The Ancestors of Robert and William Herbig

Generation 12


Name Index

Generation 1

Generation 2

Generation 3

Generation 4

Generation 5

Generation 6

Generation 7

Generation 8

Generation 9

Generation 10

Generation 11-Previous

Generation 12

Generation 13-Next

Generation 14

Generation 15

Generation 16

Generation 17

Generation 18

12th Generation

(4607) Captain Nathaniel Turner, son (9215)HumphreyTurner and (9216)Lydia Gamer
married 1630
(4608) Margaret Leachland, daughter of (9217) Robert Leachland and (9218)Margaret Jones 1602-?
(2303) Isaac Turner, 1640-1699 m: (2304) Mary Todd

(4609) Christopher Todd, son of (9219)William Todd and (9220)Katharine Ward
11 January 1617 York, Engalnd-23 April 1686 New Haven, Ct
married: 1640
(4610) Grace Middlebrook,daughterof(9221)Michael Middlebrookand(9222)Deborah?
(2304)Mary Todd, 1647- 1697 m: (2303) Isaac Turner

(4611) Charles Smith, son of ??
married: circa 1630
(4612) Spouse Unknown 1610-?
(2305)Thomas Smith,1634-1724 m: (2306)Elizabeth Patterson

(4613) Edward Patterson, son of ??
married circa 1640
(4614) Elizabeth ????
(2306)Elizabeth Patterson, 1644-1727 m: (2305) Thomas Smith

(4615) William Potter, son of (9231) John Potter and (9232)Hannah Beacher
1608 England-1662 New Haven, CT
married 1633
(4616) Frances Child, daughter of John Child and Eve Pargrave of London
(2307) Nathaniel Potter,1655-1702 m: (2308)Elizabeth Hawes

(4617) John Hawes, son of (9235) Edmund Hawes and (9236)Jane Porter
1600 England-?
married: circa 1640
(4618)BehiaDesire Gorham,daughterof(9237)John Gorham and(9238)DesireHowland
1620 England-?
(2308) Elizabeth Hawes, 1655-? m: (2307) Nathaniel Potter

(4619) Robert Hill, son of (9239)Peter Hill and Mary?
married: November 1, 1650
(4620)Sarah Mary Cross, daughter of (9241)John Cross and Joan??
(2309) Ebenezer Hill, 1655-? m: (2310) Mercy Brooks

(4621) John Brooks, son of (9243) Henry Brooks and Sarah?
married: November 1, 1649 Woburn Middlesex, Mass.
(4622) Eunice Mousall, daughter of (9245)John Mousall and (9246)Eunice Joanne Thompson 1630-?
(2310) Mercy Brooks1657-? m: (2309) Ebenezer Hill

(4623) John Cooper, son of (9247) Thomas Cooper and ??
married: circa 1635
(4624) Mary Woolen, daughter of (9249) John Woolen and (9250)Jane Hall
1614-1670 New Haven, CT
(2311) John Cooper, 1642- 1703 m: (2312)Marry Thompson

(4625) John Thompson, son of John (?) Thompson
married: circa 1635
(4626) Dorothy ? 1615-?
(2312) Marry Thompson,1642-1714 m: (2311) John Cooper

(4635) Thomas Morris, son of ??
married: circa 1645
(4636) Elizabeth ?
(2317) John Morris1646-1711 m: (2318) Hannah Bishop

(4637)James Bishop, son of (9275)James Bishop and ??
married: circa 1648
(4638)Mary Lewen, daughter of (9277)Peter Linn and ??
(2318)Hannah Bishop,1651-1710 m: (2317) John Morris

(4639) PIerre Mallett, son of (9279) Pierre Mallet and (9280)Jacqueline Ligon
married: circa 1635
wife unknown 1615-?
(2319) David Mallett, 1640-? Spouse Unknown
(4645) John Winthrop Jr., son of (9291) John Winthrop and (9292) Forth??
1606-1676 CT
married: circa 1635
(4646) Elizabeth Read (e),daughter (9293)Edmund Reade & (9294)Elizabeth Cooke
1615 Wickford, Essex, England- 24 November 1672 Hartford CT
(2322) Martha Winthrop, 1640-? m: (2321) Thomas Lyon

(4647) Roger Newton, son of (9295) Samuel Newton and ??
Minister, Church of Christ at Milford 1620-6/7/1683 Milford, Ct
married: 1644 Milford, Ct
(4648) Mary Hooker, daughterof (9297)Thomas Hooker and (9298)Susan Garbrand
1620England- 1675 Milford,CT
children: Ezekiel, Thomas,Alice, Mary, Samuel, Roger, Susannah, Sarah
(2323) John Newton1656-1699 m: (2324) Lydia Fford

(4649) Thomas Ford (Fforde) (Fford), son of (9299) Thomas Ford and ??
Devonshire,England 1620-1661
married: circa 1650
(4650) Elizabeth Knowles, daughter of (9301)Alexander Knowles and ??
children: Thomas, Mary, John
(2324) Lydia Ford, 1660-1747 m: (2323) John Newton

(4651) Nathaniel Briscoe , son of (9303) Nathaniel Brisco and (9304) Elizabeth Honor
18 May 1629 Bucks, England-1683 Milford Ct
married: circa 1646
(4652) Mehitable? 1630-?
(2325) Nathaniel Briscoe, 1646-1691 m: (2326) Mary Camp

(4653) Edward Camp, son of (9307) Edward Campe and (9308)Grace Mott
21 September 1617 huntsdon, EngLAnd- 1659 New Haven,CT
settled in New Haven,CT 1643
married: 1648
(4654) Mary?
1630-1680 New Haven, CT
children: Edward, Sarah, Samuel
(2326) Mary Camp, 1652-? m: (2325) Nathaniel Briscoe

(4755) James Rutherford, son of (9311) William Rutherford and ??
married: circa 1648
Spouse Unknown 1630-?
(2377) John Rutherford, 1650-1734 m: (2378) Isabella Allein,

(4757) Joseph Allein of Wilton, Somerset, son of (9515)Joseph Allein
married: circa 1652
(4758)Theodoshia Allein,
daughter of (9517)Richard Allein,descendant of Alan,Lord of Buckenhall
(2378) Isabella 1653-? m: (2377) John Rutherford

(4655)Gualter Merwin, son of (9311) Nicholas Merwin and ?
Amersham, Buckinghamshire, February 1593- 11/ 28,1649 New Windsor, Berkshire,
married: 1/12/1617 New Windsor, Berkshire,England
(4656)Margaret Tinker, daughter of (9313) Robert Tinker and (9314)Agnes Berrington
Berkshire January 1597-after 1643 Berkshire England
children: Anthony, Thomas, Benjamin, Joseph, Nicholas, Sarah, Mary, Rhoda
(2327) Miles Merwin, 1623- 4/23/1697 m:(2328) Sarah Platt,

(4657) Richard Platt, son of (9315) George Platt and Mary ??
married: circa 1630
(4658) Mary Wood, daughter of (9317) John Wood and Jane ??
(2328) Sarah Platt, 1635-? m: (2327) Miles Merwin,

(4659) Benjamin “goodman’ Wilmot (Willmott, Willmot, Wilmott), son of ??
1590 England-August 18,1669 New Haven,Ct
married: circa 1610
(4660) Ann Ladd,. d of ? 1590 England-October 7,1668 New Haven, CT
children: William, Ann
(2329) Benjamin Wilmot, 1615- 4/8/1651 m: (2330) Elizabeth Heaton

(4663) Thomas Trowbridge, son of (9327)John Trowbridge and (9328)Agnes Prowse
1598 Taunton, England-1672 Milford
married: 3/26/1627
(4664) Elizabeth Marshall, daughter of (9329) John Marshall and (9330)Alice Bevys
children: Elizabeth, John, William, James
(2331) Thomas Trowbridge,1631-1702 m: (2332) Sarah Rutherford

(4665) Henry Rutherford, son of ??
born circa 1610-died 1668 New Haven,CT
Merchant in New Haven as early as 1633
married: circa 1640
(4666) Sarah Newman, daughter of Thomas Newman and Mary Moorton
1620-1673 New Haven,Ct
children: Lydia, John, Caleb, Mary, Elizabeth
(2332) Sarah Rutherford, 1641-1687 m: (2331)Thomas Throwbridge
(4671) Christopher Guest, son of ??
married: 1650
(4672)Anne Washington,
daughter of (9245)Lawrence Washington and (9246)Ann Lewyn
(2335) Christopher Gist, 1655-1690 m:(2336)Edith Cromwell

(4855) John Rowan, son of (9711) John Rowan and (9712)Jane Anderson
married: circa 1660
(4856) ? McPhedise?
(2427) John Rowan, 1664-1728 m: (2428) Margaret Stewart,

(4975)Edward Pullem, son of (9951)William Pulliam and ??
1607 England-?
Spouse unknown
children: James, Ann
(2487) William Pulliam 1638-? m:(2488) Mary Clark

