a quarterly newsletter.
automatic general membership in the National Coalition of Grandparenting, Inc. an umbrella consortium of professionals and grandparent groups and individuals formed to unify grandparents on their search for justice.
personal and confidential support
Grandparents United for Children's Rights Mission Statement, Inc.
We are committed to pursuing recognition of the natural relationship that exists between grandparents and grandchildren. We are comprised of a collectivity of grandparents and professionals who are concerned for children. We firmly believe that the failure of family policy and child care experts to address generational interdependence in family policy discussions is inconsistent with demographic trends and the realities of family and social life. The organization seek to facilitate, links, inform and advocate as a means of promoting understanding between grandparents and the agencies and individuals serving children. We seek to create understanding and cooperation among all participants.
To contact Grandparents United...,write to:
Grandparents United for Children's Rights, Inc.
Executive Director: Ethel Dunn 137 Larkin Street Madison, Wisconsin 53705 Telephone: (608) 238-8751 or (608) 236-0480 Fax: (608) 238-8751