
(200) Anna Michael 1810-1880 m: (199) John Huffer

(447) Hugh Morris (or Edward?), son of ??
married; May 1771?
(448) Mary (Morry) in Wales in Llanrwst.
or Dorcas Corbin , daughter of (997)Elisha Corbin and Sally Healy
May 3, 1750
(223) Moses Morris 1755 -1808 PA m:(224)Martha McCullen
other children: William, Elisha, Lyman, Edward, ALfred
(449) John McCullen, son of ??
from Ireland.
married: circa 1778
(450) Jane McNabb, daughter of (901)Samuel McNabb and Isabella??
(224)Martha McCullen. 1780-1872 M:(223) Moses Morris

(451)Hezekiah Starbuck, son of (903) Thomas Starbuck and (904)Rachel Allen
2/10/1748 Nantucket Mass-6/10/1830 Wilmington, OH
moved to Ohio 1810
married: November 18, 1771 Massachusetts
(452)Mary Coffin Thurston, daughter of (905) John Thurston and (906)Mary Coffin
7/17/1752 RI- June 9, 1806 Guilford, NC
children: Mary, Rachel, Rebeka, Mark
(225) Jethro Starbuck, 1785- 1815 m: (226) Rebecca Mills

(453) Reuben Mills, son of (907) Thomas Mills and (908)Elizabeth Harrold
1709 Chester CO PA- 9/10/1793 Guilford Co, NC
married: August 7, 1777 Guilford, NC
(454)Sarah Overman, daughter of (909) Isaac Overman and (910)Mary Evans
1/22/1747 NC-?
(226) Rebecca Mills, 1783-1860 m: (225) Jethro Starbuck

(455) Daniel Whaley, son of ??
b. ab. 1738 Co. Armagh IRL d. 17 Apr 1812
married: circa 1765-7
(456) Mary Waddle, daughter of ??
b. ab. 1745, d. 20 July 1829
(227)Daniel Whaley, circa 1780---d. ab. 1844.m: (228)Eliza Gordon,

(463) Zebediah Stockstill,(also could be Stogstill, Stogdill, Stogsdill, Stocksdill)
(also Stocksdell,Stockdell,
son of (927) Thomas Stockstill and ??
born: 1750 Baltimore Co, Maryland
1790-1800 in Rowan Co NC, before that in Baltimore Co, MD
moved 1802 to Warren Co Tenneesee (McMinnville) died 1832
wealthy slaveholder in Fayette Co, Tenneesee
came to America before 1776; married circa 1770s
(464) Racheal ?? 1750s-after 1833 (but before 1846)
children: Warner, Elisha, Lucy (Kirby), Garland?
(231) Thomas Stockstill 1782-1860 m: (232) Catherine Hain

(465) Leonard Hain (Hains) (Haynes) (Hanes) (Hane)(haine)
son of (931) Leonard Hain (Haynes) and (932) Sarah Clifford
1763- past 1847
(466)Barbara Ann Whisnant,
daughter of (933) John Adam Whisnant and (934) Anna Barbara Eaker
1760-before 1830
native North Carolina, came to Clark Co ohio 1801
married: circa 1780
Leonard Hain who lived in North Carolina in the 1760-80 time frame and moved to Ohio before 1800. Lived in Rowan county, NC (now Davie county). (232) Catherine Hain 1788--? m: (231) Thomas Stockstill
other children: John? Philip? Adam?