(4983)John Holloday, son of (9967) Sir Leonard Halliday and Ann?
married: circa 1645
(4984)Alice Ferrous, daughter of (9969)Alderman Ferraus and ??
(2491)Thomas Holloday, m: (2492)Elizabeth Seville

(4991) Thomas Thomas, son of (9983)Tristram Thomas and (9984)Anne Coursey
1620 Sussex, England- Feb1671 Talbot Co, Maryland
1635 Indentured Servant in Virginia, 1651 to Maryland
once of earliest settlers on Patuxent River
(4992) Elizabeth Knott, daughter of (9985) James Knott and (9986)Ellinor ??
(2495) James Thomas, 1648- 1701 m: (2496) Teratia?
He married (2) ELIZABETH BURTON/BARTON, daughter of M. (SR.) BURTON.
children by 2nd wife: William, Mary, Grace, Elizabeth, Edmund, Tristram

(4999) William Carter, son of (9999) William Carter and (10000) Elizabeth Cranfield
1550- 1605 Kempston, Bedfordshire,England
married: 1575 England
(5000) Mary Anstell Anscell,
daughter of (10001)Thomas Anscell and (10002)Elizabeth Wheatley
1555-1615 England
children: Thomas, Nicholas, William,Anne, Winifred, Oliver, Amy
(2499) Anscell Carter, 1591-1645 m:(2500)Jane Myles
(5005) Sir Henry Skipwirth, son of (10011) Henry Skipwith and (10012) Jane Hall
born Leicestershire England circa 1585- died 1660
married: circa 1610
(5006) Amy Kempe, daughter of (10013) Thomas Kempe and ??
children: Grey, William, Henry, Thomas, Elizabeth,
(2502) Diana Skipworth, 1620-1678 m:(2501) Edward Dale,
First Baronet of Prestwould, Leichestershire, England. He was loyal to King Charles I of England, and opposed to Oliver Cromwell. He may have lost his life as a result of a commission from King Charles I to raise troops against the Parliament forces under Cromwell.

(5089)Marc Du Sauchoy, son of ??
born 1626 in France; died Aft 1706 in Staten Island, New York.
married: circa 1655
(5090) Elizabeth Nachitgaal Rossignol, daughter of ??
      Children: Marcus , Janneties ,Jean, Marie
(2544) Madeleine Du Sauchoy, born 20 January 1658 in New Amsterdam; married (2543) Martin Hardewyn/Hardin

(5127) John Bayley, son of ??
married: circa 1635
(5128) Elizabeth Emery, daughter of (10257) John Emergy and (10258) Alice Bante
(2563) Henry Bayley, 1640-?

(5135) George Stovall , son of (10271) George Stovald and (10272)Lettice Stone
Blacksmith 1588-after 1632 Surry Co, England
married: 11 october 1612 Surrey,England
(5136)Margarite Farley,daughter of(10273)John Farley and(10274)Elizabeth Aldridge
1593-after 1657
children: Anne, Mary, George, William,
(2567) George Stovall, 1623-? m: (2568)Joan Tickner

(5137) Bartholomew Tickner, son of (10275) Thomas Tickner & (10276)Alice Frauncis
Albury Co, Surrey, Eng March 19, 1569/70-October 15, 1653
married: circa 1623
(5138) Millicent ?? 1605-?
(2568) Joan Tickner, 1625-? M: (2567) George Stovall

(5139) Richard Burton, son of (10279) Francis Burton and??
married: 3 March 1605 St Savior's, Surry, Eng
(5140) Katharine Christian (Kristain) (Christine), daughter of ??
children: Robert, Samuel, richard, Judith, Francis, John
(2569) Thomas Burton,1634-1686 M: (2570) Susanna Allen

(5141) Valentine Allen, son of (10283) Samuel Allen Sr. and ??
lived in Rappahanock and Essex Counties Virginia
married: 1629.
(5142) Mary Page, daughter of (10285) Thomas Page and (10286)Agnes Allen
children: Samuel, Reynolds, William, Richard,Christian, Judith, VAl
(2570) Susannah Allen 1640-? m: (2569) Thomas Burton

(5167) Christopher Branch,
son of (10335) Lionel Branch and (10336)Valentia Sparke 2September 1602 York, Engalnd-1681 England
came to Virginia March 1619/20 on ‘London Merchant’ was Justice 1656
married: 2 September 1619 St. Peters, Westcheap,London
(5168) Mary Addie, daughter of (10337) Francis Addie and (10338)marie Standing
1600 Yorkshire- 1627 Henrico County Virginia
(2583) Thomas Branch, 1623-1694 M: (2584) Elizabeth Gough (Gouch),

(5175)Simon Hancock, son of (10351)William Hancock and ??
1610 England-1654 Lower Norfolk, Virginia
married: 26 August 1647 Lower Norfolk, Viginia
(5176)Sarah Gye, daughter of Gilbert? Gye
1630- died 1689 Lower Norfolk, Virginia
children: Simon, Ann
(2589)Robert Hancock, 1650-1709 m: (2590)Johan Ligon
(2587)William Hancock, 1645 - 1687 m: (2588) Elizabeth Cockroff

(5177)William Cockroft, son of ??
6 January 1613 Holland- 1653 Holland
(5178)Elizabeth Burnet, daughter of Ralph Burnet
1 June 1612 Holland-1653
children: William, Mary,
(2588)Elizabeth Cockroft, 1643-1685 m: (2587)William Hancock,

(5181)(Col)Thomas Ligon, son of (10363)Thomas Lygon and(10364)Frances Dennis
1586 Worcestershire,England-1675 Henrico, Virginia
married: after 1641
(5182) Mary Harris, daughter of (10365)Thomas Harris and (10366)Adria Gurganey
circa 1620- died 1704 Virginia
chldren: William, Richard, Matthew, Hugh, Mary
(2590)Johan Ligon, 1653 -1726 m: (2589) Robert Hancock

(5201) Jean Janvier, son of ??
married: circa 1645
(5202) Renae Dupeu (Dupere), daughter of ??
(2600) Mary Ann Janvier, 1650-? m:(2599) Jean Sallee

(5207) Antoine Bondurant, (10415)Jean Bondurant and (10416)Suzanne Quarante
married: circa 1645
(5208)Gillette Amet, daughter of ?? 1625-?
(2603) Joseph Bondurant, 1648-? m:(2604) Elizabeth AnnChastain

(5209)John Frances Chastain (Chastan), son of ??
married: circa 1655
(5210) Frances Jane Reno (Renault) (Regnault),
daughter of (10421) Charles Renault and Ann ??
children: Judith, Charles,Frances Jane, Peter Jacob
(2604) Elizabeth Chastain , 1660-? m:(2603) Joseph Bondurant
(2606) Mary Ann Chastain, 1665-? m:(2605) Daniel Isaac Faure

(5231)William Maxey, son of (10463)Henry Maxey and (10464)Anne Adire (Adair)
1625 Powhattan VA-?
married: 1656 Powhattan Co VA
(5232)Elizabeth Palmer Johnson, daughter of ??
(2615) Edward Maxey Sr, 1660 -1727 m:(2616) Elizabeth Woodhouse

(5233)John Woodhouse, son of (10467)Henry Woodhouse and (10468)Maria Sothren
1640 VA-?
married: circa 1660
(5244)Ruth Cason, daughter of (10469)Thomas Cason Sr and (10470)Elizabeth Alcott
1640 VA-?
(2616) Elizabeth Woodhouse, 1660-? m:(2615) Edward Maxey Sr,

(5243) Jacob Merten, son of (10487)Johnannes Merten and (10488)Sophia Vioeles (Viceles) 1634 Muesen-19 October 1689
was Chief Miner of Muesen
married: January 24, 1654
(5244) Margarete Eichen, daughter of (10489)Johannes Eichen and (10490) Anna Schwissforth 1638- Septemaber 1, 1693 Muesen
children: Elisabeth, Barbara, Christopher, Jost, Catherina, Eustchius
(2671) Hans Jacob Merten, 1660-1693 m: (2672)Anna Barbara Wurmbach

(5245) Friedrich Wurmbach, son of ??
married: circa 1665
(5246) Margarete Rode , daughter of ??
(2672) Anna Barbara Wurnbach, 1670-1741 m: (2671) Hans Jacob Merten

(5247) Johannes Otterbach, son of (10495) Johann Otterbach and Ottilia??
1631 Westphalia-April 24, 1696 Prussia
of Druppach, Trupbach, Estfalen, Prussia
married: 1651
(5249) Anna Dilthey, daughter of ??
1634- February 23,1697
children: Elsbeth, Garlach, Clara, Johannes, Heinrich
(2673) Hermann Otterbach, 1665-1748 m: (2674) ElizabethHeimbach

