

    Over 4 million children in the United States currently live in a home with one or more grandparent caregivers.  Approximately one-third are cared for solely by their grandparent(s), Either on court order or on an informal basis.

This group of caregivers have a wide array of issues that must be addressed, from comprehension of the system, to medical and psychological matters, financial assistance, and respite care.

    Hundreds of thousands more grandparents and grandchildren are deprived of access to one another, almost always because of conflict between the adult members of the extended family group.  Here, a different set of issues must be addressed: nuclear versus blended families, step versus biological parents and grandparents, termination of parental rights,  and past versus present methods of upbringing.

Grandparents United for Children's Rights, Inc (G.U.C.R.), was formed to assist grandparents and other kin in issue resolution , support services, and information referral and retrieval on nationwide basis.  Some of their services are:

        an information referral and retrieval service to provide support data and state-of -the- art legislative information
        a national directory of grandparent support groups, health and service care providers and support system with names, addresses  and telephone numbers of each group leader.
      a nationwide attorney referral network of lawyers who are knowledgeable in this new area of law and have a history of winning.
     a networking system with such groups as the Child Welfare League of America, Generations United,  The National Committee for the Rights of the Child, Justice for Child, the Children's Defense Fund, AARP, Creative Grandparenting and Hear My Voice, to name a few.
      a 24-hour support service and hotline for advice and information.  We have access to the Internet and utilize its services daily for research.
      a National Corporation with a nonprofit 501C(3) status.