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The Ancestors of Robert and William Herbig

Revision 2: September 23, 1997

Copyright: 1997 Paul Herbig

The Herbig Family of Texas sends this Family Chronicles to you with all our love and in celebration of all our ancestors, their toil and troubles on our behalf, and their sacrifices that we, their descendants, could celebrate a much better life.

If you have additional information on any of the families listed or corrrections to that listed below, please send them to the Clan’s Genealogy Master himself, Paul Herbig, at any of the following addresses:
13818 Shavano Ridge
San Antonio, Texas 78230
phone: 210-408-0807
fax: 210-408-1006

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Generation 1
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Generation 6
Generation 7
Generation 8
Generation 9
Generation 10
Generation 11
Generation 12
Generation 13
Generation 14
Generation 15
Generation 16
Generation 17
Generation 18
Name Index

I am interested in obtaining more information and finding out the ancestry of: Elizabeth Aiken (Akin) (b1744 PA- 1790 KY), wife of Joseph Van Meter
Chloe Bautley, (1755-?), wife of John Holmes, of Virginia and Kentucky
Henry Bayley [Bailey](1660-?) of Virginia
Richard Burdyne (Burdine), 1690- 1761 Culpepper Co, VA and wife Catharine Tanner
Ebenezer Cary, (1725-1780) and wife Hannah Collings
James Coalter, (1710 VA--12/1790 South Carolina) and wife Margaret Hutson
Robert Cochrane, son of James Cochrane, (1690-?) came fromNorthern Ireland in 1718, settled Pennsylvania.
Christian Cummins (Commens), ( Hugenot, arrive Philadelphia 1741), lived Warren Co, New Jersey with wife Catherine
St. Leger (also Ledger) Cowley, (born Dublin Ireland 1745), to US 1761 with wife Mary Reed, died Stamford, Delaware co, NY
Anna Mary Crol (or Krol or Crow or Croll or Kroll or Crull), PA 1780-1850 Ohio and her husband Adam Wininger
Alban Davis (born 1776 Harpersfield NY Delaware Co died 1827)-married Mary Cowley, daughter of St. Leger Cowley
Catharine Folman (1755-?) (Virginia and Tennesee), wife of Christian Bible
Jacob Groff(Grof)(Graf), (2/1715 Holland-past 1788); IN US 1749 wife wife Maria
John Guest, born in Chester or Devon England 1776, to PA, to IN 1820
Mary Guffy (Guffey),(1720-?) wife of James Walker, lived in Rockport Co VA 1740
Leonard Hain, (1770-?) native North Carolinan, came to Clark Co ohio 1801
Charles Harvey,born Ireland 1760, married Mary McDonough in Ireland 1790, to Delaware Co, NY 1800
Robert Henry, 1730 Ireland- to US, and his wife Mary Woodburn
Jacob Herbig, son of Christian Herbeck (Herbick)?, Prussia 1800-1850
Elizabeth Hiney (Heyne), daughter of George Hiney (1785-?) wife of George Michael of Augusta Co VA
David Jolly, in KY by 1775.
Rebecca Kelly (Kelley), 8/20/1787 Lexington Station, KY -- 9/20/1887 Mont Co, Ind
married George Watkins in 1807 in Montgomery Co, Ohio, to IND 1831
John Kelso, (1700 Scotland-?) and wife Mary/Polly, immigrant to Virginia
Elizabeth Kinney,1770-?, wife of Samuel Pond New Haven, CT
Robert Lanning of Warren and Sussex County, New Jersey, immigrant from Wales
Christian Laughner, (Laugenor) (Laufanor) (Lauchner) arrived Phil 1751, to PA
William McCracken (Cracken), Canada/Scotland/Russia 1880-1920
Jacob Mismer (Messimer) (Messemere),(1740-? PA), &wife Catharine Mauck
Moses Morris (1760? Wales-1808 PA) and his wife Martha McCullen.
Mary Norment, (1705-1760; Virginia), wife of Benjamin Dicken(s)
Isaac Orchard, son of John Orchard( born1760 England), KY 1792, died 5/20/1852 Livonia, Indiana)
Clarisse Osborn(e)(Osburn),married Samuel Smith Hopkinson 1820 NY to IN 1836
9/8/1796 Rutland Co, VT-1868 Cass County, Indiana
Eve Rein (Ryan),(1725 Alsace-?) wife of Hans Adam Bible, lived Rockinham Co, VA
John Sayford, and his wife Elizabeth Shaeffer, native Germans, married circa 1800 Roanoke Co, VA, both buried Harrisburg, PA
Mary Seirs (Seas)(Sias), (1740-?) wife of Benjamin Hamrick, Virginia
George Burntface Smith (Schmidt) (Schmithe?), son of Thomas (?),1695-1744 Powhatan, VA
Thomas Stockstill, (born: England 1710 to Maryland; 1770 to Rowan Co, North Carolina, son Zeb went to Tenneesee 1800)
Christopher Terflinger (Tarflinger, Turflinger),1776 Virginia- post 1850 Seneca County, Ohio;moved from Virginia to Ohio circa 1810, and his wife Elizabeth Heckathorn
William Watkins,(1740 Wales- 1780 MD, KY 1793 1821 Ohio)& wife Rachel Mullen
Elizabeth (Wiley)(Wildes) of Virginia, wife of George Stovall Sr. (1700-1760)
Daniel Whaley (Walhay) (Whalay) (Wahley) & wife Mary, Ireland-NY-Ohio 1840-1880
Zeurah (Zeraiah)(Elizabeth?) B. Willson, 1829 Ohio, married William Watkins 1850 in Indiana, died: after 1880
Peter Yarmolinski (Jarmolinsky) and his wife Emma Model, Kiev/Ukraine/East Poland 1850-1910
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