(5249) Phillip Heimbach,
son of (10499) George Heimbach and (10500)Elizabeth Nuss (Niess)(Neuss) (Nies)
Seelbach, Germany 3/23/1633-?
married: 1660
(5250) Margaretha Jung,
daughter of (10501)Johannes Jung and Sophia-Margaretha?? 1640-?
(2674) Elizabeth Heimbach, 1668-after 1705? m: (2673) Hermann Otterbach

(5279) Obadiah Holmes, son of (10559) Robert Holmes and (10560)Katherine Jackson (Johnson?)
March 8,1607 Lancashire, England-1682 Newport, RI
married: November 20, 1630 Manchester England
(5280)Katherine Hyde, daughter of (10561) Gilbert Hyde and ??
Manchester, England October 27, 1608- October 15, 1682 MIddletown, Rhode Island
(2639) Johnathan Holmes, 1633-1715 m:(2640)Sarah Borden,

(5427) Henry Ewell, son of ?
1615 Sandwich England- 1687 Mass.
married: November 23, 1638 Plymouth, Mass
(5428) Sarah Annable,
daughter of (10857) Anthony Annable and (10858) Jane Momford
1621 Cambridge England-1674 Dorchester Mass
children: Ebenezer, Sarah, Hannah, Eunice, Gershom, Bethia, Ichabod, Deb, Rebecca
(2713) John Ewell, 1638-1686 m: (2714) Mary Goodale,

(5429) Robert Goodale, son of (10859) Robert Goodale and (10860) Joan Artys
August 16, 1604 Suffolk,England- October 12, 1682 Salem,Mass
married: 1629 Ipswitch England
(5430)Katherine (or Catharine) Killam, daughter of ??
1606 Suffolk England-1645 Salem, Mass
children: Issac, Abraham, Elizabeth, Nehemiah, Sarah, Jacob, Hannah, Zachariah
(2714) Mary Goodale, 1639-1701 m:(2713) John Ewell,

(5439) John Proctor, son of ??
1595-11 October1672 Ipswitch Mass
sailed from London in 1635 on the ship ‘Susan and Ellen’
married: circa 1625 in England
(5440) Martha?
1607-6/13/1645 Ipswitch Mass
children: Mary, Martha, Abigail, Sarah, Jospeh, Hannah, Benjamin
(2719) John Proctor, 1632 England-1692 m: (2720) Elizabeth Thorndike

(5441)John Thorndike, son of (10883)Francis Thorndike and (10884)Alice Coleman
1603-1665 London, buried Westminister Abbey
To New England in 1629, reached Ipswitch Mass 1633, Salem 1635
Gentleman, Deputy, Sheriff
married 1640 Massachusetts
(5442) Elizabeth Stratton, daughter of (10885)John Stratton and (10886)Anne Bearhaugh 1620-?
children: Sarah, Anne, Marty, Alice, Martha, paul
(2720) Elizabeth Thorndike, died 1672 m: (2719) John Proctor

(5443) JohnFelton, son of (10887) John Felton and (10888)Judith Damrell
1585 Coventy, Warwickshire,Eng.- died prior 1633
married: 1610
(5444) Ellen Thrower, daughter of ??
widow when immigrated in 1633 to Salem
children: Benjamin, Judith, Margaret
(2721) Nathaniel Felton, 1615-1705 m: (2722) Mary Skelton

(5445) Samuel Skelton, son of (10991)Reverend William Skelton and ??
February 26,1592 Lincolnshire-1634 Salem
‘George Bonaventure’ ship left Isle of Wight for Salem 1629
was Non-conformist minister
married: 27 April 1619 England
(5446)Susanna Travis, daughter of (10993)William Travis and ??
Horbling, near Sempringham 11 September 1597 England-1650
children: Samuel, Susannah, Sarah, Elizabeth
(2722) Mary Skelton, 1627-1701 m: (2721) Nathaniel Felton

(5447) Thomas Read, son of (10995)Thomas Read and (10996)Mary Brocket
married: circa 1638
(5448)Mary Cornwall,daughter of (10997)Thomas Cornwall and(10998)Anne Lyttleton
(2723) Thomas Read, 1640-? m: (2724) Mary Brice

(5451) Thomas Green, son of (10903)Richard Green and (10904)Mary Hooker
1606 England-19 December 1667
to Massachusetts in 1635, in Malden mass 1651
married: circa 1635
(5452) Elizabeth Lyndt, daughter of (10905) Thomas Lynde and Elizabeth??
(2725) John Green, 1640-1690 m: (2726) Marry Warren

(5453) Abraham Warren, son of ??
1606-1682 Salem, Mass
married: circa 1635
(5454) Isabel ? 1615-1672 Salem, Mass
(2726) Mary Warren, 1640-? m: (2725) John Green

(5455)Richard Waters, son of (10911)James Waters and (10912)Phebe Manning
Aldergate London 1604-Summer1677 Salem Mass
came to new England with Stepfather William Plasse Gunsmith, Freeman
married: 1630
(5456)Rejoice Plaise (Plasse), daughter of (10913)William Plasse(Place) and (10914)Gratia Barsalou 1610-?
children: Sarah, Phebe, William, Martha, John, Eliz, Mary, Abigail
(2727) John Waters, 1640-1707 m: (2728) Sarah Tompkins

(5457)John Tompkins, son of (10915)Ralph Tompkins and (10916)Katharine Foster
Yeoman 1610 England-1681 Salem
married: 8/27/1632 Edlesborough, England
(5448)Margaret Goodman, daughter of ??
1610-1672 SalemMass
children: Nathaniel, Hannah, Elizabeth, Johm, Mary, Deborah, Priscilla
(2728)Sarah Tompkins 1642-post 1707 m: (2727) John Waters
(5463) Thomas Gardner, son of (10927)Thomas Gardner and (10928)Elizabeth White
Dorsetshire 1592 England-12/29/1674 Salem Mass
came to America on ‘Zouch Phenix’ 1624, Freeman 1637, Lived Peabody
Deputy and Husbandman
married: 1620
(5464) Margaret Fryer, daughter of (10929) Thomas Fryer (Frier) and Sibell ??
1597- ?
children: Thomas, George, Richard, John, Joseph
(2731) Samuel Gardner, circa 1625-died 10/1689 m: (2732) Mary White

(5467) John Porter, son of ??
1595 Dorshetshire-1676
settled Hingham Mass in 1635, to Danvers in 1643
married: circa 1620
(5468) Mary? 1600-1683
children: John, Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin, Mary, Johnathan, Sarah
(2733) Israel Porter, 1643-1706 m: (2734) Elizabeth Hawthorne

(5469)Major William Hathorne, son of (10939) William Hathorne and Sarah??
Binfield, County Berks England 1606-1681 Mass
Freeman 1634
married: 1633
(5470)Anna Smith, daughter of ??
1616-past 1681
children: Sarah, Eleazer, Nathaniel, John, Anna, William
(2734) Elizabeth Hawthorne, 1649-past 1706 m: (2733) Israel Porter

(5487)Edmund Littlefield,
son of (10975) Francis Littlefield and (10976)Mary Annis Wiggs?
Titchfield, Co Harts,England27 June 1592-December 1661 Wells, Maine
emigrated to America on ship ‘Bevis’ from Southhampton May 1638
camed to Wells Maine 1642. Owned Sawmill, Grist Mill in Wells
married: 16 October 1614 Titchfield, England
(5488)Anne (Agnes) Austin,
daughter of (10977)Richard Austin (Asten) and Ann(Agnes)?? 1597-April 1678
children: Anne, Edmund, Francis, Anthony, Elizabeth, Mary, Thomas
(2743) John Littlefield 1624- 1696 m: (2744) Mary Meere

(5489) Robert Meere, son of ??
married: circa 1625
(5490) Elizabeth? 1607-?
(2744) Mary Mere, 1630-1674 m: (2743) John Littlefield

(5491) John Masters , son of (10983) John Masters and (10984)Kathyrn Gilberte
(5492) Jane ??
children: Sarah, Lidya, Abraham, Elizabeth
(2745) Nathaniel Masters, 1630-1690 m: (2746) Ruth Pickworth,

(5493) John Pickworth, son of??
married: 1634 In Salem by 1637
(5494)Hannah Weeks (Wickes), daughter of (10989)Thomas Wickes and Alice???
children: Hanna, Johm, Joseph, Rachell, Benjamin, Sarah, Abigail
(2746) Ruth Pickworth,1640-1716 m:(2745) Nathaniel Masters

(5495) Augustine Storer, son of (10991)Thomas Storer and ??
Bilsby , Lincoln, England 1600-?
settled Boston 1635, to Exeter NH and hence to Wells, Maine
married: 21 November 1623
(5496) Susannah Hutchinson, daughter of (10993)Edward Hutchinson and Susan??
(2747) William Storer1620-1658 m: (2748) Sarah Starbuck