History of Miami County [Ohio], W.H.Beers&Co 1880, says: [Thomas] Stockstill…found a haven of rest in the cabin of a man named Hain, who lived in the extreme southwest corner of what is now known as Clarke
County [Ohio]. This was in 1796. In the following year he married Hain's daughter, Catherine, and settled on the land now owned by J. L. Stockstill, in the northeast corner of the township [Bethel]. This was the first settlement made in the township, and one of the first in the county.
History of Clarke County [Ohio], W.H.Beers&Co, 1882 says: Thomas [Stockstill], being conscientiously opposed to slave traffic, left Tennessee at the age of 16, and came to Ohio. At this time there were only
five or six huts in Cincinnati…. He stopped with an old man Hain, an acquaintance of his from North Carolina, located in what is now Bethel Township, Clark Co…. his chief business was farming, and after his arrival in this State [Ohio] he took a lease for twelve years of Leonard Hain, whose daughter Catherine he married about 1801; in 1806 he left his leaseand bought 80 acres in Bethel Township, Miami Co…
Miami County, Ohio Land Records show: Leonard Hain buying land from UnitedStates in 1806 (probably the land he had settled on), and then selling landto John Hains (1829), Edward Wyatt(1835), Thomas Stockstill(1836), AdamHains(1841 & 1844). (The Hain, Cory, Fry and Stocktill families bought/sold
land to/from each other.)
Census Records show: Leonard Hain: 1830 Town of Springfield [Ohio]; 1840Bethel, Clark Co.; 1850 [his son?] Bethel, Clark Co.; Barbary Hains [Leonard's wife] 1840 in Washington Twp., Preble Co., Ohio.
Other Records show: Leonard Haines [son?] marries Emaline Camp in Clark Co.
in 1843; Leonard Haines pays tax in Clark Co. in 1818.
Kids of Leonard Hain and Barbary Ann Whisenant may include: Catherine(cited in Beers), John (bought land from Leonard and named his first bornLeonard), David (LDS suggestion, b.1803 OH), Abraham, Philip, Levi,Margaret (LDS suggestion, m.1817 Jodeph Canby), Mary (LDS suggestion,m.1816 Jehial Hampton), Nathaniel, Samuel, Jonas (LDS suggestion, b.1801 NC), Adam (bought land from Leonard 1841-1844), Leonard (LDS suggestion, b.1818 OH), Unknown (LDS suggestion, b.1807 OH), Frederick (LDS suggestion,b.1811 OH), Elizabeth (LDS suggestion, b.1821 OH).

(467) John Hay Sr , son of (935) James Hay and (936) Isabel Valentine
1780 St. Vigens Angus Scotland-??
married: 1799
(468) Sarah Harding, daughter of (937) William Harding and (938)Leah Gillies
(233) John Hay Jr 1800-1845 m: (234) Mary Smith

(469) Andrew Smith, son of (939) Thomas Smith and (940)Molly McKee
maarried: 1798
(470)Mary Lou Hunsucker , daughter of (941)Johann Theobold Hunsucker and Susanna
(234) Mary Smith, 1800 -1849 m: (233) John Hay Jr

(471) Edward Polly, son of (943) Thomas Polly and Ann??
married: circa 1795
(472) Mary Agnes Mullins, daughter of (945) Gabriel Mullins and (946)Rachel Ballard
(235) Andrew Polly, 1798-? Spouse Unknown

(475)Jacob Clements Ziegler,
son of (951)Dillman Kolb Kiegler and (952)Barbara Clemmer Clemens
(476)Kate Hunsberger, daughter of (953)Isaac Hunsperger and Catharine Elizabeth?
1763 PA-1838PA
(237)Jacob Ziegler, 1791 -? m: (238)Hannah ?

(477) Henry Hess, son of ??
1757-1831Somerset Co, PA
married: circa 1780
(478)Mary Magdalena ?,
1758-1831 York Co, PA
(238)Hannah Polly Hess, 1790-? m:(237)Jacob Ziegler

(479) Joseph Van Matre, son of (959) Abraham Van Meter and (960) Ruth Hedges
1743-1778 Drowned in the Ohio River at Short Creek
married: 1763 PA or VA
(480) Mary (Margaret or Priscilla) Morgan,
daughter of (961)James Morgan and (962)Margaret Hedges
children: Morgan, William, Abraham, Isaac
(239) Joseph Van Matre 1770-1841 m: (240) Mary Jolly

(481) David Jolly, son of (963) John Jolly and (964) Louisa Bryant
1735 Washington Co.,Pennsylvania- 1804Chillicothe,Ross,Ohio married: circa 1759 North Hampton Co.,Pennsylvania
(482) Elizabeth Kelly, daughter of ??
1740-North Hampton Co.,PA--June 8, 1790 Wheeling,Ohio Co.,West Virginia
(240) Mary Ann Jolly 1778-1811 m: (239) Joseph Van Matre
children: John, Jane, Elizabeth, Margaret, David Jr, James, William, Sarah

(483) Joseph Van Meter, son of (967)Henry Van Meter and (968)Hannah Pyle
1740-1790 killed by Indians in Meade Co, KY
married approximately 1770
(484) Elizabeth Aiken, daughter of (969) Josiah Akin and (970)Judith Huddleston
b1744 PA-?
(241) Absolem Van Meter 1765-? m: (242) Tabitha Harris

