Generation 4


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Generation 4

(15) Jacob (Jakob)Herbig (Herbick)(Herbeck)(Herbich) ( also possibly Herbiche
or Hertwig or Hertbich.)
son of Christian (?) Herbig
born: 11/12/1838 Prussia (Berlin?)
died: 5/11/1896 Madison, Indiana (Springdale Cemetary)

Jacob came to America circa 1860s. He was younger brother to two old maid sisters, parents (supposedly well off) deceased early (before he left). He was ill with tuberculois for three years and it prohibited him from entering the army as an officer. He then departed to the States. He was a tailor by trade.

married: 12/30/1875 Madison, Indiana
(16) Mary Catherine Arndt, daughter of (33) John Arndt and (34) Eva Catherina Staib
born: 2/20/1854 Erie, Pennsylvania
died: 3/6/1918 Madison Indiana (buried Springdale Cemetary)
The Herbig Siblings and Mother Mary in 1908
children: Harry died at birth
Jacob 1/22/1877-?
John 1877-1898 ‘Moker’ died in Ohio River
Will 10/17/1881-1950
Fritz 3/13/1884- 2/8/1955 Bachelor all his life
(7) Heinrich 12/6/1886 - 3/1/1980 married (8) Ethel Mae Turner
Emma 6/13/1889- 2/25/1966 married Charlie Baker
Christian 'Chris' Herbig
1893-8/9/1918 died World War I in France
Charles died at birth
supposedly there were 13 children.

One story about the Herbigs is that they were Hugenots (French Protestants) whose origins are from a town called Herbignac in Brittany, France. Due to their religious beliefs, they were persecuted in France and resettled in Falquemont, Loraine in 1630, and hence to Saxony (Sachsen) and later to the Kingdom of Prussia to Potsdam, outside of Berlin. They were famous in Berlin as artists and musicians. After thanks for many years of contribution to the arts for the Prussian crown, Fredrich the Great gave a mansion to the family on the grounds of Sansoucy Castle in Potsdam. A street in Berlin was supposedly named in honor of the family. Many Herbigs hail from Grossfurra Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Thuringen, Germany a Prussian province in the mid 1850s.

(Note: these are probably relatives but cannot tie in)

        Carl Freidrick Gottfried Herbig, born 20 October 1819 in Grossfurra, Sondershausen, Thueringen;
died 31 July 1872 in Lena, , Illinois. He married 113. Johanna Wilhelmina Margaretha Schabacker.
       Johanna Wilhelmina Margaretha Schabacker, born 07 April 1817 in Grossfurra, Sondershausen,Thueringen.
       Children of Carl Herbig and Johanna Schabacker are:
i. Johann Wilhelm August Herbig, born 10 November 1845 in Schwarzburg, , Germany; died 23 May 1933 in Marquette, , Nebraska; married Caroline Ernestine Reiter 11 September1869 in Freeport, , Illinois.
ii.Adolph Herbig.
iii. Friedrich Herbig.
iv.Lina Herbig.
v. Paul Herbig}}

(17) Alonzo Lonny Turner son of (35) Augustus Turner and (36) Margery Kelso
born: 10/4/1858-1913
married: 7/4/1882 Salem, Washington County, Indiana
(18)Lucetta Jane Brengle
daughter of (37) Lawrence Brengle and (38)Lucetta Thomas
born: 9/20/1858 Salem
died: 9/27/1940 Livonia, Indiana
Tombstone in Livonia Cemetary
children: (Florence born in Livonia, all rest children born in Hanover, Indiana)
Nellie 2/21/1889-? married: John Warren
Florence 7/10/1883 marfied: John Graham
The Turner Girls-Nellie, Florence and Ethel
Roy Alonzo 5/5/1897-10/11/1958 married: Eva Ray
(8) Ethel Mae 12/10/1894-8/20/1977
Omer died young
Lawrence died young

(19) James Willard Smith son of(39)James Salle Smith and (40) Sarah Jane Masters
born: 3/13/1872 Johnson County, Indiana
died: 7/11/1947 Thorntown, Indiana
James Smith and Zeurah Smith tombstone in Thorntown
Grocer in Thorntown
married: October 28, 1900 Boone County
(20) Zeurah Rebecca Henry

James and Ruah Smith
daughter of(41)John Peter Henry and(42)Rebecca Watkins
born: 4/28/1880 Indiana
died: 7/22/1964 Union City, Indiana
Zeurah Henry Smith obit
James and Zeurah Smith
both are buried in Thorntown Cemetary
children: Freida Smith 5/26/1902-1966 married: Albert Martin
(9) Harry Gordon Smith 4/26/1904- 6/1/1971 married (10) Sylvia Lanning
Robert LaRue Smith 8/16/1910 married: Fayne Yahne
James Henry Smith 2/10/1914-? married: Dorothy Stallcup
The Smith Children-Gordon,Bob,James and Freida
Zeurah Smith and her boys
Harry Gordon, Robert, and Jim Smith circa 1918
Smith Family Reunion in 1933 at Thorntown, Indiana