(5497) Edward Starbuck, son of (10995) Edward Starbuck Sr. and ??
1605 Derbyshire-March 1700 Nantucket
In Dover by 1640, in Nantucket by1659
married: 1630 Derbyshire England
(5498)Katherine Reynolds , daughter of ??
1610 Wales-1680 Nantucket
chilren: Nathaniel, Abigail,Esther, Dorcus, Jethro, Shuah
(2748) Sarah Starbuck, 1620- 1710 m: (2747) William Storer
(3615) Nathaniel Starbuck,1635-1719 m:(3616)Mary Coffin
(3618)Dorcas Starbuck 1638-1696 m:(3617)William Gayer,

(5499) Peter Hill , son of ??
1610- August1667
Sailor and Fisherman Emigrated 1631 to Saco Maine in 1653
married: circa 1632
(5500) Mary?? 1615-?
(2749) Roger Hill, 1635-1693 m: (2750) Mary Cross

(5501) John Cross, son of ??
1620-16 October 1676 killed by Indians
From Dover to Wells 1647 Constable and Juryman
married: 1639
(5502) Joan Backler,
daughter of (11005)Richard and (11006)Anna Backler of Dedham, England
children: John, Joseph, Rebecca
(2750) Mary Cross, 1640-1696 m: (2749) Roger Hill
(5541) John Webster, son of ???
Ipswitch, Suffolk,England 1595-1646 Ipswitch, Essex, Mass.
married: circa 1624 England
(5542)Mary Shatswell, daughter of (11085)John Shatswell and Judith
1600-1678 Ipswitch, Essex, Mass
children: Stephen, Hannah, Abigail, Sarah, Israel, John,Nathan
(2770) Mary Webster,1630-1713 m:(2769) John Emery Jr

(5543) Henry Smith,
son of (11087) Erasmus(Ambrose) Smith and (11088)Margaret Cecil
1588 Suffolk- August 9,1648 HArtford,CT
married: 1636 Hartford, Ct
(5544)Dorothy Cotton, daughter of Richard Cotton and Mary Mainwaring
England 1603-1694 Hampshire
children: Dorothy, Joanna, Noah, Elizabeth
(2771) Samuel Smith, 1638-1703 m:(2772)Mary Ensign,

(5545) James Ensign, son of (11091) Thomas Ensign and ??
1607 Kent,England-1670 Hartford, CT
married: 1634
(5546)Sarah Elson, daughter of (11093) Abraham Elson and Rebecca?
1611 England-1676 Hartford,Ct
children:Lydia, Sarah, David, Hannah
(2772)Mary Ensign, 1636-1703 m:(2771) Samuel Smith,

(5631)Robert Lanning, son of (11263)JohnLennen Laning and Elizabeth??
Before 1667 Wales/England-?
married: circa 1700
(5632)xx Hart 1680-?
(2815) Robert Lanning, 1702-after 1749 m: (2816)Martha Hart,

(5633)Ralph Hart , son of ??
1680 Newton, Long Island- 30 July 1749 Trenton, NJ
married: circa 1700
(5634)Sarah ??
children: Elizabeth, Mercy, Ralph, Benjamin, Samuel, Abigail, Sarah, Josiah, Mary
(2816)Martha Hart, 1702 Hopewell, NJ-? m: (2815) Robert Lanning,

(5663)Max Groff , son of (11327) Jakob Graff and (11328) Ann Sporri
and ?? Spouse Unknown
(2831)George Graff (Grof)(Graff)(Graf), m: (2832) Magdalena ??

(5671) Benedict Brechbuhl, son of
1635-? Switzerland
married: circa 1660
(5672)Magdelena Anna Muller, daughter of
(2835)Rev Benedictus Breckbuhl 1665 -1719 m:(2836)Verena Meister,
(5675)Hans Herr, son of (11351)Hans Herr and ??
17 September 1639 Baden, Switzerland-1725 Lancaster PA
married: circa 1660 Baden, PA
(5677)Elizabeth Kendig, daughter of (11353) John Kendig and (11354) Jane Mylin
1 May 1639 Switzerland- 9 June 1730 Lancaster, PA
(2837) John Herr, 1685- 1756 m: (2838) Frances Brackbill,

(5677)Rev. Benedict Brackbill, son of (11355)Brechbuehl of Baden, Switzerland
1665 Baden, Switzerland- 27 April 1720 Lancaster, PA
Spouse Unknown
1679 Switzerland- before 789
(2838) Frances Brackbill, 1685 -1756 m:(2837) John Herr,

(5695) William Matthews , son of ??
1650-1684 New Haven,CT
married: circa 1673
Spouse Unknown 1655-?
children: Elizabeth, Thomas, William
(2847) Caleb Matthews, 1675-1755 m: (2848) Elizabeth Hotchkiss

(5697)Daniel Hotchkiss,
son of (11395)Samuel Hotchkiss and (11396)Elizabeth Cleverly 8 June 1657-10 March 1712 CT
married: 22 June 1683 CT
(5698)Esther Sperry,daughter of(11397)Richard Sperry and(11398)Dennise Goodyear
September 1654-? CT
children: Daniel, Esther, Rebecca, Jemina
(2848)Elizabeth Hotchkiss, 1684- 1736 m: (2847) Caleb Matthews
(2849) Obadiah Hotchkiss 1690-? m: (2850) Eunice Beach

(5701) Benjamin Beach, son of (11403)John Beach and (11404)Mary Staples
3 March 1673/4-?
married: 1694 New Haven,CT
(5702)Mary Hitchcock,
daughter of (11405)John Hitchcock and (11406)Abigail Merriman 10 December 1676-?
children: Peter, Benjamin, Mary, Noah, Abner, Lydia
(2850)Eunice Beach, 1698-? m:(2849) Obadiah Hotchkiss,

(5703) Simon Tuttle, son of (11407)William Tuttle and (11408)Elizabeth Matthews
28 March 1647-16 April 1719
married: 1678
(5704)Abigail Beach, daughter of (11403)John Beach and (11404)Mary Staples
(2851) Timothy Tuttle, 1682-1756 m: (2852) Thankful Doolittle
(2868) Abigail Tuttle m: (2867) Isaac Curtis

(5705) John Doolittle, son of (11411) Abraham Doolittle and (11412)Joan Allen
14 June 1655-?
married: 13 February 1682
(5706)mary Peck, daughter of (11413)John Peck and (11414) Mary Moss
4 March 1665-1 September 1710
children: Esther, Samuel, Benjamin, Thomas
(2852) Thankful Doolittle, 1690-1728 m: (2851) Timothy Tuttle

(5707) John Allis, son of (11415) William Allis and Mary?
born March 5, 1641 died: January 1690
married: December 14, 1669
(5708) Mary (meakins) Clark, daughter of (11417) Thomas Meekins and Sarah?
children: Nathaniel, Ichabod
(2853) William Allis 1685-? m: (2854) Elizabeth Davis

(5709) Samuel Davis, son of (11419)William Davis and ??
married: circa 1685
(5710)Hannah Edwards,
daughter of (11421) Alexander Edwards and (11422)Sarah Baldwin
(2854) Elizabeth Davis, 1690-? M: (2853) William Allis

(5727)Samuel Pond,son of (11455)Samuel Pond and (11456)Sarah Ware
11/4/164 Windsor, CT--1715 New Haven,CT
married: 2/3/1669 CT
(5728)Miriam Blakely (Blatchly) (Blatchley),
daughter of (11457) Thomas Blatchley and (11458)Susanna Ball 3/2/1652-? CT
children: Nathanial, Abigail, Josiah, Lois, Moses, Miriam, Mindwell
(2863) Samuel Pond, 1679-? m: (2864) Abigail Goodrich

(5729)John Goodridge , son of (11459) John Goodrich and (11460) Elizabeth Edwards
1653 CT-1730 CT
married: 1677
(5730)Mary Bartholomew,
daughterof (11461)William Bartholomew and (11462)Mary Johnson 10/26/1668 Rowley Mass- 1696 CT CT
children: Mary, Elizabeth, Bartholomew, Joanna, William,
(2864) Abigail Goodrich,1685-? m: (2863) Samuel Ponde

(5731) Sgt. John Frisbee,
son of (11463)Edward Frisbee and (11464)Hannah Culpepper
17 July 1650-3/1694 CT
married: 2 December 1674
(5732)Ruth Bowers, daughter of (11465)John Bowers and (11466)Rebecca Gregson
20 December 1657- 26 April 1736 CT
children: John
(2865)Edward Frisbee, 1677- 1741 m: (2866) Martha Pardee

(5733) George Pardee, son of (11467)George Pardee and (11468)martha Miles
15 January 1655- 22 November 1723
married: 10 February 1675
(5734) Mercy Ball, daughter of (11469)Alling Ball and (11470)Dorothy Fugill
1654- 13 August 1675
children: Mercy, Eliphalet, John
(2866)Martha Pardee, 1680-? m: (2865) Edward Frisbee