(485) Benjamin Harris, son of (971)Thomas Harris and Mary ??
1710-1759 Cumberland Co, VA
married: circa 1745
(486) Ann Eppes, daughter of (973) Col. Frances Eppes and (974)Sarah Eppes
1727-1768 Powhatan Co, VA
(242) Tabitha Harris, 1760-? m:(241) Absolem Van Meter,

(489)Johannes Shaeffer,
son of (979)JOHANN NICOLAUS SCHAEFFER III and (980)Maria Eva Saab
1750-? probably born Germany died PA
married: New Holland, PA on 9/9/1774
(490)Elizabeth Ludwig,
daughter of (981) John Jacob Lewis Ludwig and (982) Anna Margretta Hilt
(244) Elizabeth Shaeffer 1780-? m:(243) John Sayford,

(491) Frederick Miller, son of (983)Bernhart Mueller and (984)Maria Eva Miller
married: 1790
(245) Michael Miller,1775-? m: (246) Elizabeth Trout

(493) David Traut, son of (987) John Paul Trout and (988) Anna Maria Shafer
married: 1780
(494) Mary Rutter, daughter of (989)James Rutter and (990)Alice Treloar
(246) Elizabeth Trout 1785-? m: Michael Miller

(495) Nathaniel Davis, son of (991)Edward Davis and (992)Abigail Learned.
married: circa 1773
(496)Sarah Stone, daughter of (993) Levi Stone and (904) Mary Lawrence
(247) Alban Davis,1776 -1827 m: (248) Martha Cowley,

(497) St. Leger (also Ledger) Cowley, son (995) William Cowley and Elizabeth Crelin born Isle of Man Ireland 1735- died Stamford, Delaware co, NY 1798(buried old cemetery Stamford, NY); came to US 1761 or 1769
Revolutionary war hero;Adjutant of 5th Regiment New York, appointed 3/3/1780
Family traces DAR/CAR (Daughters/Children of American Revolution) through Cowley
settled at Greenbush, near Albany, where he was a trader for a number of years. He moved from there to Bloomfield, Delaware County, NY. In thespring of 1779. he and a neighbor named Sawyer were captured by Indians and carried down the Delaware. They managed to escape
married: circa 1764
(498) Mary Reed (or Reid), daughter of ??
born Dublin Ireland 1740, died 1826 (buried old cemetery Stamford, NY)
children: Johnathan, Samuel, William, Polly, Ann, Elizabeth, Ledger
(248) Martha Cowley 1775-? m: (247) Alban Davis

(499) Alexander Harvey, son of (999)John Harvey and (1000)Elizabeth MacKay
1719 Aberdeen, Scotland- 1774
married: circa 1755
(500) Elizabeth Ceely, daughter of ??
(249) Charles Harvey, 1758-?-? m: (250) Mary McDonough,

(501) Thomas McDonough, son of (1003) James Macdonough and (1004) Lydia Laraux 1747-1795
commissioned March 22, 1776 as Major in Col. Haslet’s regiment; 1782 Col of Militia
1788 appointed third justice of the court of Common Pleas; Lived Delaware
married: 1770
(502) Mary Vance, daughter of(1005)Samuel Vance and(1006)Ruth Elizabeth Colville
(250) Mary McDonough 1770-? m: (249) Charles Harvey

(503) Jacob Tarflinger (Terflinger, Turflinger)(perhaps even Darflinger or Derflinger?) (Dorflinger?) f: Friederich Dorflinger (?) of Blondenloch in Baden Germany
circa 1740-? 1816
estate filed feb 1817 of Berne Township, Fairfield Co, Ohio
Came to Fairfield Co Ohio with son Christopher circa 1805
Of Dutch origin?
was in Loudoun Co 1771 Titable List, Frederick Co VA 1782, in 1810 Census
married: circa 1762?
(504) Elizabeth (margaret)??
circa 1745-? post 1810
other children: Probably Phillip (born 1770s)
George Terflinger noted in will and other documents in 1816, 1818, probably another son (noted in 1820 census as between 26 and 45, born after 1775)
also listing for Frederick Turflinger 1800 Fauquier Co Tax List (2 males over 16)
1787 Listing for Loudoun Co for Henri Tarflinger, was Lt. Militia resigned 1782 (brother? of Jacob?)
(251) Christopher Terflinger 1766 -March 28, 1866
m: (252) Elizabeth Heckathorn,1774- April 26, 1865
George Terflinger, b. 3/3/1777 in Germany, d.12/7/1862 in Williamsport,Ohio> Germany toRockingham Co.,Va to Fairfield Co.Oh. to Monroe Twp.,Pickaway Co. Oh.
married Mariah Elizabeth Parrett b. 1787, d. 9/27/1844. children included: Joseph Terflinger, b. ?, d. 2/23/1895 cont.; Diana Terflinger; Margaret Terflinger, b. 1811, d. 3/23/1883 in Williamsport, Oh. ; Mary Terflinger; Elizabeth Terflinger; Sarah Terflinger;
George Terflinger> civil war ;Emma D. Terflinger, b. 1838, d. 1907;

