merry christmas

happy holidays

Welcome to my Christmas page. It's not Christmas anymore you say, hmm I'll have to check my calendar. Actually this page was created in December 1997 and I decided to leave it up for now. Hope you don't mind and I know some folks leave their tree up all year , along with the lights on their house, so I don't feel so bad. Anyway hopefully if I don't get too busy I will be able to expand my christmas offerings to include some favorite recipes and maybe some christmas traditions. There's more below!


Visit my holiday page and pick up some graphics that are free for the taking for use on your personal webpage. The background pages have a few christmas backgrounds you might like to use also. This page is intended for fun, so I hope you enjoy your visit. Please come back, oh yeah and have a Merry Christmas too. And if Christmas is over I wish you happiness all year through.

Angel Backgrounds [Page 1] [Page 2]
Abstract Backgrounds [Page 1] [Page 2]
Christmas Backgrounds
Nature Backgrounds [Page 1] [Page 2]
Whimsical Backgrounds
Divider Bars [Page 1] [Page 2] [Page3] [Page4]

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Web Page last updated January 01, 1998

copyright © 1997, 1998 T.J. Bagwell