(5735) Isaac Curtis, son of (11471)Richard Curtis and (11472)Elizabeth ??
Dorchester, Mass 17 June 1658-15 July 1712 CT
married: 11 August 1682
(5736)Sarah Foote, daughter of (11473)Robert Foote and (11474)Sarah Porter
12 Feb 1661-?
(2867) Isaac Curtis, 1683-? m: (2868) Abigail Tuttle

(5739) Andrew Ward, son of (11479)Andrew Ward and (11480)Hester Sherman
married: 1675
(5740) Tryal Meigs, daughter of (11481)John Meigs and (11482)Tamazine Fry
(2869) William Ward, 1678-1768 m: (2870) Lettice Beach

(5741) John Beach, son of (11483)John Beach and (11484)Sarah Platt
19 October 1655-1709 Milford CT
married: December 1678 CT
(5742)MaryRoyce, daughter of (11485)Johnathan Royce and (11486)Mary Spinning
(2870) Lettice Beach, 1679 -? m: (2869) William Ward

(5743)Thomas Kinne, son of (11487)Henry Kinne and (11488)Ann Putname
11 March 1655 Salem, Essex, Mass-1 June 1687 Salem, Mass
married: 23 May 1677 Salem, Essex, Mass
(5744)Elizabeth Knight, daughter of (11489)John Knight and (11490)Hannah Lamb
7 April 1658 Salem, Mass-6 February 1694 Salem, Mass
(2871)Thomas Kuine 1678-1756 m: (2872)Martha Cox,
(5745) Moses Cox, son of ?? and ??
18 July 1630 Hampton, England- 28 May 1687 Hampton, Rock Co, NH
married: 16 June 1658
(5746) Prudence Marston, daughter of (11493)William Marston (11494)Sarah Goody
1622 ORMESBY, NORFOLK, ENGLAND- 1657 Norfolk, NH
(2872)Martha Cox, circa 1681- 1747 m: (2871)Thomas Kuine,

(5747)Josiah Reed, son of (11495) William Read and (11496)Susannah Hayne
1643 Norwich, CT-3 July 1717
married: November 1666, Marshfield, CT
(5748)Grace Holloway (Halloway?), daughter of (11497)William Holloway and Grace
1648 Norwich, CT- 27 May 1727 Norwich, CT
(2873)Joseph Read, 1681 - 1753 m: (2874)Mercy Guppie,

(5749) John Guppie, son of ??
1648 Marshfield, MAss-?
(5750)Elizabeth? daughter of ?? 1650-?
(2874)Mercy Guppie born circa 1680 -1727 m:(2873)Joseph Read

(5751)Gershom Palmer, son of (11503)Walter Palmer and (11504)Rebecca Short
16 June 1644 Mass- 27 September 1718 CT
married: 28 November 1667 Stonington, CT
(5752) Ann Denison, daughter of (11505)George Dennison and (11506)Ann Borodell
20 May 1649 CT-17 November 1706 New London, CT
(2875) George Palmer 1681- 1728 m: (2876)Hannah Palmer,

(5753)Joseph Palmer, son of (11507)Nehemiah Palmer and (11508)Hannan Stanton
3 October 1663 CT- 31 January 1710 CT
married: 12 November 1687 Stonington, CT
(5754)Frances Prentice,
daughter of (11509)Thomas Prentice JR and (11510)Rebecca Jackson
1667 Newton MAss-?
(2876)Hannah Palmer, 1694 -1727 m:(2875) George Palmer,

(5755)James York Jr, son of (11511)James York Sr and (11512)Joannah?
14 June 1648 Braintree, Mass- 26 October 1676 CT
married: 19 January 1669 Stonington, CT
(5756)Deborah Bell, daughter of (11513) Thomas Bell and (11514) Ann??
29 November 1650 Suffolk Mass- 1685
(2877) Thomas York, 1676 -1683 m:(2878) Mary Brown,

(5757)Thomas Brown, son of (11515) Thomas Brown and (11516)Mary Newhall
1 January 1654 Lynn-27 December 1723
married: 8 February 1677
(5758)Hannah Collins, daughter of (11517) Henry Collins and ?
1 February 1660 Lynn, Essex, Mass- 27 December 1723 CT
(2878) Mary Brown, 1683-after 1725 m:(2877) Thomas York,

(5867) Jorg Kundig, son of Peter Kundig
1598- 1650 Auslikon, Pfaff
marrried: circa 1620
(5868)Barbel Huffeliberg, daughter of
(2933) Hans Jagil Kundig, s1636 - 1700 m:(2834)Elsbeth meili,
children: Hans Heinrich, Barbel, Heinrich

(5869) Martin Meyli, son of (11739) Hans Meili and (11740) Elsbeth Hochstrasser
1607 Birmensdorf Pr, Switzerland-1668
married: 1635
(5870) Anna Bar, daughter of (11741) Osli Bar and (11742) Barbara Biderman
November 29, 1618 hausen Switzerland-1668
(2834)Elsbeth meili, 1636- m:(2933) Hans Jagil Kundig,
children: Berena, Jacob

(6079) Michael (Mighill) Hopkinson, son of ??
born circa 1610 Lincoln, England- February 28, 1648 Rowley, MAss
emigrated on ‘Lion” in 1631, to Boston, then Rowley Massachusetts 1639
married: 1639
(6080)Ann Gott, daughter of ??
born1615- died July 23, 1678 Rowley, Mass
children: Johnathan, Jeremiah, Caleb
(3039) John Hopkinson, 1646 -1707 m: (3040) Elizabeth Pearson

(6081)John Pearson (Pierson), son of ??
married: circa 1643
(6082) Dorcas? 1620-?
(3040) Elizabeth Pearson, 1646-? m: (3039) John Hopkinson

(6083) David Wheeler, son of (12167) John Wheeler and Ann ??
married: circa 1638
(6084)Sarah Wise, daughter of ??
(3041) Johnathan Wheeler 1640-? m: (3042) Mary ?

(6087) Joseph Borebancke (Burbank), son of (12175)John Burbank and Ann?
1635 emigrated on ship ‘Abigail’ from London to Boston, to Rowley mass 1638
married: about 1638
(6088)Joane Jordan (Jorden), daughter of ?
(3043) Caleb Burbanke, 1648-? m: (3044) Martha Smith

(6089) Hugh Smith, son of ??
married: circa 1645
(6090) Mary?? 1625-?
(3044) Martha Smith,1650-? m: (3043) Caleb Burbanke

(6091) William Acy (Acye), son of (12183) William Acy and (12184)Joane Skales
1600 Yorkshire England-September 30, 1690 ROwley, Mass
married: circa 1620 Yorkshire, England
(6092) Margaret Haiton, daughter of ??
1600 England-February 16, 1644 Rowley, Mass
children: Elizabeth, Ruth, Mary, Thomas, Abigail
(3045) John Acy, 1638-? m: (3046) Hannah Green

(6093)Thomas Green, son of (12187)John Greene and (12188)Elizabeth Bowles
1606- 19 December 1667
married: circa 1645
(6094) Elizabeth?? 1625-?
(3046) Hannah Green, 1660-? m: (3045) John Acy

(6095) Roger Williams, son of (12191)James Williams and (12192)Alice Pemberton
England 1604-1683 Providence, Rhode Island
emigrated on ship ‘Lion’ from Bristol to Boston 1631,
1635 banished from Massachusetts and founded Providence, RI
married: 1632
(6096)Mary Barnard (Bernard) , daughter of (12193)Richard Barnard and ??
born circa 1610-died 1676 Rhode Island
children: Mary, Freeborn, Providence, Mercy, Joseph
(3047) Daniel Williams,1641- 1712 m: (3048) Rebecca Rhodes

(6097) Zachariah Rhodes, son of ??
Sommerset England 1603-October 11 1665 Providence Rhode Island
married: March 7 1646 Newport, Rhode Island
(6098) Joanna Arnold, daughter of(12197)William Arnold and(12198)Christian Peake
Sommerset,England2/27/1617- Feb 11, 1692 Providence, Rhode Island
children: Jeremiah, Malachi, Zacharaiah, Elizabeth, Mary, John
(3048) Rebecca Rhodes, 1660-1727 m: (3047) Daniel Williams

(6099)William Carpenter, son of (12199) Richard Carpenter and ??
Somerset England 1611-September 7,1685 Rhode Island
married Cheselbourne, Dorsetshire, England, November 23,1635
(6100)Elizabeth Arnold,daughter of(12197)William Arnold and(12198)Christian Peake
Amesbury, Wilts,England 1611-1683 Providence, Rhode Island
children: Joseph, Lydia, Ephraim, Priscilla, Benjamin, Silas
(3049)Timothy Carpenter, 1660- 1726 m: (3050) Hannah Burton
William Carpenter came to MASS. byway of the port of Dartmouth in Devonshire, sailing probably with his wife's father,William Arnold, May 1, 1636, and arriving at Hingham, June 24, 1636. He reached Providence, RI, April 20, 1637. Willliam Carpenter was one of the founders of "The First Babtist Church in america,' constituted at Providence between Aug. 3, 1638 and march 16, 1639. He was elected to the General Court on march 10, 1658, and re-elected for the following five years. From 1665 to 1672 he was assistant, and in 1679, deputy. He suffered severaly during King
Philip's War, when a band of three hundred Indians on Jan. 27, 1676, despoiled him of two hundred sheep, fifty head of cattle, fifteen horses, and woulded (or killed) two members of his household.