(See Terflinger Files) Friederich Dörflinger (eldest brother about age 30) who came over on the ship Patience to Philadelphia in 1749 probably with his younger brothers Jacob and Henry and his sister Gertrude. (The Dorflingers came from Blondenloch in Baden Germany. The father's name was Friederich too as far as we can tell.) I say probably because only the abjuration list survived from this ship, and only males over 21 could sign it, so Friederich was the only one to sign. All of these people can be found together in the Tohickon Lutheran Church records in the 1750's and 1760's in Bucks County, PA. Friederich is definitely not the father of the group because he married and left a will naming his wife and only two children neither of whom are these. Friederich and family stayed in Bucks County and died there.Jacob and Henry (apparently younger and more adventuresome) went off to Loudoun County, VA - most all of their children were baptized by a circuit rider from a Lutheran Church in Frederick, MD. Jacob's oldest son Johannes was born and baptized in the Tohickon church in PA before they left. Jacob Dörflinger who married Magdalena. We know this from all the baptism records. Jacob had several children including Philip Derflinger in NW Virginia. Most of the family stayed in Virginia except for Philip's son Jacob E. who also went to Ohio, but much later. The name tended to stay Derflinger in most cases.Jacob's oldest son Johannes who was born and baptized in Pa. He was later confirmed in Frederick County Va at the age of 13 and married Elizabeth Parrot (not the same Elizabeth Parrot as the George you referred to) in Shenandoah County, and they moved immediately to Rockingham County. Johannes Terflinger/Tarflinger's oldest son was Henry who in 1800 married Catharine Miller. I am sure of this lineage because of a land deed from John and Elizabeth to son Henry and then part of the same land is deeded in 1860 from Henry and Catharine to their son John Henry b. in 1834 and married to Mary Jane Moyers in 1855. After Catharine died, Henry went with John Henry and Mary Jane to Allen County, OH in abt. 1870-1872, where Henry died in 1875. John Henry and Mary Jane's daughter Virginia Margaret is my Great Grandmother.

(505)Daniel Heckathorn (Hackathorne, Heckendorn, Heckedorn),
son(1011)Daniel Heckathorn and(1012)MariaCatherineDenen
21 October 1749- York Co, PA-1810 Ohio
married: 1770 Lebanon Co, PA
(506)Elizabeth (Krumm) Crum, daughter of (1013) Anthony Crum Sr. and Sarah
1751-before 1815
children: Christian, John Henry, Henry, Mary, Barbara, Margaret, Eve, Nancy, Jacob
(252) Elizabeth Heckathorn 1772-1870 M:(251) Christopher Terflinger
Was in Lebanon PA until 1778 when moved to Frederick Co, VA Was a blacksmith
Bought 267 acres land October 1795. Sold 1807. Moved to Ohio with Christopher

(507) Andrew WININGER, son of (1005) Nicholas Wininger and (1006) Catherine
1740, Saxony Region, Germany, --21 Aug 1832, Kingsport, Hawkins County, TN
m. 1760, in Berks County, Pennsylvania,
(508)Catharine DUNKELBERGER,
daughter of (1017)Clement DUNKELNBERGER and (1018)Anna Maria HAUER
b. 1740, Berks County, Pennsylvania, d. 1836, Hawkins County, Tennessee, both buried: Andrew Wininger Cem., Hawkins County, VA.
     Children: Phillip, Andrew, Frederick, Peter,William
(253) Adam Wininger 1765-1840 m: (254) Anna Crol

(509) Peter Michael Krole, son of (1019) John Christian Kroll and (1020)Barbara??
1738 Bucks Co, PA-?
married: 1770
(510) Elizabeth ?? 1750-?
children: Hannah, Christina, Rebecca, Elizabeth
(254) Anna Mary Crol (or Krol,Crow,Croll,Kroll,Crull) 1780-1850
m:(253) Adam Wininger,