(21) James Walter Lanning
son of (43) Joseph Alexander Lanning and (44) Phoebe Jane Hopkinson
James Walter Lanning
born: 5/14/1884 Royal Center, Darwin, Carroll County, IND
died: 8/7/1975 Kirklin, Indiana (buried Middlefork Cemetary)
James and Lula Lanning tombstone at Middlefork Cemetary
Farmer for 70 years near Kirklin Indiana
married: 3/25/1907 Clinton County, IND
(22) Lula Olive Laughner,
daughter of (45) James Riley Laughner and (46) Ida Mae Sheets
born: 11/30/1890 Michigantown, Clinton County, IND
died: 11/12/1954 Kirklin, IND (buried Middlefork Cemetary)
Lanning Home in Kirklin, Indiana
The Lanning Family circa 1925
The Lanning Family
James Lanning circa 1923
James Lanning and sons-in-law
Lannings circa 1939
(10) Sylvia Mae Lanning 7/29/1907 married (9) Harry Gordon Smith
Madge Yevonne Lanning 7/2/1919 married: Dorsal Evans
Gayle Alexander 2/15/1911- 1/31/1926 died in farming accident
Three Generations: Lula Laughner Lanning, Sylvia Lanning Smith, and Patricia Smith --1932

(25) (Bezalel) Yarmolinsky (Jarmolinsky), son of Unknown
circa 1855, died after 1916
had 4 daughters by first wife,
married 2nd: circa 1885-7
(26) (Malka Nemoy) , daughter of ?? circa 1865- died after 1916
(12) Rachel Yarmolinsky 1892-1929 m: (11) William Cracken
Naomi Yarmolinsky 7/31/1895 -1981 San Antonio, Texas
m: John Viscardi (1925)
Avram Yarmolinsky 1/2/1890-1970 NYC m:Babette Deutsch
Augusta ‘Gussie’ Yarmolinsky6/25/1894-1975 NYC m: Unknown
(also listed is a John Yarmolinsky born 8/29/1884--cousin?)
Yarmolinskys and Models were owners of vineyards in Kishiniev (Moldavia, part of Eastern Europe claimed by both Russia and Romania. was Russian until 1918 when became part of Romania until claimed by USSR in 1945. After breakup in 1991 still claimed by Romania and Russia and also claimed to be independent). Both died in Russia, years unknown. Father Yarmolinsky served on local city council. Mother’s father reportedly served as officer in the reserves during 19th century clashes between Russia and Ottoman Empire (Turks). Yarmolinsky means inhabitant or someone from Yarmol. There is a small village in Russia named Yarmol. Jarmolinsky is a reasonably common name in the Ukraine.

(27) William Wells Morris, son of (55) Samuel Miles Morris and (56) Catharine Whaley
WW Morris
born: 1865 Medway, Ohio
died: 1944 New Carlisle, Ohio
Successful Businessman in New Carlisle,Ohio. Had telegraph training in Poughkepsie, New York and was New Carlisle’s telegrapher for 10 years. Next owned a grain elevator before opening the W.W.Morris &Son farm equipment plus the National Highway (route 40) Pottery. He was mayor of New Carlisle and “quite a dapper dude.” in his day. Turned the business over to his son in 1924.
married: 12-22-1897 New Carlisle, Ohio
(28) Juliet Walton Stockstill,
daughter of (57) William Frances Stockstill and (58) Ann Jane Polly
Juliet Stockstill
Stockstill home in New Carlisle
born: 8/30/1879 New Carlisle, Ohio
Fourteen years younger than her husband. She was 9 years old when she proclaimed she was going to marry WW. Morris. She was very devoted to her Presbyterian Church, made the grapejuice for its communion all her life. She was an excellent cook, baking a pie every morning for “Will.” She was very close to her large Stockstill clan, entertaining many times in their large home. She commonly said when something surprising happened, “Oh, my goodness, gracious, Agnes, Nellie, Mariah, Susan, Jane!!!!”
died:12/8/1947 New Carlisle,Ohio (both buried New Carlisle cem) (She had breast cancer
(13)John Robert Morris 3/24/1899-2/16/1966 m:(14)Mary Elizabeth Van Matre
Isabelle 1907-1959 m: Winston Bowman

(29) Augustus Abner Van Matre
Augustus Abner Van Matre, “AA”
son of (59) Cyrus Van Matre and (60) Sarah Catharine Sayford
born: 12/13/1870 Middletown, Indiana
died: 2/1/1929 Middletown,Indiana (Middletown Cemetery) of weak heart
AA Van Matre holding MM
3rd GenerationFarmer on same land in Middletown, Indiana
Attended Wittenburg College (Springfield Ohio) 1888; Phi Gamma Delta
married: 12/28/1892 Middletown, Indiana
(30) Mae Lois Davis,
daughter of (61) Benjamin Howe Davis and (62) Julia Terflinger
music teacher
born: 8/12/1871 Anderson, Indiana
died: 5/1/1936 Middletown, Indiana
Hershel Davis 1/31/1894-4/27/1945 married: Jane Marie Benton
Julia Catherine 9/14/1895-10/23/1971 never married
son died at birth 9/25/1898
(14) Mary Elizabeth 4/6/1900-12/26/1991 married (13) John Robert Morris
Benjamin Cyrus 5/21/1904-1993 married: Ruth Brennan 1933
Mary Van and Ben Van Matre at old homestead