(6101) William Burton, son of ??
England 1630-1714 Rhode Island
married; 1652 Rhode Island
(6102) Hannah Wickes, daughter of (12205) John Wickes and Mary ??
1634-before 1701 Rhode Island
children: Elizabeth, Rose, Etholannah, Susannah, John
(3050)HannahBurton, 1660- before 1726 m: (3049) Timothy Carpenter
(6103)John Sheldon, son of William Sheldon and Elizabeth Foote or Petre
married: circa 1628
(6104)Sara? 1610-?
(3051) John Sheldon, 1630-1708 m: (3052) Joan Vincent

(6105) Timothy Vincent, son of ??
married: circa 1635
(6106)Fridgeworth Carpenter,daughter of (12213)Richard Carpenter and ??
(3052) Joan Vincent, 1640-? m: (3051) John Sheldon

(6107)Pardon Tillinghast, son of (12115)John Tillinghast and (12116)Alice Pardon
married: circa 1620
(6108)Sarah Browne,
daughter of (12117)Benjamin Browne and (12118)Sarah Leachford 1600-?
(3053) Pardon Tillinghast,1622-1718 m: (3054) Lydia Taber

(6109)Phillip Taber (Tabor), son of (12219)James Tabor and ??
Emigrated From County Essex, England in 1630 to Watertown Mass. in 1634
to Portsmouth New Hampshire 1634 to Providence Rhode Island 1669
married: 1635
(6110)Lydia Masters, daughter of (12221) John Masters and Jane ??
children: John, Joseph, Phillip, and Thomas
(3054) Lydia Taber 1645-? m: (3053) Pardon Tillinghast

(6151) George Truitt , son of ??
married: circa 1620
(6152)Frances ??
(3075) George Truitt, 1620- 1670 m: (3076) Alice Watson,

(6153) John Watson, son of ??
married: circa 1623
(6154) Francis Graves,
daughter of (12309)Captain Thomas Graves and (12310)Katharine Cooshaw
(3076) Alice Watson, 1624-1663 m:(3075) George Truitt,

(6171) Gorius Ottiker (Gregorious Ottinger),
son of (12343) Thomas Ottinger and (12344) Verena Weiss
October 11, 1635 Affoltern, Switzerland -April 1690 Elsenz, Germany
Married 1655 Elsenz Germany
(6172)Leanora ??
circa 1635- 1700
(3135) Hans Ottinger, 1672 - circa 1750 m:(3136) Dorothea ?

(6263) Tobias Mauck, son of ??
married: circa 1693
Spouse Unknown 1675-?
(3131) John George Mauck, 1695-? m: (3132) Maria?

(6279)Johan Martin Biebel, son of ??
married: circa 1692
(6280)Catharine?? 1674-?
(3139)Johan Heinrich Biebel , 1693 m: (3140)Anna Marie Odenwalder

(6307)Michael Rhyne, son of ??
1660 Palatine, Germany-1712 Germany
married: 1683 Germany
(6308)Hazel Schwartz, daughter of ??
(3153) Jacob Rein (Rhyne), 1700-1765 m:(3154)Elizabeth Clodfelter,

(6309)Felix Glattfelter (Glattfelder),
son of (12619)Felix Glattfelder and (12620)Barbara Glattfelder
7 March 1669 Switzerland- 23 August 1724 Switzerland
married: 22 january 1695
(6310)Salome Amberg, daughter of ??
1676 Switzerland- 1743
(3154)Elizabeth Clodfelter, 1703-1787 m:(3153) Jacob Rhyne

(6323)Hans Heinrich Zirkle,
son of (12627)Johnan Lafenius Zirkle and (12628) Katharine Hirtzel
married: circa 1702
(6324)Euphrosina Resin, daughter of ??
(3161) Ludwig Zirkle, 1705-? m: (3162)Marie Eva?

(6327)Johan Abraham Rausch,
son of (12655) Johann Wilhelm Rausch and (12656) Anna. Heiner (Hammerin)
married: circa 1675
(6328)Anne Faber, daughter of (12657)Johann Nicoloi Faber and ??
(3163) John Nicholas Rausch, 1680-? m: (3164) A. Jost

(6367)Jacob SCHAEFFER,
son of (12735)Conrad SCHAEFFER and (12736) Elisabetha SCHLAUCH.
August 02, 1657, Kusterdingen, Tubinge, Wurtemburg, Germany died after 1717
married June 13, 1683 in , Germany.
(6368)Anna MUECK,daughter of (12737)Hans Jerg MUCK.
born Abt. 1657 in Solmfeld, By Strassburg, Germany-?
(3183) Jacob SCHAEFFER, 1693-? Spouse Unknown
Johann Georg SCHAEFFER, died Abt. 1733 in Dutchess, New York; married
Anna Maria MATTHES October 28, 1714 in West Camp, Queensbury, NY  
Johann Conradus SCHAEFFER, died May 10, 1695 in Kusterdingen, , Germany.
Anna Barbara SCHAEFFER. March 11, 1686/87, Kusterdingen, , Germany
Anna Maria SCHAEFFER, died March 14, 1694/95 in Kusterdingen, , Germany.
Anna SCHAEFFER, born Abt. 1696.  
Johann Adam SCHAEFFER, born Abt. 1698 in , Germany.
Johann Michael SCHAEFFER, born Abt. 1700.
Johann Jacob SCHAEFFER, born October 20, 1704 in Spranthal, , Germany.
Henrich SCHAEFFER, born Abt. 1706.
Caspar SCHAEFFER, born April 13, 1709 in Sprantal, , Germany.
The town of origin for this Schaeffer family was Kusterdingen (3 km e of Tubingen). Jacob is described as citizen and Gerichtsverwandten of the town when he was married. Jacob later moved to Sprantal (3 km s. of Bretten). At the marriage of his daughter Anna Barbara to Johannes Ottle at Sprantal 24 Jan 1708, Jacob Schafer was called former a citizen atKusterdingen in Tubinger Ambts. There were several of that name in Holland in 1709: 1) Jacob Schofer, his wife and 8 ch, were on Capt Leonard Allan's ship in the 5th party of Palatines; 2) Jacob Scheffer, his wife, and 4 ch were recorded next to Jorg Scheffer, his wife, and 2 ch on Capt Jno Untank's ship in the 5th party of Palatines; and 3) Hans Jacob Scheefer, his wifed, and 4 ch were documented in the 6th party of emigrants at Rotterdam (all Rotterdam Lists). Jacob made his initial appearance on the Hunter Lists 30 June 1710 with 2 pers over 10 yrs and 1 pers under 10 yrs. Aug 1710, 4 over 10 yrs on 24 Jun 1711 1 over 10 and 2 under 10 yrs on 29 Sep 1711, 1 over 10 yrs of age on 24 Dec 1711, and 1 over 10 and 1 under 10 yrs on 25 Mar 1712. As the household often was recorded next to Michael Schurtz, perhaps these erratic entries on the subsistence rolls may be explained by the
possibility that some of the notations refer to Jacob Schaffer (son of Jacob). It appears that Jacob Schaffer md a 2nd time, as Elizabetha Schafferin, a Widow with 3 ch.

(6371)Diebold Hickel, son of (12743)Martin Hickel and (12744)Agnes Simon
17 August 1650 Kurtzenhausen- ?
married: 1690 Kurtzenhausen
(6372)Anna Ris, daughter of ??
1670 Hoerdt, Bas Rhineland-?
(3185)Hans Hickel, 1691-1739 m: (3186)Catharina Gradwohl,

(6373)Georg Grathwohl, son of (12747)Martin Grathwohl and(12748)Catharina Krauth
9 April 1665 Hoerdt, Bas Rhineland- ?
married: 12 february 1692
(6375)Catharina Arlen, daughter of ??
12 January 1657 Hoerdt, Bas Rhineland-?
(3186)Catharina Gradwohl 1693-? m: (3185)Hans Hickel,

(6407) Hans Groh, son of (12815)Martin Kroh and (12816)Margarethe ??
1648 Saxony, Germany- 1732 Saxony
married: 1677 Saxony
(6408)Margaretha Doelling,
daughter of (12817)Thomas Doelling and (12818)Catharina Gahn
1658 Saxony- 1690
children: Anna Maria, Rosina, Elisabeth, Maria
(3203) Hans Groh, 1680-? Spouse unknown

(7233) Tristram Coffin, son of (14467)Peter Coffin and (14468)Johanna Thember
3/11/1608 Devonshire- 10/2/1681 Nantucket
married: 1630 Devonshire
(7234)Dionis Stevens, daughter of (14469) Robert Stevens and Dionis?
1613 Devonshire- 1675 Nantucket
(3616)Mary Coffin, 1643 -1713 m: (3615) Nathaniel Starbuck
(3627)Stephen Coffin 1652-1734 m: (3628) Mary Bunker
The Coffin/Coffyn family descends from Sir Richard Coffyn, knight to William the Conqueor of Portledge, Devon, England.

(7235)Humphrey Gayer, son of (14471)John Gayer and (14472)Margaret Trelawney
married: circa 1640
(7236)Jane Spark of Plymouth England, daughter of ??
(3617)William Gayer, 1644 - 1710 m: (3618)Dorcas Starbuck

(7241) Richard Kimball, son of (14483) Henry Kimball and (13384) Johanna
1595 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England- June 22, 1675 Ipswitch, Essex, Mass.
Richard Kimball came to this country in the ship "Elizabeth", in 1634.
married: October 23, 1615 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England
(7242) Ursula Scott, daughter of (14484) Henry Scott and (14485) Martha Whatlcok
February 15, 1597 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England-March 1, 1675 Ipswitch, Essex, Mass.
children: Henry, Abigail, Elizabeth, Richard, Mary Martha, John, Thomas, Ben, Caleb
(3620)Sarah Kimball 1635- 1690 m: (3619)Edward Allen,

(7243)Thomas Coleman, son of ??
England 1602-1685 Nantucket, Mass
married: circa 1635 England
(7244)Susanna ?? England 1615-17 November 1650 Mass.
children: John, Tobias, Benjamin, Isaac, Joanna
(3621)Joseph Coleman,1642-1696 m: (3622)Ann Bunker,

(7245)George Bunker,
son of (14491) Willilam (Guilluame) B. Bunker (BonCoeur)and Joanne?
1620 Ipswitch- 1658 Essex Mas
married: May 5, 1644 Moulton, England
(7246)ElizabethJane Godfrey, daughter of Thomas Godfrey and Elizabeth Mead
1620 England-1662 Nantucket
children: William, Elizabeth, Martha
(3628)MaryBunker 1652-1724 m:(3627)Stephen Coffin ,
(3622)Ann Bunker 1654-1700 m: (3621) Joseph Coleman

George Bunker, was the son of William de BonCoeur, a French Huguenot who had fled toEngland. George came in 1634 to Ipswich, MA, and was one of the original settlers of Topsfield, MA. Hedrowned there in 1658 leaving his widow Jane Godfrey and 5 young children.

(7247) John Thurston, son of ??
January 13, 1600 Suffolk England-November 1, 1685 Medfield Mass
married: circa 1630 England
(7248) Margaret Buck, daughter of??
1605- March 9, 1661
children: Thomas, Joseph, Deborah, Benjamin, Daniel, Mary, Judith, Hannah
(3623) John Thurston 1635-1711 m: (3624)Mary Wood,

(7263)John Mills, son of ??
1640 Oldham England-?
married: 4/16/1662 Oldham, Lancs, England
(7264)Mary Kenion, daughter of ??
November 20, 1642 Middleton, England-?
(3631)John Mills,1660 - 1703 m: (3632) Sarah Harrold

(7265) Richard Harrold, son of ??
married: circa 1648
Unknown 1630-?
(3632)Sarah Harrold,1662-1759 m: (3631) John Mills
(3635)Richard Harrold, 1650-? Spouse Unknown

(7275) William Beals, son of ??
1625-died in Pennsylvania
married: 1655
(7276)Sarah Edge, daughter of (14553) George Edge
(3637)John Beals, 1656 - 1726 m: (3638) Mary Jane Clayton

(7277)William Clayton, son of (14555)Thomas Clayton and (14556)Mary Thompson
Sussex England 1635-August 1689 Chester Co, PA
married: November 7, 1653 Chichester, England
(7278)Prudence Lanckford, daughter of (14557)William Lanckford of Hampshire,Eng.
1631 MiddlesexEngland-1689 Chester Co, PA
children: William, Prudence, Joseph, Honor, Elizabeth, Hannah
(3638)Mary Jane Clayton,1665 - 1725 m: (3637) John Beals

(7285)Robert Wilson, son of (14571) John Wilson and (14572)Katherine
1629 Scotland-1696 North Carolina
married: 1672
(7286)Anne Blount, daughter of (14573)Thomas Blount and (14574)Ann Wilson
1642 England-1702
(3642) Sarah Wilson, 1665 NC-1720 m:(3641) John Belman,

(7423)Robert Stockstill, son of (14847)Lancelot or Edward Stockstill (died 1644?)
1640 England- after 1711.
earliest prescence 1692 in Maryland, Upper Potasco River in Baltimore Co Maryland ;also reported in Somerset CO Maryland
in Nov 1711, made levy free on grounds of being ancient and feeble
The immigrant, Edward Stockdell [wife Agnes] came to Elizabeth City Co., VA
as early as 1623, and was with Capt. John Smith. He later lived on Hungar's
Creek in Accomack Co.,, VA. His son, Edward, was in Baltimore Co., MD where
Jane and Edward had at least two children: William and Edward..
married: circa 1660s
Spouse Unknown
(3711)Edward Stockstill, circa 1665 England-?? m (3712):Jane Boyce

(7427)William Gosnell , son of William Gosnell (1630 VA-MD)
1655-1709 Anne Arundel Co, MD
in Anne Arundel Co as early as 1703
` married: 1675
(7428)Elizabeth ?? 1655-?
(3713) William Gosnell, circa 1675--died 1759 m: Spouse Unknown
children:Peter, Morris (Maurice), Elizabeth, Hannah

(7567)Abraham DuMoulin (Des Moulins), son of ?
1630 Paris- died before 1687, probably in Paris
(7568) Madeleine Clupret (Chupket), daughter of ?
1640 Paris -- after 1706 London
French nobility who were Hugenots
widow and children fled to London circa 1685 after revocation of Edict of Nantes
childlren: Paul, Marie
(3783) Abraham Mullins (Moulins), 1665-1743 m: (3784)Rachel Broret

(7571) Gabriel Maupin, son of ??
Gergeau, Loiret France 1651-1720 Williamsburg, Virginia
married: September 2, 1691 Amsterdam, Netherlands
(7572) Marie Hersent, daughter of (15145) Louis Hersent and (15146) Marie Pillon
Luneray France 9/15/1664- ?
children; Magdelene, Claude, Marie, Gabriel
(3785) Daniel Maupin, 1700- 1788 m: (3786)Margaret Via

(7619) Dielman Kolb, son of ??
1648 Baden, Germany-1713 Mannheim, Baden
married: circa 1675
(7620)J. Schumacher, daughter of (15241)Peter Schumacher and Christina ??
children: Henry, Martin, Peter, Jacob
(3809) Dielman Kolb 1691 --1717 m:(3810) Elizabeth Schnebli
(7679)Jan Joosten Van Meter, son of (15359) Kyrn Van Meter and ??
Gelderland, Holland 1620-1705 New York
Arrioved at New Amsterdam on ship ‘Fox’ Sept 30, 1662
married: 1655
(7680) Macyken Hendricksen,
daughter of (15361) Hendrick Hendricksen and (15362) Lysbeth Voet
1624 Holland- 1706 Kingston NY
children: Catharine, Geertje, Gysbert, Lysabeth
(3839) Jooste Jan Van Meter, 1656-1706 m: (3840) Sarah Dubois
He arrived in New Amsterdam in September 1662, with his wife and five children, ranging in age from 2-1/2 to 15 years. Jan Joosten came from Thielerwaardt, a fortified town in Gelderland, Holland; and his wife was a Meppelen, in the Province of Dreuth, Holland, where they were married and their children were born. Jan Joosten with his family settled in Wyltwick, now Kingston in the summer of 1662. On June 7, 1663 the
minnisink Indians made an attack on the village, raiding and burning the settlement and carrying away women and children in captivity. Among them were Jan's wife and two of his children, Jooste Jans being one of them.

(7681)Louis Dubois, son of (15363) Christian Dubois and (15364)Jeanne Brunel
1635- June 23, 1696 Kingston, Ulster CO , NY
married: October 10, 1655 Mannheim, Baden, Germany
(7682)Catharine Blanchan,
daughter of (15365) Matthew Blanchan and (15366) Magdeline Brissen Joire (Jorisse)
1640-circa 1702 Kingston, NY
children: Louis, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Rebecca, Rachel, Matthew
(3840) Sarah DuBois 1662-1726 m: (3839) Joose Jan Van meter

(7687)Joseph Hedges, son of (15375)Charles Hedges and (15376)Eleanor Smith
married: circa 1665
(7688)Katherine Tingley, daughter of ??
(3843)Charles William Hedges 1670-? m:(3844)Mary Caldwell

(7691) John Anderson Stallcup, son of ??
1627 Strangnas, Sodermanland, Sweden- 1679 Delaware
married: circa 1658 Delaware
(7692) Christina Johnson, daughter of (15385) Carl Johnson and ?
1635 Sweden-before 1693 Delaware
children: Anders, Carl, Peter, Mary, Jonas, Christina
(3945) John Stallcup, 1660-? m: (3946) Annika Erickson

(7693) John Erickson, son of ??
1635-1690 Salem Co, NJ
married: circa 1660
(7694) Magdalena? 1640-?
children: Walborg , Brita, Catherine
(3946) Annika Erickson 1665-? m: (3945) John Stallcup,

(7751)Nicholas Pyle, son of (15503)John Pyle and (15504)Mary Withers
married: circa 1662
(7752)Edith Mospratt, daughter of (15505)Thomas Mospratt and (15505)Edith Byffin
(3875)Robert Pyle, 1665-? m: (3876)Ana Stovey,

(7761)Thomas Briggs, son of (15523)John Briggs and (15524)Sarah Connell
married: circa 1665
(7762)Mary Fisher, daughter of (15525)Edward Fisher and Judith
(3880) Mary Briggs,1671-1708 m: (3879) John Akin,

(7767)Valentine Huddleston, son of ? Huddleston and ?
1628 England- 8 June 1727 New Bedford, Bristol, MAss
married: circa 1665
(7768)Katherine Chatham, daughter of ? Chatham and ?
circa 1642 London England-?
(3883)George Huddleston, 1677-? m: (3884)Mercy Case,

(7769)James Case, son of (15539)William Case and (15540)Mary White
1645 Little Compton, RI- after 1689
married: 1665 Rhode Island
(7770)Hannah Anna?
born circa 1664 Rhode Island
(3884)Mercy Case, 1679 -? m: (3883)George Huddleston

(7771)Thomas Tolman, son of (15543)Thomas Tolman and Sarah
1633 Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass- 12 September 1718 Suffolk Mass
married: 4 November 1664 Lynn, Essex, Mass
(7772)Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of (15545)Richard Johnson and Alice?
born 1638- 15 December 1725 Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass
(3885)Samuel Tolman 1676- 1738 m:(3886)Experience Clapp,

(7773)Desire Clapp, son of (15547)Roger Clapp and (15548)Joan Ford
17 October 1652 Northampton, Mass- November 1717 Suffolk Mass
married: 1669
(7774)Sarah Pond, daughter of (15549)Robert Pond and (15550)Mary Ball
1653 Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass- 4 january 1716 Suffolk, Mass
(3886)Experience Clapp, 1683- 1726 m:(3885)Samuel Tolman,

(7791) Lt. Col Francis Eppes I ,
son of (15583) John Eps (EPES) III and (15584) Thomasina Banks Fisher
born Bef. 14 May 1597 in Kent County, Ashford, England; died Sep 1674 in Shirley's
Hundred Island, Charles City Co, VA
married: circa 1623 England
(7792) Marie Pawlett, daughter of ?
born 1586-1600 in England; died Bef. Jan 1643/44 in VA.
children: John,Thomas , Marie
(3895) Francis Eppes II, 1628-1678 m: (3896) Elizabeth Littlebury
Francis Came to Virginia before 1625 on the ship Hopewell, which name he gave to his plantation on the south bank of the James River. He brought people (called headrights) for the King of England to Virginia, making six trips back and forth to England. The first people he brought were killed by Indians when he was making his second trip to England. On the third trip he brought his family. Among the headrights he claimed were himself, his three sons, John , Francis, Thomas and 30 servants. Francis had an older brother, Captain William Epes, who came to America in 1618 on the ship "William and Thomas". On August 26, 1635, Captain Francis Epes was granted 1,700 acres on the Appomattox Manor, Hopewell, Virginia.

(7795) William Isham, son of (15587) Euseby Isham and (15588) Anne Borlase.
born Abt. 1587 in Pytchley & Little Harrow, England; died 15 Aug 1625 in
Toddington, Bedfordshire, England.
married:15 Aug 1625 in Toddington, County Bedford, England.
(7796) Mary Brett, daughter of ??
       born Abt. 1604 in England; died Bef. 22 Dec 1682 in England.
(3897)Henry Isham, married (3898)Katherine Banks .

(7903) Hans Leonhardt Traut, son of (15807) Balthassar Traut and ??
married: circa 1658
(7904) Elizabeth Koch, daughter of ?? 1640-?
(3951)Hans Traut 1660-? m: (3952) Margaretha Mock?

(7941) Benjamin Child, son of ??
1630 England- October 14, 1678 Roxbury Mass
married: circa 1655
(7942)Mary? 1635-?
children: Ephraim, Benjamin, Joshua,Elizabaeth, Margaret, John, Mehitable, Joseph
(3970)Mary Child, 1660-? m: (3969)Jacob Chamberlain,

The name Child is derived from "Hildr" of Norse mythology. The name Childe was first used as a title for king. Fron the fifth to the tenth centuries, many of the kings of France prefixed the word Childe to their names; and during this time a large number of the rulers of Europe derived their appelations from the root "Hildr". As the title "Childe" became obsolute, it was generally adopted as a surname by dependents and descendants. For the first two generations in this country it was generally written
"Child"; but later, "Childs" was used more and more frequently.
(7943)Isaac Learned, son of (15887)William Learned and (15888)Judith Gilman
25 February 1622 Bermondsey, England-19 May 1706 Chelmsford, MAss
married: 9 July 1646 Woburn, Middlesex, Mass
(7944)Mary Stearns, daughter of (15889)Isaac Stearns and (15890)Mary Barker
6 January 1625 Naylard, Suffolk, England- 1664 Chelmsford, Mass
children: Mary, Hannah, William, Sarah, Benoni
(3971)Isaac Learned, 1655- 1737 M: (3972)Sarah Bigelow

(7945)John Bigelow, son of (15891)Randall Bigelow and Jane?
15 February 1616 Suffolk, Engalnd-14 July 1703 Watertown, Mass
married: 30 October 1642 Watertown, Middlesex, Mass
(7946) Mary Warren, daughter of (15893)John Warren and (15894)Margaret Clear
12 September 1624 Suffolk, England-16 October 1692 Watertown, Mass
children: John, Johnanthan, Mary, Daniel, Samuel, Joshua
(3972)Sarah Bigelow, 1659-1720 m:(3971)Isaac Learned,

(7951) John Stone, son of (15903) Gregory Stone and (15904) Margaret Garred
1618 Suffolk England- 1683 Cambridge, Mass
married: 1639
(7952) Anne Rodgers, daughter of ??
1615 Suffolk, England-1710 Mass
children: Daniel, David, Sarah
(3975) Nathaniel Stone, 1660-1732 m: (3976)Sarah Waite,

(7975) Richard Crellin, son of (15951)Phillip Crellin and ??
married: circa 1660
(7976)Jony Corris, daughter of ??
children: Margaret, John, Ellen, Thomas
(3987) Phillip Crellin,1662-1738 m:(3988)Jony QUAGGIN(Quackin),

(7977)Thomas QUAGGIN son of (159565)Thomas Quaggin and KAtharine Taylor
married: 1655
(7978)Jane SHIMIN(Corrilt), daughter of ?
children: Ellen, Jane, Eliza, Thomas
(3988)Jony QUAGGIN(Quackin),1666-1736 m:(3987) Phillip Crellin,

(8055)Alexander Colville , son of (16111) James Colville and Margaret
1628 Scotland-1710 Ireland
married: circa 1650
and Spouse Unknown 1630 Scotland-?
(4027)William Colville, 1655-? spouse unknown
(8143)Adolphus Dunkelberger, son of ??
1606 Ohligs, Germany- 25 May 1686 Solingen, Germany
married: circa 1632
(8144) ? Lisgen? 1615-?
(4071) Wilhelm Dunkelberger, 1639-1724 m: (4072) Christina Hartkopf

(8145) Clemensen Hartkopf, son of ??
and ??
(4072) Christina Hartkopf,1647 -1695 m: (4071) Wilhelm Dunkelberger,

(8149) Johann Kirschner, son of (16299) Peter Kirschner and (16300)Anna ??
2 December 1638 Stockhausen, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia--23 April 1713
married: 26 January 1660 Hessen-Nassau
(8150) Anna Elizabeth Ermolt, daughter of (16301)Hans Ermoldt and ??
14 November 1641 Hessen-Nassau--15 March 1683 Prussia
(4074)Anna Kirschner, 1665 -? m:(4073) Peter Godschaulck,